
Friday 27 October 2017

How Long can Food Last in the Fridge?

How Long can Food Last in the Fridge? 

Refrigerator and freezer were invented to prolong the shelf life of our foods by keeping it cold. However, the food items stored in our fridge will inevitably spoil around a certain time frame. This depends mostly on how fresh the perishable foods, such as red meat, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables and dairy products, are when you purchase it. So how long can food last in the fridge and sustain quality and still safe to eat? The chart below will serves as your food storage safety guidelines.

Refrigerated Food Storage Safety Guidelines Infographic

20 Best Sources of Plant Based Protein

20 Best Sources of Plant Based Protein 

Whether you’re a vegan, or not, regular intake of protein is important to your body’s ability to function. A common myth about plant-based diets is that they are an insufficient source of protein and amino acids. But that is not true. In fact, some of the best sources of plant-based protein include vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and peas, legumes like lentils, soybeans, pinto and black beans, plus nuts including peanuts, cashews, almonds and walnuts, and seeds like hemp, sesame, flax and chia. The list below is a good substitute to animal proteins.

Best Sources of Plant Based Protein - Vegan Infographic

Kidney Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment

Kidney Cancer: Symptoms and Treatment 

Kidney cancer is a malignant tumor identified as uncontrolled growth of cell tissues in the kidney. These bean-shaped organs are the primary filters of our body. They transport waste products and carcinogen substances from our bloodtream to the urine. The most prevalent form of this disease is renal cell carcinoma – commonly diagnosed in aging men and women over 60 years old. It’s generally discovered by accident during imaging tests. If your kidneys stop functioning, your blood will become toxic which leads to harmful implications. Continue reading to find out the symptoms and treatment of kidney cancer.

Kidney Cancer Symptoms and Treatment - Health Infographic

Diabetes: How It Affect YOU

Diabetes: How It Affect YOU 

Diabetes today affects millions of people in America and costs billions each year in medical expenses—greater than any other health problem. Diabetes causes hypertension, affect the heart, the digestive system, wound healing, the feet and others. This graphic explain what is diabetes, how it is diagnosed, the screening, prevention and treatment. It also discuss Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, the gestational diabetes which only occurs during pregnancy and prediabetes or “pre-diagnosis” of the disease.

Diabetes How it Affect YOU Infographi

Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body

Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body 

There are negative side effects of too much sugar in your diet. While the cells in our body use glucose for energy, we regularly ingest too much sugar than we could use as energy. Not only many of us eat sweet treats whenever we want to boost our energy, but most food we consume are starchy and sugary. The World Health Organization advises that both adults and children cut down the daily consumption of free sugars to under 10% of total energy intake. Here are the effects of too much sugar on the body. See also 

Effects of Too Much Sugar on the Body - Health infographic

Zero Calorie Food Chart

Zero Calorie Food Chart 

Without doubt, we can lose weight easier if we could eat on calorie-free foods throughout the day. Sadly, besides water and diet drinks, there is no such thing as food with a zero calorie or even negative-calorie. Fruit and vegetables that are promoted as having no calories, contain incredibly low caloric content and high levels of nutrients in them. Look at this zero calorie food chart to find out which one you can add in your diet plan. The fruits and veggies on this list keep your stomach full for much longer time and burns more excess calories during the digestion than it actually contains. See also the Surprising Problem with Calorie Counting and How Much Workout You Need To Burn Off Junk Foods.

Zero Calorie Food Chart

Thursday 26 October 2017

Detox Water: Top 24 clean recipes to boost your metabolism

Detox Water: Top 24 clean recipes to boost your metabolism

Most of my readers know that a proper hydration is a “keystone habit” that I also tackle in my 52 Chef Habits Course. If you can make this important habit stick it can naturally act as a catalyst for other good habits.
While for many people drinking sufficient water throughout the day was never a challenge, for others it can be a real struggle to say goodbye to juice and soda.
No matter to which group you belong, I’m sure that the following 24 flavored water recipes will inspire you to increase your water intake. They contain only a few ingredients and are super easy to prepare. Please note that I’m not using the term “detox water” in a medical sense, but rather in the context of a clean eating lifestyle.

What is detox water?

Also called fruit infused water or flavored water, detox water is nothing else than (filtered) tap water immersed with fresh fruits, vegetables or herbs. The added ingredients release over the time certain nutrients to the water and boost its taste.
That way this drink helps not only to hydrate your body but supplies it as an aside with vitamins and minerals. Some nutritionists claim that you can get up to 20% of the vitamin content of freshly squeezed fruit juice, all without the extra fructose or calories.

