
Thursday 19 January 2017

Why is Breakfast the most Important Meal of the day?

Why is Breakfast the most Important Meal of the day?

Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism, helping you burn calories throughout the day. It also gives you the energy you need to get things done and helps you focus at work or at school. Those are just a few reasons why it’s the most important meal of the day.
Many studies have linked eating breakfast to good health, including better memory and concentration, lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol, and lower chances of getting diabetes, heart disease, and being overweight.
It’s hard to know, though, if breakfast causes these healthy habits or if people who eat it have healthier lifestyles. 
But this much is clear: Skipping the morning meal can throw off your body’s rhythm of fasting and eating. When you wake up, the blood sugar your body needs to make your muscles and brain work their best is usually low. Breakfast helps replenish it.
If your body doesn’t get that fuel from food, you may feel zapped of energy -- and you'll be more likely to overeat later in the day. 
Breakfast also gives you a chance to get in some vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods like dairy, grains, and fruits. If you don’t eat it, you aren’t likely to get all of the nutrients your body needs.
Many people skip the a.m. meal because they’re rushing to get out the door. That’s a mistake. You need food in your system long before lunchtime.  If you don’t eat first thing, you may get so hungry later on that you snack on high-fat, high sugar foods.

Breakfast and Your Weight

Can a morning meal be good for your waistline? Some studies say yes. 
Researchers have found that, on average, people who eat breakfast are thinner than those who don’t. That could be because eating foods with protein and fiber in the morning keeps your appetite in check the rest of the day.
But it doesn’t guarantee you’ll fit into those skinny jeans. A recent study compared weight loss among people who ate breakfast with those with didn’t. The meal didn’t make any difference.
If you’re dieting, don’t think cutting calories by skipping the meal will help. Studies show that most people who lose weight and keep the weight off eat breakfast every day. 
On the other hand, you need to pay attention to what, when, and how much you eat.  One study showed that people who had large breakfasts ate more during the day.

Why Kids Need Breakfast

Sometimes children don’t feel like eating in the morning, but it’s important that they do. Their growing bodies need the nutrients and fuel.
Kids who don’t eat in the a.m. have a harder time focusing, and they become more tired in school. They may also be cranky or restless. And it isn’t just their moods that can suffer. Their school work can, too. One study showed that kids who ate breakfast had higher test scores than those who didn’t. Most children don’t get all the vitamins and minerals they need from just lunch and dinner.
Kids who skip breakfast are more likely to eat junk food during the day and be overweight. One study showed that teenagers who ate breakfast every day had a lower body mass index (BMI) -- a measure of body fat based on height and weight -- than teens who never ate the meal or who sometimes did.
If your youngster doesn’t want to eat in the morning at home, pack something he can have on the way to school or between classes. Opt for fruit, nuts, or half a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

A Doughnut Won’t Do

You don’t need to eat a big meal for breakfast, but it’s a good idea to have something small within an hour of waking up. Even last night’s leftovers zapped in the microwave will do.
Resist that pastry or doughnut, though. Your best bet is a mix of foods that have carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Carbs will give you energy right away, and the protein will give you it later on. Fiber keeps you feeling full.
Try a whole-grain cereal, low-fat milk and fruit, or a breakfast smoothie made from low-fat yogurt, fruit, and a teaspoon of bran. Nuts or whole-grain granola bars are also easy options.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Smiling Often Can Make You Live Longer

Smiling Often Can Make You Live Longer

You may have heard it as a joke in random conversation several times and dismissed it as one of those thing we say just to keep a conversation.
However, I tell you that a smile can actually increase your chances of a healthy life and by implication make you live longer and the more frequent you smile and the deeper your laughter lines, the better your chances of a long stay on our planet.
As a child, a smile if one of the first expressions we return as babies because smiling is a natural part of being a human. Again, smiling presents us differently to people, as approachable and friendly – even a stranger quickly segregates a crowd into friendless and hostiles just by looking at their faces.
It is also said that smiling helps your immune system because its function improves when you are more relaxed, allowing your body to exist in a more positive, stress-free environment.
SeniorLife Health wrote that smiling is like activating a 'free natural drug'.
"Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a free, “natural drug”."
Same view was echoed by The Fairfield Post.
"Smiling is also really good for your health! Did you know you can reduce the chances of getting sick if you smile every day? Researchers have found a smile releases feel good hormones – endorphins - which make your immune system work better," it wrote.
You many be aware of the fact that smiling makes a face attractive but  the effects of a good smile extend past just the exterior good looks SunWarrior says.
"People who smile more often live longer too, around 7 years longer than most according to one study. It releases stress, helps the heart, and much more to keep you healthy longer."
Results of a study by a team of experts, as reported by the Telegraph, also supports this theory.
Note that faking a smile is of no benefit at all!
"The study also found that putting on a false smile did not work, as only those who looked genuinely happy had the extra life expectancy," reports the Telegraph.
Perhaps this is because, according to SunWarrior, "Smiles do a lot more than simply let the world know you’re happy, but they have to be genuine to get the full effect."
So smile genuinely always and take advantage of one of very free and easy way  free means to boost your health, mood, longevity, and even your success.
...But don't spend all your money attending comedy shows just to live longer! LOL!

