
Tuesday 25 April 2017

5 Flat Belly Drinks

5 Flat Belly Drinks

Holiday indulgences, lapsed gym memberships, and the perils of the office vending machine. These are just three of the many obstacles standing between you and the flat belly you’ve been dreaming of.
Of course, you know that there are a few changes you can make to your lifestyle in order to finally see those toned, flat abs. Portion control, clean and healthy ingredients, and regular exercise are all cornerstones of working toward a fit and toned body. But did you know that there are a few easy, delicious drinks that you can whip up to jumpstart your journey to flat abs? These flat belly drinks are low in calories, great for your digestion and metabolism, and are excellent at cleansing and detoxing the body. Cheers!
1. Lemon-Ginger Flat Belly Drink
It’s amazing how a few simple ingredients can keep you fit and healthy. Why warm water? Because warm water aids digestion. Drink it first thing in the morning and get your digestive system off to a great start. Lemons are not only rich in vitamins, but also function in digestive and liver cleansing, which aids in weight loss. Ginger is a natural detoxifier and helps to kickstart the metabolism.
Combine 1 cup of warm (not hot) water with the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon, and 1 knob of ginger, grated.
Yields: 1 servings | Serving Size: 1 glass | Calories: 6 | Previous Points: 0 | Points Plus: 0 | Total Fat: 0 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: 1 mg | Carbohydrates: 1 g | Dietary Fiber: 0 g | Sugars: 0 g | Protein: 0 g |
2. Grapefruit and Rosemary Flat Belly Drink
This grapefruit and rosemary drink combines nutrients that are beneficial for your health. Freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice is a powerhouse containing vitamin C, which helps to detoxify the body and lower cholesterol. Rosemary helps to detoxify the liver, which improves digestion and increases blood flow.
Boil 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary needles (place in a tea infuser if available) and 1 tablespoon honey. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, remove the rosemary needles and allow to cool slightly. Combine the rosemary mixture with the freshly-squeezed juice of 1/2 grapefruit.
Yields: 1 serving | Serving Size: 1 glass | Calories: 27 | Previous Points: 1 | Points Plus: 1 | Total Fat: 0 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: 1 mg | Carbohydrates: 6 g | Dietary Fiber: 0 g | Sugars: 0 g | Protein: 0 g |
3. Cucumber-Ginger Flat Belly DrinkGinger has been used medicinally since ancient times. It has immune boosting powers, anti-inflammatory compounds, and relieves gastrointestinal issues. Cucumbers provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer benefits.
Boil 1 cup of water with 1 (1-inch) knob of peeled ginger for 5 minutes. Remove ginger and if desired, add 1 teaspoon honey, and allow to cool. Add a few slices of cucumber and ice if desired.
Yields: 1 serving | Serving Size: 1 glass | Calories: 26 | Previous Points: 1 | Points Plus: 1 | Total Fat: 0 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: 1 mg | Carbohydrates: 7 g | Dietary Fiber: 0 g | Sugars: 6 g | Protein: 0 g |
4. Blueberry-Carrot Smoothie Flat Belly Drink
Two of the best sources of antioxidants in one rich drink? Start your day the healthy way with fresh fruits and veggies containing the vitamins and minerals that our bodies crave. To keep that slim waistline, use non-fat milk or yogurt.
Combine 1 cup of non-fat milk or yogurt in the blender along with 1/2 cup frozen or fresh blueberries,  1 small peeled carrot, and 2 tablespoons whole oats. Add 1 teaspoon honey if desired. Blend until smooth. Enjoy this delicious breakfast flat belly drink!
Yields: 2 servings | Serving Size: 1/2 of recipe | Calories: 125 | Previous Points: 2 | Points Plus: 3 | Total Fat: 1 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 2 mg | Sodium: 42 mg | Carbohydrates: 23 g | Dietary Fiber: 3 g | Sugars: 7 g | Protein: 7 g |
5. Green Tea with Ginger Flat Belly DrinkGreen tea is a treasure trove of nutrients that help brain activity and lower cancer risk. Plus, green tea reduces the absorption of fat from the foods that we eat. Combine it with the nutrients and detoxifying benefits of ginger and you’ve got a delicious, healthy, and fat-reducing drink all-in-one.
Over medium-low heat, in a small saucepan, combine 1 cup water, 1-inch ginger root, peeled and grated, then bring it to a boil and allow to simmer for 5 minutes. Next, steep the green tea bag for 3 minutes in the ginger tea. Discard the teabag and drink while warm. Sweeten if desired with 1 teaspoon honey. For a cold tea, simply add ice and enjoy! 
*calculated with 1 teaspoon honey
Yields: 1 serving | Serving Size: 1 glass | Calories: 38 | Previous Points: 1 | Points Plus: 1 | Total Fat: 0 g | Saturated Fat: 0 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: 0 mg | Carbohydrates: 9 g | Dietary Fiber: 0 g | Sugars: 6 g | Protein: 0 g |
Note: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding consult with your physician before making any changes to your diet.

