
Wednesday 11 October 2017

The Surprisingly Simple Way To Supercharge Your Golden....

The Surprisingly Simple Way To Supercharge Your Golden Turmeric Milk And Make It Healthier

Golden Milk Turmeric 2.0

In this twist on Golden Milk Turmeric, an ancient Ayurvedic drink used to treat a great variety of ailments, the two powerhouse components are combined.
The fermentation process of animal milk breaks down the complex milk sugar (lactose) into lactic acid, making it much more easily digestible, reducing milk’s pH, and extending its shelf life.
Kefir is made with “grains” of bacteria and yeast that work symbiotically to ferment the milk. Kefir is more nutritious than milk and has more probiotics than yogurt.
The word “kefir” comes from the Turkish “keyif”, meaning “feeling good” after you drink it. Kefir is thicker than milk but not as thick as yogurt and so makes for an excellent base for a health drink.
Kefir has been examined for its potential to support human health. Because of its unique combination of bacteria and yeast, the probiotic action has been found to have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulate the immune system, and inhibit the formation of carcinogenic compounds. (12)
Curcumin is turmeric’s most bioactive ingredient. With over six thousand scientific studies on its effects in the human body, it’s been referred to as “the most healing herb on the planet”.
Well-known as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, one way in which curcumin works is by regulating two particular enzymes that cause inflammation in the body: COX (cyclooxygenase) and LOX (lipoxygenase).
There are many non-steroidal medications—over-the-counter and by prescription—that work the same way, blocking signalling pathways of pain receptors: aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and nabumetone are a few. (3Turmeric is more effective at reducing inflammation and relieving pain, without any side effects.
Turmeric can be added to virtually any food, with its mild flavor and bright yellow color. It can also be found in capsules, if you prefer.
Cow’s milk is used in the recipe below but goat milk kefir can be used as well. Alternatively, you can make a vegan water kefir as the basis for this drink. You get the probiotics and terrific turmeric any way you make it.

Golden Kefir

Step 1: Make Turmeric Paste
  • ¼ cup turmeric powder or 1-inch knob of fresh turmeric, finely grated
  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ½ cup filtered water
  • Optional: 1/8 teaspoon powdered ginger or ½-inch piece of fresh ginger, finely grated
  1. Cook all ingredients together in a small saucepan on medium heat. Stir well until the mixture thickens to a paste-like consistency—it doesn’t take long.
  2. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
Step 2: Golden Milk Turmeric + Kefir
  • 1 quart plain organic kefir
  • 1 teaspoon prepared turmeric paste
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey (raw, unpasteurized, local if you can get it)
  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl by hand or in a food processor until smooth.
  2. Store in refrigerator.
  3. Enjoy this delicious and nutritious probiotic anti-inflammatory!

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