
Friday 16 December 2016

Health Benefits Of Cucumber

Health Benefits Of Cucumber

15. Relieves Constipation

Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an effective laxative.
Why Does It Work
The amount of calories in cucumber is very low, but its fiber content adds to your bowel bulk and relieves problems like constipation.

16. Keeps Your Renal System Healthy

Cucumbers help treat problems arising in your urinary system.
What You Need
Cucumber juice
What You Need To Do
Drink cucumber juice twice, daily.
Why Does It Work
Cucumber juice is a potent diuretic food that helps flush out toxins from your body. It also eases the pressure on your kidneys and keeps them healthy.

17. Aids Digestion

Digestive problems like heartburn, acidity, gastritis, and ulcers can be cured by consuming cucumber.
What You Need
Sliced cucumber or cucumber juice
What You Need To Do
Include cucumber in your daily diet.
Why Does It Work
Cucumber contains a high amount of fiber that helps in digestion (14).

18. Fights Intestinal Worms

Cucumber is considered as a natural remedy to eliminate tapeworm from the intestinal tracts.
Why does It Work
Cucumber contains the enzyme erepsin that is known to kill tapeworms.

19. Maintains Electrolyte Balance

Cucumbers regulate the blood pressure level in your body at the optimum.
Why Does It Work
Cucumbers are one of the best sources of potassium and contain 136 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams. Potassium in blood neutralizes the effects of sodium and helps maintain electrolyte balance.

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