
Friday 16 December 2016

Good For Dental Health

23. Good For Dental Health

Cucumber also combats bad breath.
What You Need
Cucumber slice
What You Need To Do
Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of the mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds.
Why Does It Work
The fruit releases phytochemicals that kill the bad breath causing bacteria. Cucumber juice can effectively treat gum diseases like pyorrhoea and weak gums. Cucumber keeps gums and teeth healthy as it removes bad odor from the mouth. The photochemical present in it kills the bacteria in the mouth. Regular consumption of cucumber with the seeds neutralizes acids in the mouth and promotes salivation.

24. Cures Hangover

Cucumber can also be used to cure a hangover and the headache associated with it.
What You Need
Few slices of cucumber
What You Need To Do
Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed.
Why Does It Work
This is because they help to rehydrate the body’s nutrients and eliminate the toxins that are present due to the intake of alcohol. The sugar, vitamin B, and electrolytes in the cucumber will reduce the intensity of the hangover and the headache.

25. Good For Treating Blood Pressure Issues

Cucumber can also help lower blood pressure.
Why Does It Work
Cucumber has mild diuretic properties owing to its high potassium and water content that regulate the blood pressure and treat both high and low blood pressure.

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