
Wednesday 19 April 2017

Fat Burning Miracle Soup Lose 10 Pounds In A Week

Fat Burning Miracle Soup Lose 10 Pounds In A Week

It’s known as the miracle in a bowl and it’s easy to stick to, you don’t go hungry and you will lose a lot of weight! It really works!
Have you heard of the 7-day diet? Chances are you have. You are more than likely to have tried it or know someone that has!  It’s an old diet that has been around for YEARS. It has been  revised continually and you are guaranteed to find lots of different versions on line.  7-day diets are popular as it’s a short space of time that most people can commit to. It’s the ultimate weight loss soup and it absolutely works.
We have even included some reviews for you further down our page. The other thing that works well is identifying your body shape. Once you know yours, you can eat the foods that will assist with weight loss and literally melt the fat away.

How To Make Cabbage Soup Recipe -:

‘Diva’s can cook’ have made a quick 2 minute video that shows you how to make this infamous fat blasting soup. We have tried it and can’t speak highly enough about it. You will see incredible results within days of starting and it will become your new ‘go to’ recipe when you need to shed pounds quickly.
It’s awesome if you want to de-bloat, shed some weight for a holiday or surgery. It’s not a long term solution but rather a brilliant kickstart!
Preparation Time 20 minutes > Cooking Time 25 Minutes > Ready In 45 minutes
  • 5 carrots, chopped
  • 3 onions, chopped
  • 2 (16 ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes, with liquid
  • 1 large head cabbage, chopped
  • 1 (1 ounce) envelope dry onion soup mix
  • 1 (15 ounce) can cut green beans, drained
  • 2 quarts tomato juice
  • 2 green bell peppers, diced
  • 10 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1 (14 ounce) can beef broth
Place carrots, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, green beans, peppers, and celery in a large pot. Add onion soup mix, tomato juice, beef broth, and enough water to cover vegetables. Simmer until vegetables are tender. Cabbage Soup may be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Here’s some reviews about the Cabbage Soup Diet

“I ate this soup for months when the recipe came out years ago. You have to eat nothing else to lose weight….and I did, about 30 lbs.!! I gave the recipe to everyone at work and they all lost weight too. Besides which, it is an excellent soup (not so much for breakfast as we did back then!) but I still like it. I have added chick peas to the recipe for some protein. Also some lean hamburger goes well”
“I’ve been making this for my boyfriend for about three months now. The only thing I do different is to add ground turkey. He eats a light breakfast of whatever he wants, a light sandwich for lunch and the soup for dinner. He likes to add some heat in the form of Tabasco or different dried peppers as it heats on the stove EVERY NIGHT. He’s lost over 50 pounds! I’m sick of making it, but if it’s working and he’s enjoying it, I’ll keep a pot of it in the fridge”
I would recommend NOT making alterations to this soup because the purpose of the set recipe is to lose weight. I did lose weight when I made this (it was for a vacation), and it tasted great!! I checked with a local hospital, and they said this recipe is used for overweight patients to get them to lose weight rapidly to prepare for surgery. I would recommend this recipe to anyone!” via – Allrecipes 
We actually found the Cabbage Soup Diet very easy to stick to. Within a day you are looking and feeling so much better. We noticed reductions around the stomach area particularly. On the 7-day diet you follow a certain eating plan everyday. Along with eating these specific foods you are allowed to have this surprisingly delicious cabbage soup. Dr Axe also shows you how to follow the Cabbage Soup Diet in the above Infographic.
It is also known as wonder soup, weight loss soup, miracle soup, weight watchers soup and you are allowed to have it whenever you like! What is great about this diet is that you can eat as much of the soup as you like. That’s right! There is no restrictions. The last thing you want to be on a diet is hungry as you simply will not stick to it. You are also more likely to snack and that’s wasted calories that will add up. Don’t forget to maximise your results with this diet you MUST drink 8 glasses of water each day. Think of it as flushing the fat!
You are removing the toxins from your body and regardless of the diet, your body needs this amount of water every day to remain hydrated. The website my7daydiet.com says you should boil the vegetables in water.
You can use chicken broth or vegetable broth with seasoned canned tomatoes to spice it up. It shouldn’t vary your results and will taste decidedly better. Throughout the diet season with salt, pepper, lots of herbs & seasonings if you can’t stick to the straight up version. This diet is designed for 7 days at a time. You should wait at least 2 weeks before recommencing. Let’s look at what you can expect on your 7 day diet.
Day One: Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (except bananas). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. For drinks- unsweetened teas, cranberry juice and water.
Day Two: Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed will all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit today.
Day Three: Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. No Baked Potato.
Day Four: Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.
Day Five: Beef or Chicken And Tomatos: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomatoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for beef on one of the beef days (but not both).
Day Six: Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart’s content beef or skinless chicken and vegetables this day. You can have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables. No Baked Potato. Eat your soup at least once.
Day Seven: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat your soup at least once this day.
Stick With The Cabbage Soup Diet For 7 Days – Be sure to eat your soup at least once to day.  You are not allowed to have bread, alcohol, or carbonated beverages, not even diet soda.
Whilst results may vary, we have tried this diet losing around 8 kilos which is substantial. You should easily manage to lose 5 kilos and some have recorded more. 10 pounds would be a great result and is regularly achieved according to the review sites.
We’ve included the GM 7 Day Diet & Full Meal Plan, Body Shape Online Optimiser and 3 Day Military Diet in our post so once you grab the recipe, continue scrolling for all the details. As always, consult your Doctor before introducing any significant dietary changes – Source –
  • ½ head of cabbage, chopped
  • 1 cup celery, diced
  • 1 cup white or yellow onion, diced
  • 1 cup carrots, diced
  • 1 green bell pepper, diced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 14 oz can basil, oregano, garlic diced tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • few shakes of black pepper
  • ½ teaspoon salt (optional)
Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add celery, onions, bell peppers, and carrots. Saute until slightly tender. Stir in garlic. Pour in chicken broth. Stir in tomatoes and cabbage. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat. Cook until cabbage is tender. Stir in oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, black pepper and salt (if using) – Taste broth and adjust seasoning if needed. Serve and enjoy!  Diva’s Can Cook have made a video to show you how to make the Cabbage Soup. You can see it further up our post 

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