
Sunday 15 January 2017

Smiling Often Can Make You Live Longer

Smiling Often Can Make You Live Longer

You may have heard it as a joke in random conversation several times and dismissed it as one of those thing we say just to keep a conversation.
However, I tell you that a smile can actually increase your chances of a healthy life and by implication make you live longer and the more frequent you smile and the deeper your laughter lines, the better your chances of a long stay on our planet.
As a child, a smile if one of the first expressions we return as babies because smiling is a natural part of being a human. Again, smiling presents us differently to people, as approachable and friendly – even a stranger quickly segregates a crowd into friendless and hostiles just by looking at their faces.
It is also said that smiling helps your immune system because its function improves when you are more relaxed, allowing your body to exist in a more positive, stress-free environment.
SeniorLife Health wrote that smiling is like activating a 'free natural drug'.
"Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a free, “natural drug”."
Same view was echoed by The Fairfield Post.
"Smiling is also really good for your health! Did you know you can reduce the chances of getting sick if you smile every day? Researchers have found a smile releases feel good hormones – endorphins - which make your immune system work better," it wrote.
You many be aware of the fact that smiling makes a face attractive but  the effects of a good smile extend past just the exterior good looks SunWarrior says.
"People who smile more often live longer too, around 7 years longer than most according to one study. It releases stress, helps the heart, and much more to keep you healthy longer."
Results of a study by a team of experts, as reported by the Telegraph, also supports this theory.
Note that faking a smile is of no benefit at all!
"The study also found that putting on a false smile did not work, as only those who looked genuinely happy had the extra life expectancy," reports the Telegraph.
Perhaps this is because, according to SunWarrior, "Smiles do a lot more than simply let the world know you’re happy, but they have to be genuine to get the full effect."
So smile genuinely always and take advantage of one of very free and easy way  free means to boost your health, mood, longevity, and even your success.
...But don't spend all your money attending comedy shows just to live longer! LOL!

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