7 tips to make the most out of your naturally flavored water

To get most benefits from your flavored water I have packed some frequently asked questions into seven tips:
    1. Wash your fruits and vegetables very thoroughly or even better use organic food, if you don’t peel it.
    2. Frozen fruits work too, but they do not release as much juice.
    3. For health and taste reasons I recommend filtered water. Regular tap water is ok, if it tastes good to you.
    4. You’ll need 1-quart or 2-quart pitchers, mason jars, carafes or infused water bottles.
    5. There is no right or wrong with ingredient quantities. My recipes can only serve as a rough guideline. Test as often as possible to get your preferred flavor combination.
    6. Drink up your beverage within 24 hours otherwise the fruits get mushy.
    7. You can eat the fruits after infusing, but be aware that most fruits will taste bland after they have been infused.

24 amazing detox water recipes

1. Basil detox water

This herb infused water is a no brainer as most of you might have fresh basil sitting on the windowsill. You need a 1-quart pitcher with very cold water and 12 plucked, large basil leaves. Fold the leaves 1- 2 times to activate its flavors and add them to the water. Let the drink sit in your fridge for at least 1/2 an hour. Serve it with ice cubes.
Basil’s oils provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil water can help alleviate feelings of fullness and sooth indigestion. The ultimate benefit though, it tastes amazing!

2. Lemon detox water

This basic lemon water is probably one of the very first detox water recipes around and perfect for a healthy morning routine. You just need the juice of one lemon mixed with cold or warm water. Add some lemon slices if you like. Drink it each morning after you wake up or take it with you in a water bottle and sip it all day.
This will help your body flush toxic agents and prevent the deposition of metabolic waste. By the way, lemons are also a perfect anti-hangover helper.

3. Lemon ginger infused water

For this classic detox water drink you need a 1-quart pitcher, one organic lemon cut in slices and a small knob of fresh ginger. Pour water in the pitcher and add the lemon slices. Grate ginger by using a zester and add it to the beverage.
Ginger is a natural pain reliever, warms you from the inside and speeds up your digestion. For best results drink it at room temperature each morning directly after getting up. That helps stimulating your organism to flush toxic waste.

4. Watermelon detox water

There is probably no better fruit for detox water than a watermelon. Add 10 oz./300 g watermelon cubes (best without pits) in a 1-quart pitcher, fill it up with water and put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours. 
Watermelons contain not only a lot of vitamins and minerals, but they also support your body to flush toxins.

5. Blueberry detox water

Mix a handfull of fresh or frozen blueberries and some ice cubes in a 1-quart mason jar and fill it up with water. Let it settle for at least one hour. The presence of blueberries provide this detox water with a rich anti-oxidant property.
The skin of blueberries contains valuable substances that prevent diseases and also act anti-inflammatory.

6. Blueberry orange vitamin bomb

Take the blueberry detox drink (number 5) to the next level and add some orange slices to it (make sure it is organic and not waxed). It is best to use a 2-quart pitcher. If you wait one day you will be surprised how the water and orange change to a blue color.
Oranges help with healthy blood circulation and contain tons of vitamin A, C and antioxidants. Together with the blueberries they will aid you feel energized and boost your metabolism.

7. Raspberry lime detox water

Mix two tablespoons fresh or frozen raspberries and slices of one organic lime in a 1-quart mason jar. Fill it up with water and let it settle for half an hour.
Raspberries have strong anti-oxidative properties that support your kidneys, liver and colon to purify. Limes contain flavonoids that increase the secretion of acids and bile and stimulate the digestive system.
And not to forget the huge amount of vitamin C in limes… Did you know that one lime supplies almost 50% of your daily vitamin C?
On top of that this citrus fruit provides a tangy sweetness that makes this vitamin water recipe especially delicious.

Best and worst FOOD

Best and worst FOOD

Best and worst FOOD

Best drink ever!!!

Best drink ever!!!
Best drink ever!!! Eat whatever you want with this metabolism quickening DIY vitamin filled water. I drank this for two weeks straight while eating anything I wanted with little to no exercise and I still lost about 5 pounds!!! Recipe: About 10 medium size strawberries (sliced) A half a lemon (or whole depending on your flavor preference) One whole sprig of mint leaves Fill with water and shake! Try to get more water than ice, or drink melted ice.

