
Thursday 12 October 2017

Health Minute: Migraines

Health Minute: Migraines

For a majority of women and people over 35 years of age, that painful headache might actually be a migraine. It may be surprising, considering how painful they can be, but migraines are commonly never diagnosed. On today’s Health MinuteDr. Tom Miller explains the common symptoms you should be on the lookout for and what your doctor can do to help.
Announcer: The Health Minute, produced by University of Utah Health.
Interviewer: Migraine headaches are commonly underdiagnosed. It's hard to believe, but it's true. Dr. Tom Miller, why is that?
Dr. Miller: Basically, I think any type of moderate to severe headache can be a migraine headache. They generally occur more commonly in women. Three times as many women than men get migraine headaches, and basically, the peak incidence is 35 to 39 years old.
Interviewer: I always thought a migraine, though, was something I would know that I had.
Dr. Miller: Many times, people do know that they're coming on. So people can experience mood changes, they can have fatigue, they get sensitive to light, and basically, sometimes even yawning will preempt a migraine headache.
Interviewer: And knowing the symptoms are important because you can do something about them.
Dr. Miller: Yes, that's right. If you've had five or more of these headaches and they're moderate to severe, especially if they're causing problems at work or in your family life, you should seek advice from a physician because there are a number of treatments that can basically break the headache or prevent them from occurring.
Announcer: To find out more about this and other health and wellness topics, visit thescoperadio.com.

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