The 7 Foods That Make You Bloated

The 7 Foods That Make You Bloated

A delicious meal is quickly ruined when you start to feel bloated. It usually happens when gas builds up in your stomach or intestines, so it’s all connected to the way your body breaks down food. Overeating is the number one culprit, but foods that are hard to digest (like ones that are fatty or high in fiber) or ones that create bubbles in your intestines (like that diet soda you just can’t quit) tend to bring it on too. Bloating can also occur when your body retains too much water, usually thanks to high-sodium grub.
Whatever the trigger, puffing up is more than just annoying; it can slow you down and drain your energy. But it’s also easy to avoid if you stick to the right foods. 


1. Beer

Beer is full of bubbles, which will leave you with a bloated belly. (It's also worse than other carbonated beverages.) Research has shown that alcohol can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, which can leave you feeling inflated.

2. Frozen Dinners

When you’re buying processed food, check the label to see how much sodium it has. Frozen dinners and canned soups are often packed with salt. It’s added to boost flavor and lengthen shelf life, but it may cause you to retain water and feel bloated

3. Broccoli

Veggies are full of fiber, which means they can be difficult to digest and tend to produce gas in your GI tract. Cruciferous veggies (like kale and broccoli) contain raffinose, a sugar that produces extra gas as it breaks down and can make you feel like you’re carting around some extra fluff.  But veggies also bring a ton of nutritional benefits to the table, so there's no reason to swear off them completely. If you’re prone to bloating, cook your vegetables—the heat will help break down some of the fibers so your body doesn’t have to. 

4. Dairy

If you’re lactose intolerant or sensitive to dairy (many of us are to some degree), you may notice that milk products cause you to feel bloated. When your gut bacteria breaks down milk, it releases gas, which can lead to that uncomfortably full feeling. There’s an easy way to figure out if milk and cheese are the culprits behind your bloat: Try an elimination diet and see if you feel better eating dairy-free. 

5. Diet Soda

Besides the bubbles, diet sodas are laced with artificial sweeteners that your body doesn’t know how to digest. Research has found these sweeteners disrupt the microbiota (your body’s natural balance of gut bacteria), which can lead to a bigger belly, both short and long term. 

6. Legumes

They don’t call beans the musical fruit for nothing. Legumes require a big effort to break down. As your body works overtime digesting the sugar and fiber, it produces more gas in your gut, which can leave you with a bad case of bloat. But that shouldn’t be a reason to completely cut the superfood out of your diet. After all, it’s a great source of protein, iron, and folate. If you’re having a big meal, which can already lead to swelling, it’s probably best to steer clear of things like beans and edamame. 

7. Gum

Chewing gum or sucking on hard candy causes most people to swallow more often—and part of what you’re swallowing is air. All of that extra air can back up in your digestive tract and leave you feeling bloated. Sugar-free gum is a particularly bad offender. Like diet soda, most sugar-free gum contains artificial sweeteners that are difficult for your body to break down and can cause you to feel gassy.


1. Bananas

Potassium acts to reverse to the gut-busting effects of sodium. Reaching for a potassium-packed fruit, like a banana, can regulate your body’s sodium levels and banish that salt-induced bloat.

2. Fennel

Fennel seeds are your friend when it comes to digestion. In addition to being a diuretic—meaning they cause you to pee and flush out excess water weight—they also have a compound that may quiet digestive issues.  If you’re not into the idea of brewing a cup of fennel tea, you can easily sneak it into just about any meat or pasta dish as a stomach-soothing spice. 

3. Watermelon

Bloating can also be caused by water retention, which your body does when it’s in fear of dehydration. Ironically, the way to flush the excess water is by drinking more and eating water-filled foods. Watermelon is not only flush with the stuff (duh), it’s also a great source of potassium. 

