
Wednesday 12 April 2017

What Do You Know about the Health Benefits of Whiskey?

What Do You Know about the Health Benefits of Whiskey?

People usually consider whiskey as liquor. However, there are the things that can be gained from whiskey. We are going to learn about health benefits of whiskey that are offered by this beverage. But, it will be great if we can understand about the origin of whiskey itself.
For its etymology, the word ‘whiskey’ is taken from Classical Gaelic word, ‘uisce’. The word is being turned with Anglicisation and it’s taken a new form as ‘whiskey’ or ‘whisky’. The word itself has a meaning as ‘water’. In the earlier era, whiskey is used to be known as ‘water of life’ as there are some names for the beverage such as ‘aqua vitae’, ‘uiscebeatha’, or ‘usquebath’.
In another perspective of origin, whiskey is categorized as a condensed alcoholic drink. Specifically, whiskey is a beverage made of fermented grain mash. There are many kinds of ingredients can be used for making whiskey, such as corn, rye, wheat or barley.
There are many variants of whiskey, regarding how it’s made, the ingredients for making the whis
key, and the age of whiskey. For the latter classification, many people say that the older is the better. Whiskey which is aging more has more potential to be better whiskey.
The fragrance will be nicer and the taste can leave a strong impact. Well, that’s enough for the introduction. Let’s us talk deeper about whiskey and how the health benefits of whiskey can be seen.

