
Thursday 13 April 2017

8 Ways to Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy

8 Ways to Keep Your Body Fit and Healthy

Fit body will be so desired by everyone because a fit body can support the activities that we can do something with the maximum and without a sense of tired and weak. Here is how to keep your body fit and healthy every day.
1. Morning Exercise
The body needs exercise to stay fit and healthy. For those of you who want to stay fit every day, for example with morning gymnastics, jog and walk. One of the ways you have to do is walk. If you do not have time to spare, you can do this when you went to college or to the workplace if its location is not too far from home. Start walking every day from now, because the walk can burn 174 calories every minute.
2. Breakfast With More Protein Than Carbohydrates
One thing you should consider is breakfast every morning before you set out to do everyday activities. When the breakfast, you should consume foods that contain more protein than carbohydrates. Basically, carbohydrates indeed will produce energy in the body, but if we consume
too much of it will make our body becomes tired quickly.
3. Control Your Portion
For some people maybe a lot less attention to regulate eating. If you have the habit of eating in many portions you should avoid this one, try to eat regularly at mealtime until 2 or 3 times a day with a portion to taste. Because if you have excessive eating habits at a time will be able to disrupt your digestive system.
4. Don’t Rush When Eating
The important thing to remember is the digestive process begins from the mouth, so avoid eating in a hurry and in a short time. Eating slowly will keep us from digestive problems.
If you do it fast, it will cause the air or wind to come in through the mouth. The incoming wind is one of the causes of disorders of the digestive system. But conversely, if when you chew food slowly then the winds go in very little and certainly that has been chewed food will be easier to digest.
5. Consume Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables so is important for our bodies to stay healthy because in fruits and vegetables contain vitamins that can be a component of supporting body to keep fit, make the body susceptible to fatigue and a illness that can inhibit the activity.
6. Keeping the Intake of Water and Sugar
Important for you to keep the intake of water and sugar to maintain a healthy body. To maintain the water supply in your body must consume water in an amount sufficient to enable the body feels fresh at least 8 glasses of water each day. And to keep blood sugar levels, you should eat 3 times and 2 times snack in a day.
Breakfast in the morning with ample servings. Especially for lunch, you should avoid foods that contain carbohydrates because it will cause you to limp. And for dinner, avoid heavy meals too.
7. Face Treatment
For someone who has a face that looks fresh it will give an overall impression. One of the ways that you can try in the treatment of the face to look fresh is by mixing baking soda with water to be used as a facial scrub or do a face mask with fruits such as avocado and tomatoes to keep your face stay fresh.
8. Enough Rest
The last way to maintain a healthy body to keep fresh and spirit of that with enough rest. In general, adults need time to bed around 6 to 7 hours per day. With adequate rest, can make your body become visible remain fit.
Refreshing is needed so as not easily stressed due to the body fit and healthy can be if our mind is also fit and healthy. Similarly, information about 8 ways to keep your body fit and healthy may be useful. Thank you

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