4. Peppermint

Peppermint is a great stomach soother, and studies have shown that peppermint oil can help fight cramping and gas.  So next time you eat food that you know makes you gassy, try sipping on a cup of peppermint tea afterward. 

5. Cucumber

Cucumbers are your belly’s best friend when it comes to bloating. These watery veggies contain quercetin, which is anti-inflammatory and may reduce the swell.  

6. Papaya

Papayas are packed with an enzyme called papain, which has been shown to put a stop to tummy troubles.  Papain can help break down proteins in your GI tract, making it easier to stomach food that's tough to digest. 

7. Ginger

Ginger has long been praised for its belly benefits. Both an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, it's been shown to fight everything from aging to the big bad bloat. Sip a cup of ginger tea or chew on some raw ginger post-feast.  

39 Healthy Breakfasts for Busy Mornings

39 Healthy Breakfasts for Busy Mornings

When it comes to healthy breakfast snacks, the options are endless. Pancakes or waffles? Bacon and eggs? Muffin followed by a pastry? Good news, breakfast lovers. No need to limit those delicious dishes to the morning hours. Expand your horizons and try these 39 healthy snack options to satisfy those breakfast food cravings all day long.

1. Nut Butter, Banana, and Chia Seed Toast

Try this superfood twist on classic PB and toast with 1/2 a banana (sliced) and a sprinkle of chia, which is packed with vitamins and minerals (like six times more calcium than milk!).

2. Berry and Yogurt Smoothie

Here’s a simple and delicious smoothie for the morning rush. Blend frozen fruit (banana and berries work well) with Greek yogurt and a liquid of your choice (milk, juice, coconut water—whatever you like). Freeze overnight and thaw throughout the day to enjoy in the afternoon or blend up in the morning.

3. Savory Oatmeal With an Egg

Take oatmeal to a whole new level by making it savory. Prepare as usual with milk or water, but add a pinch of salt and pepper instead of any cinnamon or sugar. Then top with an over-

Wednesday 19 April 2017

What Cabbage Leaves can do for You


It turns out that cabbage leaves have the ability to attract a wide range of illnesses from the body.
They work like a magnet and help people eliminate these diseases. The leaves of cabbage can also bring many benefits to people dealing with thyroid gland problems and headaches.
According to many experts, nature has everything we need to take good care of our body and overall health. So, the remedies found in nature are usually a smarter choice compared to pharmaceutical or beauty products. As you are probably aware, natural remedies don’t come with any side effects.
Even though there are many remedies found in the nature, we will focus on cabbage in this article. We usually use cabbage to prepare a salad, but there are few other things that you can do with cabbage and we will reveal some of them.
In addition to the fact that it is excellent for different tasty dishes, many people have confirmed that it can help us treat different ailments because cabbage can pull them out from our systems.
Now let’s see how and when we can use cabbage:


Place a few cabbage leaves on the part of the body where you deal with intense pain caused by breastfeeding and you will soothe this pain. Perform this procedure whenever you can.
Don’t forget to use leaves that are completely rinsed with water and slice the stem in the middle of the leaves.
Create a mold for your breasts, but don’t cover your nipples. The best idea is to place them in the bra.
Keep the cabbage leaves for twenty minutes or at least until they are warm. After that, you can perform this procedure once again.


The thyroid gland is one of the crucial organs when it comes to the work of the organs located in the digestive system or when it comes to hormonal growth and metabolism.
In order to normalize and optimize the work of the thyroid gland feel free to place some cabbage leaves directly on the throat at the place where the gland is located.
Remember that you can use them with bandage to keep them in place or to wrap them with the help of a scarf. The best idea is to place them overnight and remove them once you wake up.


There is no doubt that the look of swellings can be frustrating. If you want to get rid of this problem simply take a few fresh cabbage leaves and use them to wrap the legs or arms. In order to get the best results from this natural remedy place them before you go to sleep and remove them in the morning.


In case you are dealing with intense headaches, put the leaves of cabbage onto the temples. You can also place them on your forehead. A cap or a hat can help you keep the leaves in place.



