
Sunday 15 January 2017

Health Benefits of Onions to the Eyes

Health Benefits of Onions to the Eyes

Several times I have had arguments with people over the truth in the widely held belief that onions can help improve eyesight.
Because I dont eat onions, at least not the sliced ones, and I have perfect eyes sight, I have always believed that eating or not eating onions have nothing to do with eyesigh. Well, after my research for today's FACT 101, I discovered that onions do help improve eyesight.
"What some people don’t know is that onions are loaded with sulfur which is used by the body for making the lens stronger and more durable. Hence, the chance of damage to the eyesight is minimized," says Health Me Up.
The sulphur in onions is one of the reasons it is so good for your eyes.
"Sulphur-rich garlic and onions are important for the production of glutathione, an important sulphur containing protein that acts as an antioxidant for the lens of the eye. Raising glutathione levels can be instrumental in both prevention and resolution of visual problems like macular degeneration, glaucoma or cataracts," the Huffington Post wrote in one of its articles.
Also, Dr. Maoshing Ni says, "Foods rich in sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin help protect the lens of your eye from cataract formation. Excellent choices include garlic, onions, shallots, and capers."
A conscious look at our diets composition might be a good idea because the foods we put into our bodies have both positive and negative effects on our overall health. Our bodies rely on vitamins and nourishing supplements found in the foods we consume. The eyes are no different than the other organs of your body.
Though there are lots of ways to improve your eye health, the best way to improve your eyesight is through the foods you eat - and juicy onions are one of those foods.
This advice is echoed by an online health magazine.
"Eating raw onions, garlic and soy will help prevent the formation of cataracts and improve the lens health of your eyes. Furthermore, these foods are naturally anti-inflammatory, so they help reduce inflammation throughout the body, including any inflammation in and around the eyes that might cause problems," it said.
Red onions in particular can help you to prevent poor eyesight and they contain quercetin, an antioxidant that is believed to prevent cataract.
So if you have been avoiding eating onions like me, eHow has an advice for you.
"Incorporate garlic, onions, shallots and can capers, which contain sulfur that the body uses to produce glutathione, an antioxidant that benefits the lens of the eye. Garlic and onions also help maintain circulatory health, which benefits the eyes."
So folks, eat up the onions until your eyes shine like torchlights.

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