History of Whiskey

Many people have some speculation that whiskey has been introduced since second millennium BC. The speculation is aroused because there are some practices of condensation around that time. The condensation of perfumes and aromatics is being considered as something that triggers the birth of the condensation of alcohol. Yet, there is no exact evidence about it. Actually, in 13th century, there was an actual proof of the condensation of the alcohol. It’s being done by Ramon Llull in Italy as a medicine. At that time, people believed that the condensed alcohol can be used for healing some diseases such as smallpox and colic. Yet, the condensed alcohol was made from wine. Around 15th century, it is mentioned that whiskey is being consumed in Ireland and Scotland. After that, the words of whiskey keep spreading and people become to know more about whiskey. Even, it is mentioned that James IV of Scotland had favored this beverage very much. Then, the health benefits of the whiskey are no longer as medicines because people began to categorize the beverage as moonshine. The beverage is eventually being prohibited.
Then, there was a time when whiskey is used as currency. It’s happened during the American Revolution and it’s because at that time, the farmers has been induced by the idea that whiskey will be more profitable and easier to sell than corn. So, they just turned their grains into whiskey to make more money.
It’s also mentioned that George Washington had a large distillery for it at Mount Vernon. This beverage also had caused a dispute called Whiskey Rebellion, a rebellion which was erupted because of the tax for whiskey. Many farmers had protested about it, though it’s officially turned into a law in 1791.
Actually, the law was intended to pay for the loss caused by the Revolutionary War. But since the whiskey has great effect at that time, many farmers didn’t want to obey the rule made by the government at that time. People had resisted to not to pay the tax and there was many events happened during that time before they reached some negotiations about it.
Eventually, from the history, we can see that whiskey had several huge influences in several places. It’s believed that whiskey is derived from Europe and it spread through other places, such as America and some places in Asia. It can’t be denied that the presence of whiskey has been known across the world.
During that time, the health benefits of whiskey are rather changing. First, it’s known as a medicine, moonshine, and once, it’s used for currency. Then, what about now? What are the things that we can gain from whiskey? These are whiskey benefits taken from nowadays’ views.
  • Helps You to Avoid Gaining Weight
As an alcoholic drink, whiskey is said as a low-calorie beverage. It’s not only that, whiskey is categorized as low-sugar drink. So, you don’t have to worry about drinking beverage, compared with another alcoholic drink. It’s assured that you won’t develop a ‘beer gut’ as much as you can do when you’re drinking another liquor such as beer or other mixed drinks.
But, you should notice that drinking whiskey won’t avoid you from munching many snacks at the bar. You need to keep your mouth from eating more if you want to stay away from gaining weight. In sum, if you’re walking into a bar and you want to keep maintaining your body from adding some weights, you can choose whiskey for having a good time. But, you need to shut your mouth from eating many snacks. This is the first of the health benefits of whiskey that you should know. Let’s us move into the next benefit.
  • Helps You to Improve Your Heart
How can a whiskey helps you to develop a good health for your heart? Well, whiskey has that ability because whiskey has antioxidants that will decrease your possibility in having heart attack. From a study that is published by European Heart Journal, it is said that they made a research about it which involves 14.629 adult women and men.
During the research, they made a conclusion about how whiskey can be an advantageous purpose for the participants. The participants are people which are 45 years old to 64 years old. They are also being classified into 6 categories. From them, the researchers has reached into some conclusions and one of the conclusions is drinking the beverage can help them to reduce the risk for about 16 percent for women and 20 percent of men. The statement has concluded about the second of health benefits of whiskey that we can gain.
  • Helps You to Reduce Blood Clots
This is the third of health benefits of whiskey that can be gained from whiskey and it’s somehow related with the second benefit. Well, you know that blood clotting can be the influence of the heart problems and again, whiskey become the medicine for preventing this thing.
It can be happened because whiskey is a beverage that can make your blood thinner. The whiskey has a role as a good cholesterol that can fight against the bad cholesterol which caused you blood clotting. Eventually, you can consume whiskey in moderate amount to protect your heart. In the same time, you can also have a good time.
  • Helps You to Fight and Prevent Cancer
Now, whiskey comes as a better option to help you fighting cancer and how can it happened? Well, whiskey has ellagic acid in high level and it will assist you to fight or prevent cancer. Ellagic acid itself is known as one of the most dominant antioxidant that can be consumed. As we know, antioxidant is the compound that is needed by our body to counteract some free radicals which is damaging side-effects of cellular metabolism.
This antioxidant can be gained from whiskey and it’s better for us to keep drinking the beverage to help us prevent and fight some diseases, such as cancer. Of course, you can consult your physician about how much whiskey that you can take for keeping your good metabolism. This sums up the fourth of the health benefits of whiskey.
  • Helps You to Control Your Diabetes
The fifth of the health benefits of whiskey is highly related to the people who have diabetes. The beverage is considered as a safe choice for people with diabetes to have a good drink. As it’s mentioned before, whiskey is a low sugar beverage.
Compared with other beverage which usually have sugar intake, whiskey is definitely the choice that can help people with diabetes to stay happy. They can drink whiskey in some occasions without thinking about how the beverage can influence their health. Well, what a good choice to have fun in weekends.
  • Helps You to Improve Your Memory
This is another great thing that you can get from drinking whiskey and it is noted as the sixth of the health benefits of whiskey. For people who want to prevent themselves from getting any diseases related to the memory such as Alzheimer or Dementia, they can drink whiskey to keep away from the diseases.
Why can it be happened? Whiskey can help you to develop a good blood flow in your brain and it causes your brain to work in a good shape. Your brain will get fresh oxygen from time to time and the nutrients will go straight to your brain without any obstacles. Eventually, you can feel how great your brain in its best shape.
  • Helps You to Boost Your Immune System
It seems whiskey never stops to impress us with its benefits and improving your immune system will come as the seventh of the health benefits of whiskey that you can acknowledge. Again, the antioxidants which can be derived from the whiskey play an important role. The antioxidants backed up with some vitamins will maintain your health and give some stimulation in your immune system.
You will feel great once you consume the whiskey in some amounts for some time. You can also use whiskey for preventing any infections. There are some people choose to pour their wounds with whiskey, it really helps them from getting any infections. Well, you say it in some movies, too. Eventually, the thing is not a mere fiction, but a fact.
  • Helps You from Not Getting Any Hangover
It’s a dilemma when you want to have good time drinking liquor, but in the morning you will have a great pain in your head because of the liquor. Drinking whiskey possibly helps you to avoid the situation. You won’t feel any pain that you usually have when you are drinking beer, wine, or vodka.
But, again, you should count carefully on the amount. If you’re taking too much whiskey, it can’t be assured if you won’t develop any pain in your head in the morning. It can also be happened if you’re taking it moderately. This fact concludes that you can get the eighth of the health benefits of whiskey.
  • Helps You to Relieve Stress
Many people choose to drink liquor for releasing stress. The same thing can be happened when you are drinking whiskey. Whiskey helps you from putting away all the bad things that swirled in your head and you can calm some nerves after drinking one or two shots of it.
People have chosen whiskey as a drink that they can consume after a hard day at work and it is proven that they can relieve themselves from any stress caused from the work. Related to the previous benefits, whiskey are useful for making the blood circulation in their brain work better; and that’s how you will get the ninth of the health benefits of whiskey.
  • Helps You to Develop A Good Digestion
Again, whiskey makes a remarkable note as a thing that can help you to get good digestion and this marks the tenth of the health benefits of whiskey that you can gain from the beverage. Well, drinking whiskey in moderate amount will help you to maintain a good digestion.
It is preferable for you to get the drink after a meal. In the same time, whiskey can also be useful for you to avoid stomachaches and overeating. Well, it must be good for people who want to diet, right?

Many Health Benefits of Whiskey That Can Be Achieved, But….

From the list, you can see how whiskey will lead us a good and healthy life. Maybe that’s why whiskey considers as medicine in the past time. Actually, there are many things that we can expect from the liquor. We can drink for having good time and maintaining our health in the same time.
Yet, we should understand that we should keep it moderate. We surely didn’t want to change the health benefits of whiskey to the damage that can ruin our health. If you want to be sure about it, you can consult about the right consumption for whiskey with your physician or nutritionist. They surely can give you great description about how much whiskey you can take. Stay healthy and stay happy!

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