Health benefits of eating ewedu soup
Ewedu soup is the green slimy soup obtained from cooking the ewedu leaves; the English name of this plant is jute mallow with the botanical name Corchorus olitorius. This soup is usually cooked by Yoruba people in Nigeria.

The ewedu soup is mainly eaten with amala and can be combined with local bean soup which is locally known as gbegiri. Most people prefer combining it this way when they want to eat this soup. Apart from ewedu being one of the most important vegetables to the Yoruba people, there are so many health benefits attached to eating this soup.
Find below some of the health benefits attached to eating ewedu soup:
1. For the beautification of the skin
Ewedu leaves contain vitamins that increase the production of collagen in the body. This makes the skin more firm and beautiful. You should take this soup more often in order to have and maintain a beautiful skin.
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