Try this & leave a comment...

Constipation can lead to many different ailments.......

Constipation can lead to many different ailments including appendicitis, bad breath, body odor, diverticulitis, fatigue, gas, headache, hernia, indigestion, the malabsorption ... the list goes on and on.So the regular bowel movements are an important mechanism for removing toxins from the body. Here is a list of colon cleansing food.. Have a great day!
#Constipation #Coloncleansing #Colon #Health

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Benefit of Longrich Products.

Benefit of Longrich Products.

For enquiry please call or text : +2348079004790

SOD Cream/Bamboo Soap with its benefits...

SOD Cream/Bamboo Soap with its benefits...

Longrich Panty Liner/Sanitary Napkin.

Hi friends!! Today I'll like to discuss on the longrich panty liner/sanitary napkin.
The superbklean magnetic anion sanitary pad and panty liners are designed for 3 main benefits and are hightech world leading panted products.
1:HEALTH- provides 3natural energies(magnetism,anion and par infrared)that greatly enhances blood circulation,cell vitality,bio-enzymes in the vagina,resistance to bacteria and immunity against any infection.
2:SAFETY &COMFORT- it has a softer surface which is quick and has an effective absorption,giving you a comfortable feeling.
3:COST EFFECTIVE- absorption is 3 to 5 times more than most sanitary napkins.
Get your panty liners/sanitary napkins today and register with long rich today for a better life.

Check out our longrich toothpaste and its benefit to health.

for more enquiry please call or text: +2348079004790

Longrich Drugs use in treating - (Stroke, Arthritis, Bone, Joints, Rheumatism, Immune System)

Longrich Arthro SupReviver- (Stroke, Arthritis, Bone, Joints, Rheumatism, Immune System)

Key Features
  • Suitable for Stroke patient, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Bone/Joint Issue.
  • Its helps boost immune system.
  • For treating osteoarthritis as a dietary supplement.
  • It helps hydrate and replenish joints, cartilage and connective tissue.
  • Maintains the structural integrity of the tissue.

  • Calcium(160 chewable tablets)
    Milk flavour
    This is also an interesting longricch product that's beneficial for every family..
    1: It contains three classes of micro nutrient compound,e.g nutritional molecules that provides energy.
    2: It has properties that lowers high blood pressure and risk of stroke.
    3: It provides the body cells with energy and building blocks that the use to produce other molecules.
    Interestingly in pregnancy, it is advice that calcium be taken since it helps both mother and baby from the occurrence of any deficiency which can make the baby to start drawing calcium form the mothers bone. If taken during the second trimester of pregnancy it:
    1;helps the mothers blood formation and prevents anaemia cos of its iron content.
    2:it also contains zinc which boosts immunity. Its also of interest to know that zinc tablets are given to neonates and children who have diarrhea...love good health?gets yours with us.

    All this are use together for treating stroke & so many other health challenges. This drugs are so unique and they work very fast..... After using this drugs you'll never remain the same by the grace of God...

  • For more enquiry please call or text this number (+2348079004790)
  • You are free to leave a comment.....

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Diabetes Natural Solution

Diabetes Natural Solution

This Diabetes Natural supplements is not like the drugs you have been using, the natural supplements was proven by many who have suffered from diabetes after using it that it helps them come back to their normal health because it normalize their blood sugar, restore pancreatic function and eliminate insulin resistance.
*It also prevents and reverse Diabetes complications
*it increases insulin production
*It enhance immune system and improves quality life
This is 100% Natural Supplements for diabetes.
This GlucoFit Pack contains natural supplements which helps to deal with diabetes and its complications within few weeks with no side effects.
1. Aloe Vera Gel: Many researches have proven that Aloe juice helps to improve blood glucose level and its therefore very useful in treating people with diabetes, it also helps in balancing the immune system and provides fast healing of leg and ulcers which are the negative sides of diabetes.
2.Garlic and thyme: The two powerful antioxidants found in forever Garlic-Thyme combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health. when garlic is cut or crushed enzymes react to produce a powerful immune enhancing agent.
Studies have shown that garlic's other ingredients help the metabolism converts fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals.
3.Field of green: Field of green provide the mineral; amino acids, enzymes, anti-oxidant and chlorophyll you need, besides, this product contains barley grass, wheat grass and alfalfa which are alkaline ingredients to balance blood's PH level.
Contact today to order for the Natural Supplements to annihilate diabetes in your body. With delivery nationwide and it will be delivered to you between 2 to 5 days with pay on delivery.
Or Send " DNS"
Your name
Your Mobile number
Full Address for Delivery to the number of the seller display ( 08079004790 )
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Longrich Berry Oil Protection of the Kidney Against Chemical Damage