The desire of lots of people is to have a flat stomach. Sadly, you cannot just exercise your method to it. A lot involves exactly what you put into your mouth.
Do you have excess fat in your abdomen location and want to get rid of it when and for all? Fortunately, today we will show you a beverage that is really reliable to assist us to achieve a flat abdominal area.
This beverage is exceptional due to the fact that it assists you to prevent the increase of weight.
With this healthy drink, you have many benefits since you can cleanse the organ system completely and get rid of harmful contaminants, it likewise enhances brain activity and function, and helps avoid fluid retention.
Active ingredients:
1 cup freshly squeezed the juice of an organic grapefruit.
1 teaspoon pure natural honey.
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar.
Note: You can change grapefruit juice with orange juice.
Location the ingredients in a mixer and mix till smooth and homogenous.
How to consume:
Take this beverage before lunch or supper, for 7 days or up until you see improvements in the midsection, and after that duplicate the treatment for another 7 days.
One serving of grapefruit has just 53 calories and about 2 grams of fiber. A research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.
Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stay in the gastrointestinal system. It is essential that your body gets a possibility to eliminate crucial nutrients from your food, and conditions that contribute to diarrhea can be life-threatening. But at the exact same time, it can be unhealthy to have food remain in the intestines for too long. If fats present longer than necessary throughout food digestion, more fats will be taken in.
Many individuals ask: Isn’t really honey a type of sugar? Doesn’t it contribute to weight gain? Won’t the calories in honey negate weight loss efforts?
That is proper because honey does include sugar. Nevertheless, unlike refined sugar, honey contains beneficial vitamins and minerals too. Refined table sugar, which people often use to sweeten their food, is thought about a source of “empty calories”, meaning that there is no ulterior advantage to eating them.

DIY Fruit Infused Water Recipes For Weight Loss

If you think it’s hard to make your own homemade flavored water recipes for weight loss then think again.
In this post you’re going to discover how you can make your own healthy flavored water easily and quickly.
By now you should know that drinking soft drinks or soda is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your body. Remember, they have a lot of sugar aspartame that can really take a negative toll on your body.
When you drink soda, you’re basically setting up yourself to gain unwanted weight and it will cause you to crave for more sugary products.
We all know that drinking eight glasses of water per day is ideal to maintain proper hydration. But it’s kind of hard to do if you think about it. Yes, water is very good for your diet, health and overall existence, but it seems as if the tasteless factor of water isn’t compelling enough for most people to drink it often throughout the day.
And that’s why drinking infused flavored water for weight-loss is one of the best things you can do.
They are tasty and nutritious and, of course, absolutely healthy. We are going to use various fresh fruits and vegetables to bring tasteless water to life!
As you can see in the images above,  TheYummyLIfe made some good examples of various types of natural fruit flavored waters, such as raspberry lime, watermelon rosemary, blackberry sage, pineapple mint and citrus.
The fun part is that you can actually experiment with the various types of combinations that suit your own taste.
If you want to see some of the various health benefits of drinking infused water, here is a chart that shows you the different types of recipes that you can eat with different type of health conditions.
For example, if you’re having indigestion problems then you should look at lemon, mint and orange.
On the other hand, if you’re suffering from high blood pressure you can also look at mixing guava, passion fruit and kiwi to help regulate your blood pressure levels.
Infused Water Recipes
(Don’t forget to repin these images to your favorite Pinterest board)
If you’re looking for a recipe to boost your metabolism and speed up your weight-loss process, you can look at combining green tea, strawberry and cinnamon.

