
Thursday 26 October 2017

Detox Water: Top 24 clean recipes to boost your metabolism

Detox Water: Top 24 clean recipes to boost your metabolism

Most of my readers know that a proper hydration is a “keystone habit” that I also tackle in my 52 Chef Habits Course. If you can make this important habit stick it can naturally act as a catalyst for other good habits.
While for many people drinking sufficient water throughout the day was never a challenge, for others it can be a real struggle to say goodbye to juice and soda.
No matter to which group you belong, I’m sure that the following 24 flavored water recipes will inspire you to increase your water intake. They contain only a few ingredients and are super easy to prepare. Please note that I’m not using the term “detox water” in a medical sense, but rather in the context of a clean eating lifestyle.

What is detox water?

Also called fruit infused water or flavored water, detox water is nothing else than (filtered) tap water immersed with fresh fruits, vegetables or herbs. The added ingredients release over the time certain nutrients to the water and boost its taste.
That way this drink helps not only to hydrate your body but supplies it as an aside with vitamins and minerals. Some nutritionists claim that you can get up to 20% of the vitamin content of freshly squeezed fruit juice, all without the extra fructose or calories.

7 tips to make the most out of your naturally flavored water

To get most benefits from your flavored water I have packed some frequently asked questions into seven tips:
    1. Wash your fruits and vegetables very thoroughly or even better use organic food, if you don’t peel it.
    2. Frozen fruits work too, but they do not release as much juice.
    3. For health and taste reasons I recommend filtered water. Regular tap water is ok, if it tastes good to you.
    4. You’ll need 1-quart or 2-quart pitchers, mason jars, carafes or infused water bottles.
    5. There is no right or wrong with ingredient quantities. My recipes can only serve as a rough guideline. Test as often as possible to get your preferred flavor combination.
    6. Drink up your beverage within 24 hours otherwise the fruits get mushy.
    7. You can eat the fruits after infusing, but be aware that most fruits will taste bland after they have been infused.

24 amazing detox water recipes

1. Basil detox water

This herb infused water is a no brainer as most of you might have fresh basil sitting on the windowsill. You need a 1-quart pitcher with very cold water and 12 plucked, large basil leaves. Fold the leaves 1- 2 times to activate its flavors and add them to the water. Let the drink sit in your fridge for at least 1/2 an hour. Serve it with ice cubes.
Basil’s oils provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil water can help alleviate feelings of fullness and sooth indigestion. The ultimate benefit though, it tastes amazing!

2. Lemon detox water

This basic lemon water is probably one of the very first detox water recipes around and perfect for a healthy morning routine. You just need the juice of one lemon mixed with cold or warm water. Add some lemon slices if you like. Drink it each morning after you wake up or take it with you in a water bottle and sip it all day.
This will help your body flush toxic agents and prevent the deposition of metabolic waste. By the way, lemons are also a perfect anti-hangover helper.

3. Lemon ginger infused water

For this classic detox water drink you need a 1-quart pitcher, one organic lemon cut in slices and a small knob of fresh ginger. Pour water in the pitcher and add the lemon slices. Grate ginger by using a zester and add it to the beverage.
Ginger is a natural pain reliever, warms you from the inside and speeds up your digestion. For best results drink it at room temperature each morning directly after getting up. That helps stimulating your organism to flush toxic waste.

4. Watermelon detox water

There is probably no better fruit for detox water than a watermelon. Add 10 oz./300 g watermelon cubes (best without pits) in a 1-quart pitcher, fill it up with water and put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours. 
Watermelons contain not only a lot of vitamins and minerals, but they also support your body to flush toxins.

5. Blueberry detox water

Mix a handfull of fresh or frozen blueberries and some ice cubes in a 1-quart mason jar and fill it up with water. Let it settle for at least one hour. The presence of blueberries provide this detox water with a rich anti-oxidant property.
The skin of blueberries contains valuable substances that prevent diseases and also act anti-inflammatory.

6. Blueberry orange vitamin bomb

Take the blueberry detox drink (number 5) to the next level and add some orange slices to it (make sure it is organic and not waxed). It is best to use a 2-quart pitcher. If you wait one day you will be surprised how the water and orange change to a blue color.
Oranges help with healthy blood circulation and contain tons of vitamin A, C and antioxidants. Together with the blueberries they will aid you feel energized and boost your metabolism.

7. Raspberry lime detox water

Mix two tablespoons fresh or frozen raspberries and slices of one organic lime in a 1-quart mason jar. Fill it up with water and let it settle for half an hour.
Raspberries have strong anti-oxidative properties that support your kidneys, liver and colon to purify. Limes contain flavonoids that increase the secretion of acids and bile and stimulate the digestive system.
And not to forget the huge amount of vitamin C in limes… Did you know that one lime supplies almost 50% of your daily vitamin C?
On top of that this citrus fruit provides a tangy sweetness that makes this vitamin water recipe especially delicious.

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