Longrich Berry Oil Protection of the Kidney Against Chemical Damage

• Protects kidney from chemical damage.
• Suitable for people suffering from or exposed to chemical.
• Cardio vascular disease (heart disease)
• Menopause, menstrual pain and virginal inflammation.
• Makes you look younger, promote skin & hair.
• Effective for treating hepatitis patient & for good health.
• Can reduce oxidant damage, damage caused by oxygen which can harm human tissue, cells & organs.
• It has anti-oxidant properties that are due to their capability to bind with reactive oxygen species.
• It has antioxidant properties that are due to their capability to bind with reactive oxygen species.
• Protection against toxins such as air pollution, premenstrual syndrome, eye disorder such as cataract, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer disease and diabetics.
• It helps healing process.
• Reduce cholesterol & the risk of developing cancer.
• Prevent blood platelet from clumping.
• Reduce the risk of sun stroke & coronary artery disorder or heart disease.
• Promote blood circulation to scalp.
It protects the retina of the eye
for enquiry; Please call or text +2348079004790

Treat All Kinds Of Gynecological Diseases With Longrich's Panty Liner

Treat All Kinds Of Gynecological Diseases With Longrich's Panty Liner

Are you suffering from any kind of gynecological disease? Are you or do you know any man suffering from prostrate cancer. This innovative product from Longrich Bioscience Co. Ltd is the solution to your problem. 

Longrich's Superbklean Magnetic panty liner is designed to cure diseases of various kinds. It could be used in underpants by either females or males, as it prevents and cures prostrate cancer in men.

This product is designed to contain three powerful components: Bio-magnetic Energy, Far Infrared and Anions. The bio-magnetic Energy gives energy and enhances self protection; Far infrared prevents and cures gynecological diseases such as fibroid, ovarian cysts, vaginal infections etc; while the Anions kill bacteria, thus eliminates odour, prevents itching, cures and prevents rashes around the vagina.

When the Panty Liner is damped and placed on any part of the body, it eliminates pain. The green strip content can also be detached and soaked in water to discharge it’s magnetic energy. Such water could be consumed as it already contained healing properties.

The Superbklean Magnetic Energy Panty Liner is effective in the treatment and/or prevention of the following: fibroid, fatigue, foot odour, gynecological infections, cataract, breast lumps, arthritis, prostrate inflammation, cervical cancer, whitlow, body and joint pains, rheumatism, fractures, glaucoma, mild headache, hemorrhoid, old sore, and asthma.


For inquires, call or text +2348079004790

10 Foods Which Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

10 Foods Which Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Longing the feeling of holding a little baby in your arms? Are you trying to conceive and extend your little family?
Once you have made up your mind to conceive, your first step is always to check or change your diet. Ideally, your diet should be such that it does not increase your weight. Besides, it should be helpful in growing the fertility and strength of your body to conceive in a natural way and deliver a healthy baby. It is very natural for you to ask your immediate family, relatives and friends about some advice, and to your surprise you get a piece of advice from every possible woman you know.
They tell you about their stories and stories of their distant relatives of how they have followed a certain regime of healthy foods for getting pregnant. However, following all these nuggets may

3 Common Eye Problems In Infants You Should Be Aware Of

3 Common Eye Problems In Infants You Should Be Aware Of

Are you disturbed seeing your newborn baby vision problems? Can’t figure out why such a painful thing happened to your little one? Do not worry, as vision problems in little babies are quite common and can be easily cured with proper medical treatment.
We understand that as a parent, your baby’s health is of supreme importance to you. Any sign of the baby’s discomfort can make you fret about a possible malady. Being worried is quite natural, as most parents are not always certain about the seriousness of the problem. The anxiety increases a lot

10 Causes And 7 Management Tips Of Teen Stress

10 Causes And 7 Management Tips Of Teen Stress

All About Teenage Stress:
A survey by the American Psychological Association in 2014 revealed that teenagers are more stressed than adults (1), which is quite alarming for parents. Teen stress is not uncommon. But it can and should be dealt with before it worsens. Even though there may be many causes of stress in adolescence, they can be dealt with a little patience from parents. Here, MomJunction discusses everything that you need to know about stress among teenagers.

