
Monday 19 December 2016



The skincare section provides you with articles on various topics that deal with skin problems and their solutions. These range from seasonal skin problems to common ones likes acne, dull skin, etc. You will find home remedies and natural face packs to get rid of skin woes to articles written by cosmetologists and dermatologists on how to treat a particular skin condition.


Acne or acne vulgaris is a common skin problem usually occurring at puberty. Such pimples or blemishes appear as a red swelling, often on the face, neck or back. Some causes of acne include excess production of testosterone, increase in sebum secretion, factors like dirt, oil, clogged pores and an unhealthy diet.
Treatment & home remedies
Treatment of acne includes lifestyle changes to incorporate a healthy diet, good sleep, less alcohol consumption, getting enough exercise. Using good products which suit your skin is also of prime importance.
Home remedies
While there are many treatment options available, trying all-natural home remedies to either prevent acne or treat it may not be a bad idea.


Blackheads or open comedones are the very first stage of acne faced at puberty. Such pimples have a wider opening accumulated with sebum, skin debris and bacteria. This type of acne is a common problem with oily skin.
Treatment and home remedies
While painful salon treatments can help you get rid of blackheads, these home remedies are painless and most-effective. In addition to removal of blackheads, these remedies also provide nourishment to your skin.


Whiteheadsare often referred to as closed comedonal acne. These are closed pores and can be a cause of hormonal menstruation, puberty, pregnancy and menopause; though they can occur at any age.
Treatment and home remedies
Whiteheads, though less visible in comparison to blackheads, can be really irritating. We give you some of the safest ways to get rid of whiteheads, at home, while also nurturing your skin.


Dark circles settle under the eyes and are prominent as the area is characterised with extremely thin skin. The blood vessels hence appear through this thin layer. Certain allergies, cold or a sinus problem, lack of regular sleep, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking, and exposure to sunlight can cause dark circles and puffy eyes.
Treatment and remedies
Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but they can make you look tired, worn out, unhealthy and even older. You can effortlessly get rid of these unpleasant shades under your eyes using these home remedies.


Ageing and various other environmental factors lead to fine lines and drooping skin. However, these signs are a part of the natural ageing process. Sun exposure also results in the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the face and neck.
Our experts throw light on some treatments that can make you look younger and prevent signs of ageing.

Home Remedies
While there are surgical treatments that can help you look younger by getting rid of fine lines and crow’s feet, home remedies are safe and results are achievable. We give you easy home remedies that you can use to your benefit.


Apart from the above mentioned skin problems, there are other issues like skin pigmentationdry skincellulite and unwanted facial hair that demand complete care and attention. For these, natural and home remedies are a safe answer. Common kitchen ingredients or even herbs and flowers enhance your beauty, without having to spend on expensive products.


The market is always buzzing with the latest beauty treatments and products for beauty care. We list out some comparisons in products, treatments and give you complete insight on them.

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