
Tuesday 17 October 2017

10 Foods Which Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

10 Foods Which Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Longing the feeling of holding a little baby in your arms? Are you trying to conceive and extend your little family?
Once you have made up your mind to conceive, your first step is always to check or change your diet. Ideally, your diet should be such that it does not increase your weight. Besides, it should be helpful in growing the fertility and strength of your body to conceive in a natural way and deliver a healthy baby. It is very natural for you to ask your immediate family, relatives and friends about some advice, and to your surprise you get a piece of advice from every possible woman you know.
They tell you about their stories and stories of their distant relatives of how they have followed a certain regime of healthy foods for getting pregnant. However, following all these nuggets may
lead to confusions rather than any fruitful help. One should not follow any suggestion blindly as it is essential to find out why the consumption of a particular food is helpful in conceiving. What are its contents and how to consume it?

10 Best Healthy Foods To Get Pregnant

Here is a list of top 10 foods that shall help you boost your immunity and improve your chances of not just getting pregnant but also to remain healthy while pregnancy.

1. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables:

Leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and others have been proven to improve ovulation in females and thereby increase your chances of conceiving. These power packed foods are very essential when it comes to getting pregnant and also during pregnancy. They are rich in anti-oxidants, iron and folic acid. Consuming green leafy vegetables regularly and in good proportions may reduce your chances of suffering from anaemia and may also prevent any birth defects in your developing baby. Best of all, they are extremely versatile- can be taken in salads, in soups or sandwiches or any stir fry dishes.

2. Beans:

Beans are considered best food for pregnancy. Plant based beans such as lentils, chickpeas, black beans and soya beans are a rich source of fibre, zinc, folate, protein and calcium. Even animals based products like meat is healthy and rich in proteins, but one should substitute them with plant based beans as the latter are easy to digest. Beans can be added to most salads, or in sandwiches or vegetable preparations.

3. Milk:

Recent studies have found that full fat milk products are probably one of the best foods to get pregnant. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D. It is also crucial for bone building in babies. However, its consumption should be limited and should not be an overdose. Milk can be easily consumed in the form of shake, flavoured or just plain. It can also be consumed along with fruits.

4. Eggs:

Since eggs are highly rich in amino acids, it is believed that they too, may be helpful when it comes to improving your chances of getting pregnant. Amino acids are basically a form of protein which not only helps to increase your fertility, but are also pertinent in the formation of reproductive eggs in a female body. Eggs can be consumed in omelettes, waffles, sandwiches, salads or even scrambled.

5. Berries:

Berries are believed to be packed with carbohydrates, vitamin C, potassium, folate, fibre, and fluid. Berries actually help in preventing damage and blocking the ageing of egg cells. Berries can be enjoyed with smoothies or in salads or with cereals.

6. Brown Bread:

There is a lot of misconception regarding consumption of carbohydrates. However, one should not avoid ‘carbs’ completely. The idea is to consume more of whole grain foods like brown bread instead of white bread or rice. Carbohydrates have a constructive effect on our blood sugar and insulin levels; and if insulin levels are better, hormones also stay balanced thereby improving fertility. Hence this is also another best food for getting pregnant & it can be consumed with butter, honey or in toast form.

7. Dry Fruits:

Certain dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, pistachio are considered good for body. The fats which they contain are not trans-fats or saturated fats which are harmful for body. They are made up of mono saturated fats which are necessary to keep insulin levels in check and thereby increasing chances of conceiving. Dry fruits are also rich in vitamin E. They can be consumed as snacks or in salads.

8. Salmon:

You may have heard of the saying that fishes should not be consumed while trying to conceive. It is true; certain fishes like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish are particular fishes should not be consumed since they contain high mercury levels which remain in the body for around a year.
Fishes like salmon can be consumed while you’re trying to get pregnant since they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and have low levels of mercury. Salmon is believed to regulate the hormones in the body and increase blood circulation to the reproductive organs, thereby increasing the chances of getting pregnant. It is also believed that salmon may aid in preventing chromosome breakage, which is known to cause birth defects and miscarriages.

9. Bananas:

Bananas are believed to be a rich source of vitamin B6 and are necessary for the production of sex hormones. Consumption of bananas is thought to facilitate regular menstruation and also lead to healthy egg development. They also help in converting food into energy, create new blood cells for the growing baby and aiding growth, healthy vision and skin of your baby. With so many benefits, it should not be missed from the diet. It can be consumed alone or with milk.

10. Red Meat:

Red meat is a great source of iron and vitamin B12 which helps prevent anaemia. It also decreases the risk of infertility and plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells. It is also necessary for the development of the nervous system. It can be consumed with stir fry dishes or burgers. Make sure that you stick to organic red meat and consume it in moderate quantities.
The list of best foods for pregnancy is not exhaustive, but these are easily available and uncomplicated to consume. Moreover, these are tried and tested foods which may help you get pregnant and do not cause any harmful side effects.
Also remember that there is no substitute to a wholesome, balanced diet. It is also necessary to emphasize that excess of anything is not good for health. All foods should be consumed as per ones appetite and body’s requirement.
A word of caution states that if you feel any discomfort with any food, it is best suggested to consult your doctor. Never assume, always re –assure.

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