
Friday 8 December 2017

4 Common Household Chores With Unexpected Health Benefits

4 Common Household Chores With Unexpected Health Benefits

There’s a reason why people with regular routines lead more productive lives. As they say: A tidy home makes a happy mind!
Although the following chores may seem annoying at times, they’re just one more way for you to improve your health.
You’ll be surprised at how big of an impact these little things can have!

1. Wash Your Dishes To Relieve Anxiety

People who cleaned their plates mindfully upped their feelings of inspiration by 25% and lowered their nervousness levels by 27%, according to study made by Florida State University’s psychology department.
The key here is to immerse yourself in the task. Don’t think about anything else other than washing the dishes. People who didn’t take a thoughtful approach to their dish washing did not experience the calming benefit. via TimeMagazine

2. Make Your Bed Every Morning To Boost Productivity

Your parents were right: Starting your day by making the bed can keep you productive and disciplined. Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, calls this “keystone habit”, one that has the power to inspire good behavior.
In his book, Duhigg notes that making your bed every morning is linked to better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking to a budget. via Today
Keeping your bedroom clean will also help your get a better night’s sleep, as reported by a National Sleep Foundation poll.
And since research shows that sleep is a core component of productivity, making your bed is certainly a habit worth adopting!

3. Tend A Garden To Treat Depression

In a Norwegian study, people diagnosed with depression and other mood-influencing illnesses spent six hours a week gardening; after a few months, half of the participants experienced a notable improvement in their depression symptoms. On top of that, their mood continued to improve in the 3 months following the study.
Doing a new activity and being outside in nature can certainly help, but there may be another factor strengthening these effects.
Christopher Lowry, PhD, a professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has injected mice with a common, harmless bacteria found in the soil to see how dirt can influence our mood.
He found that the mice experienced an increase in the “release and metabolism of serotonin in parts of the brain that control cognitive function and mood.” This dirt bacteria may very well hold the key to stronger immune systems and better mental health. via CNN

4. Share Chores To Have A Better Sex Life

When men perceived their contribution to household chores as fair, couples have more frequent and satisfying sex, according to a 2015 study from the University of Alberta.
“If a partner isn’t pulling their weight in housework, either one will have to pick up the slack, or the chores will remain undone. This will develop tension and bitterness in the relationship, which will transfer into the bedroom.” – Via via MedicalDaily
Sharing chores also helps reinforce partnership in the relationship. Couples may begin to feel more united in other goals and more trusting towards one another. After all, it’s the small things that set the foundation of a healthy relationship!

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