Teen Stress – What Is It?

Imagine this.
Your daughter/son has an important exam in which he or she has to score nothing less than an A. They have exactly a week to prepare for it. Through the week, your child, and maybe you, is likely to experience anxiety, worry, increased heart rate, irritability, anger and more. Just before the exam, your kid may even have this churning feeling in the pit of the stomach.
That is stress.
Stress is how the body responds to a demanding or a threatening experience. You feel stressed when you are under pressure to do something or when you have to deal with an adverse situation. Everyone experiences stress, and teenagers are no exception. Teen stress is the result of enduring anxiety

Monday 16 October 2017

21 Healthy Drinks For Kids Besides Water

21 Healthy Drinks For Kids Besides Water

Jump To Specific Health Drink For Kids:
A kid’s diet should contain all essential nutrients as he is physically active throughout the day. As the amount of energy spent by him is more than an adult, the replenishment needs to be carefully planned. MomJunction brings a list of nutritional drinks for children that would help conserve energy and rejuvenate them.

What Are Healthy Drinks For Kids?

Any drink that is beneficial to the body, in terms of mineral and nutrient fulfillment, is a healthy drink. There are a plethora of drinks, both from natural and artificial ingredients, which are good for the body.
As the body structure of kids differs from that of adults, the health requirements also differ. Therefore, the quantity and the kind of drinks they consume are different from adults’

Effective Remedies For Halitosis And Bad Breath In Children

Effective Remedies For Halitosis And Bad Breath In Children

Bad breath in kids is common after they wake up or they eat something. But if it persists through the day, it is a cause for concern. Poor oral hygiene is a primary reason but it is not the only one. You need to find the cause of the problem to deal with it.
MomJunction provides you with details on the reasons for halitosis or bad breath in children, its diagnosis, treatment and tips to prevent the problem.

What Is Halitosis?

Halitosis is the medical term for persistent bad breath, which could sometimes be a symptom of an underlying condition.
While halitosis in kids can create embarrassing situations for them and their parents, it is treatable.

Children tend to have bad breath more than adults do because of their eating habits and sleeping patterns. Therefore, it is possible that you may mistake bad breath in general as halitosis and worry about it.

How To Spot Halitosis In Children?

Children with halitosis usually have bad breath or odor emanating from the nose. The smell is distinct as it has some odor-creating sulfur compounds in it.
Symptoms can vary from one individual to another, based on the underlying cause. Some of the common symptoms include:
  • Distinct foul odor: Breath can smell like raw liver, ammonia, acetone, dead fish, rancid butter or sweaty socks.
  • A bad taste in the mouth, which persists even after brushing.
Kids suffering from this problem might face embarrassing situations every day, which is why it is important to address it as soon as possible. Your kids may not be aware that they have bad

Back Pain During Pregnancy - 5 Causes And 11 Treatments

Back Pain During Pregnancy - 5 Causes And 11 Treatments

Congratulations! You’re pregnant! That’s a great news- and if you’re a first time mom, you have a good reason to celebrate one of the best moments of your life.
There are moments when being pregnant feels so magical and thrilling that you never want it to end. One thing is for certain-there’s no other experience in life comparable to the feeling you experience when you finally realize you are pregnant; these nine months will change your life forever!
You need to be prepared both physically and mentally for big changes that will now happen in the next few months of your pregnancy-your body will start producing some hormones, including the hormone ‘relaxin’, which helps prepare the body for childbirth. One of the effects of ‘relaxin’ is the loosening of ligaments throughout the body, making pregnant women less stable and more prone to injury; and as the belly grows larger, the muscles strain to carry extra weight, especially in the

Is It Safe To Eat Tuna During Pregnancy?

Is It Safe To Eat Tuna During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy had set in the sour mood in Merlyn’s appetite. But after three months of terrible morning sickness, she finally started to get her appetite back. Amongst various other food cravings, tuna was the seafood she really wanted. But imagine her disappointment when she found out that tuna was a taboo during pregnancy.
That pops the question, is tuna safe to eat during pregnancy? MomJunction is here to help you understand the safety criterion around tuna during pregnancy.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Tuna Fish?

Yes, it is safe to eat tuna in limited amounts during your pregnancy. You can prefer eating white tuna (albacore) and light tuna. Tuna that is low in mercury levels is also allowed during pregnancy.