lemon infused water recipes
If you’re a big fan of lemonade recipes then this Pottery Barn Teen shows you, in detail, how you can be creative with lemonade to make some of the most tasty and refreshing infused water.
How to make your own homemade flavored water recipes for weight loss
So to get things going you’re going to need some items. Here are a few items that you will need to make the ultimate infused water drinks.
  • Herbs – these are optional but adding herbs will definitely complement the fruit flavors and supercharge the health benefits.
  • Fruits – this depends on what type of fruit you like the most. However, you should avoid using banana in this case. Banana isn’t really good for making infused water, it’s better to make smoothies with bananas. Just make sure that any fruit that you pick is ripened enough for maximum flavor and sweetness.
Some good examples of fruits you can use are pineapples, watermelons, berries, raspberries, strawberries, lemons and oranges.
Pitchers or jars – These are optional but it’s great to use these. One of the good things about using jars is that you can actually see the beauty of your creation when it’s done.
And they normally have a cover which makes it easy for you to put it in the fridge overnight.
Water bottle – if you’re always on the go, using one of those long fruit infusion water bottle makes it much easier to carry around instead of a jar.
Wooden spoon – you’re going to need this to actually mash the herbs and fruits.
Water – that should be obvious but you will need to filter clean water instead of tap water to make sure that your infused water drink stays healthy and good.
If you want to learn more in detail, you can check out yummy life’s blog where they will show you some more step-by-step guides on how to make your own infused water. These are some fruit infused water recipes you should try.
If you love fruits like blueberry, lemon, strawberry and vegetables like cucumbers, then you will like the different types of water infuser recipes over at She’s Uncovered blog.
The various combinations
The beauty about infused water recipes is that it’s hard for you to get boring as there are so many combinations that you can try and you would actually love.
Let’s look at the top 10 combinations that you will love.
  • Raspberry and Lime
  • Pineapple and Mint
  • Strawberry and Orange
  • Watermelon and Rosemarie
  • Citrus and Ginger
  • Blood Orange and Mango
  • Kiwi and Lime
  • Blackberry and Basil
  • Cucumber and Lemon
  • Mint and Lemon
homemade Infused Water Recipes
(Don’t forget to repin these images to your favorite Pinterest board)
By combining some of these fruits you’re actually making some of the healthiest drinks you will ever consume, as they are packed with tons of antioxidants and nutrients that will help to protect your body from diseases.
Frequently asked questions about infused water
How long should I infuse the water with fruits or vegetables?
A good rule of thumb is to let it infuse for about 1 to 2 hours at room temperature or in the fridge for about 2 to 4 hours to achieve the potential flavor and watercolor.
If you want your water to be really fruity and tangy then make sure that it’s infused overnight or up to 12 hours.
How long do infuse water last?
The best way to go about it is to drink your infused water the same day or the next day to extract the maximum benefits. However, bear in mind that you can actually store it in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Ensure you remove the infused fruits from the water after the first day to prevent them from decomposing in the water and potentially creating a bad taste.
Why does my infused water taste bitter?
If you’re using citrus fruits then it’s normal for it to taste bitter because of the rinds on citrus fruits. Now you can actually avoid this by simply cutting off the rind with a knife before infusing.

Should I use cold or hot water?
Honestly, using hot water will only destroy the fragile enzymes and vitamins that exists in the fruit so it’s best to use room temperature or cold water for the infusion.
Also if you use hot water it will make your fruit fall apart and look less appealing. So use cold or room temperature water.
What are the health benefits of drinking infused waters?
It’s very simple, when you drink a lot of water it helps you to lose weight quickly.
When you drink water regularly your body increases the rate at which it burns calories.
One of the benefits of drinking infused water is that it’s a good replacement for soda. You should know that drinking calorie beverages will definitely destroy your health and increase your risk of a lot of diseases.
Drinking infused water for weight loss is one of the easiest and fastest thing you can do for good results and overall better health.
Let’s look at some more benefits of drinking infused water.
  • It helps to boost your metabolism.
  • It flushes dangerous toxins from your system.
  • It helps to reduce muscle fatigue during your workout sessions.
  • It helps to keep your organs functioning and healthy.
  • It beautifies your skin, nails and hair.
Remember that infused waters are naturally very low in calories and do not contain any type of artificial ingredients.
Therefore, you can drink as much as you want throughout the day.
So what you can do is use any of the recipes mentioned above to make your own infused water for weight loss and you will be losing weight without a lot of effort in no time.

He Cured DIABETES Without Any Medicine, Using This DRINK Which He Made!

He Cured DIABETES Without Any Medicine, Using This DRINK Which He Made!

This man has found out that he has diabetes in an arbitrary way, 4 years ago. It turned out that his sugar level is 29, so that the doctor told him that his pancreas no longer in function. In fact, it actually means that it must regularly take insulin to stay alive.
Instead, he decided to become more physically active and use natural resources.
In just 25 days, this young man has lost 11 pounds, and this trend continued.
After only four months, he was a brand new person, he had 20 kilograms less, and was without insulin.

Today we discover the recipe for his favorite juice:


  • 5 bananas
  • 2 apples
  • 2 kiwis
  • Handful of kale


Put all ingredients in a bowl, and pour half a liter of water over them. All blended in a blender.


Drink half a liter in the morning and the rest drink it throughout the day.
In addition, this juice is extremely beneficial because it will provide all the nutrients necessary for the blood and brain.



I bet that you haven’t heard or read that cancer cells cannot live in alkaline water because this alkaline water is very powerful!


The pH (potential hydrogen) scale runs from zero to fourteen, and 7 is the neutral middle. A substance with a pH of less than 7 is an acid. A basic or alkaline substance has a pH of greater than 7. Your tap water is generally a mixture of chlorine, antibiotics, hormones and other metals that will go straight into your system after you drink it.
This type of impure water can make you immune system weak and an array of other illnesses that occur when the immune system is vulnerable. When our bodies become too acidic, we feel fatigue, digestive issues, weight gain and other side effects that are completely avoidable just by drinking pure water and eating fresh organic vegetables with a healthy acid/alkaline balance.


Food can determine our pH levels and that has been known for centuries. Studies show that cancers have the acidic environment as the cause behind them. Cancers cannot thrive in an alkaline environment where the pH level is 7.36 or more.
Acidosis (excess of acidity) is not only connected to development of cancer, but it could also cause other diseases like osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease and almost all other chronic diseases.
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 a cucumber
  • 1/4 of a ginger root
  • 1/2 a cup of mint leaves
  • Before you cut the ginger, peel a small amount of it.
  • Slice up all the ingredients and add some water.
  • Do not throw the ingredients after one use if you want to get the most out of them.
  • If you keep adding new water, they will last around three days.
  • Drink the water first thing in the morning in order to get the optimum results!
Lemon has numerous pH balancing properties. It has an acidic taste, but it is inherently alkaline and helps the body maintain its balance. It is also a amazing disinfectant and antibacterial compound which helps in the treatment of many conditions from bad breath to cholera, and has even 22 anti-cancer properties!

Weapon Against Fats, Cancer And Heart Disease!

Cabbage Is Your Secret Weapon Against Fats, Cancer And Heart Disease!

Sauerkraut provides surprisingly powerful health benefits as any other fermented food. It can remain fresh longer than you think, and once you read the following ways it can boost your health, you will want to add it to your diet.

Sauerkraut Health Benefits

Improves Digestion. Containing high levels of fiber makes sauerkraut an excellent choice when it comes to normal digestion, weight loss, and optimal health of the digestive system. It improves the function of the bowels, and prevents constipationbloating, and cramps. What’s more, consuming sauerkraut on a regular basis prevents development of serious health problems, like stomach and colon cancer.

Boosts Energy Levels. Sauerkraut boosts energy, metabolism, and circulation, due to the high levels of iron it contains. It fights against fatigue and headaches, and prevents anemia.
Boosts the Immunity. One of the best ways to boost your immune system is to have high intake of vitamin C, and this food contains lots of it. High vitamin C levels help the production of collagen and white blood cells, as well as cell regeneration.
  • Reduces Inflammation. This food contains anti-inflammatory agents known as antioxidants. If you consume it on a regular basis, you’ll relieve the pain in the inflamed parts of your body.
Strengthens the Bones. Sauerkraut contains high levels of vitamin K – the vitamin which helps the production of the protein responsible for regulation of bones’ mineralization. This in turn strengthens the bones, and prevents osteoporosis.
Prevents Cancer. Many studies have shown that sauerkraut contains antioxidants which are powerful enough to kill free radicals – the main factor for cancer cells’ development.
Enhances Heart Health. Sauerkraut provides heart protecting properties thanks to the high levels of fiber. Fiber protects from cardiovascular diseases by preventing the negative effect of cholesterol in the arteries.
Improves Skin Health and Vision. This food contains high levels of vitamin A which is extremely beneficial for the skin and vision. This vitamin reduces the appearance of wrinkles and redness, and lowers the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.

The Philippine Doctor is Shocked.

The Philippine Doctor is Shocked. He Found a Solution To Get Rid of Diabetes in Just 5 Minutes!

We all know that one of the most common and serious disease of our time is diabetes, and because the weather is starting to affect organs like the kidneys it is even more life threatening, because it causes a variety of damage and can often lead to amputations and blindness.
The highest number of sufferers from this disease is in the Philippines, according to the International Diabetes Federation.
However, recently Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco finally found a cure for diabetes. He dedicated his life in finding a cure for this very serious disease.
He made a mixture that contains minerals that are necessary for fighting diabetes.


-12 pieces of peppers
-2 raw eggs
-½ teaspoon sea salt

Preparation and use:

Carve and grind the peppers so they blend well with the eggs. Then add half a teaspoon of sea salt. Your remedy is ready and you can drink it.