9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Avocado Oil

The avocado is an unusual fruit.
Unlike most fruits, it’s rich in healthy fats and is often used to produce oil (1).
While avocado oil is not as well known as olive oil, it’s just as delicious.
Avocado oil also has numerous benefits, largely related to its content of antioxidants and healthy fats.
Here are 9 evidence-based health benefits of avocado oil.

1. Rich in Oleic Acid, a Very Healthy Fat

Avocado oil is the natural oil pressed from the pulp of an avocado.
Almost 70% of avocado oil consists of heart-healthy oleic acid, a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid (2).
This fatty acid is also the main component of olive oil, and believed to be partly respons

Health Benefits of Onions to the Eyes

Health Benefits of Onions to the Eyes

Several times I have had arguments with people over the truth in the widely held belief that onions can help improve eyesight.
Because I dont eat onions, at least not the sliced ones, and I have perfect eyes sight, I have always believed that eating or not eating onions have nothing to do with eyesigh. Well, after my research for today's FACT 101, I discovered that onions do help improve eyesight.
"What some people don’t know is that onions are loaded with sulfur which is used by the body for making the lens stronger and more durable. Hence, the chance of damage to the eyesight is minimized," says Health Me Up.
The sulphur in onions is one of the reasons it is so good for your eyes.
"Sulphur-rich garlic and onions are important for the production of glutathione, an important sulphur containing protein that acts as an antioxidant for the lens of the eye. Raising glutathione levels can be instrumental in both prevention and resolution of visual problems like macular degeneration, glaucoma or cataracts," the Huffington Post wrote in one of its articles.
Also, Dr. Maoshing Ni says, "Foods rich in sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin help protect the lens of your eye from cataract formation. Excellent choices include garlic, onions, shallots, and capers."
A conscious look at our diets composition might be a good idea because the foods we put into our bodies have both positive and negative effects on our overall health. Our bodies rely on vitamins and nourishing supplements found in the foods we consume. The eyes are no different than the other organs of your body.
Though there are lots of ways to improve your eye health, the best way to improve your eyesight is through the foods you eat - and juicy onions are one of those foods.
This advice is echoed by an online health magazine.
"Eating raw onions, garlic and soy will help prevent the formation of cataracts and improve the lens health of your eyes. Furthermore, these foods are naturally anti-inflammatory, so they help reduce inflammation throughout the body, including any inflammation in and around the eyes that might cause problems," it said.
Red onions in particular can help you to prevent poor eyesight and they contain quercetin, an antioxidant that is believed to prevent cataract.
So if you have been avoiding eating onions like me, eHow has an advice for you.
"Incorporate garlic, onions, shallots and can capers, which contain sulfur that the body uses to produce glutathione, an antioxidant that benefits the lens of the eye. Garlic and onions also help maintain circulatory health, which benefits the eyes."
So folks, eat up the onions until your eyes shine like torchlights.

10 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Peels

10 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Peels

Not many of us know about the health benefits and nutrition value of lemon peels. So, before throwing the lemon peel away after squeezing the lemon juice or using it in any salad etc., think twice because even lemon peels are very beneficial.

Benefits of Lemon Peels
Let’s look at a few well known benefits of Lemon peel:

1. Improves Bone Health

Lemon peels help in improving bone health. It contains a high amount of calcium and vitamin C, which help in maintaining and improving the health of bones. Le



Perfect for correcting and treating fertility problems in women.

  • Improving look (removes Chloasma) and posting Senility.
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  • Effective in the treatment of Epilepsy and Paralysis. 
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  • It regulates melanin production which helps clear patches and lightens uneven skin tone.
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  • Reduces stress from mind, treats sore throat, 
  • Adjusts nerve system, regulates metabolism.
  • Improves eye sight and treats Insomnia.
Suitable for people with Chloasma and the elderly.

* Not suitable for children and men.

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Sunday 8 January 2017

Tips For Usage (Cooking/Eating); Onions

Tips For Usage (Cooking/Eating)

Onions are one of the most versatile vegetables that can be eaten both in the raw and cooked form. They can impart a unique flavor to any recipe. They can be cooked in various ways such as boiling, sautéing, frying or caramelizing. Given below are some tips for using onions.
  1. You can prepare a classic Italian salad by combining sliced onions with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, tossed in olive oil.
  1. Chopped or sliced onions can be fried and used as a base for pasta sauces, stews and soups. Onions can be fried in butter or margarine over medium heat for about 3 minutes until they turn crispy and golden brown. They should be removed with tongs and placed on a plate lined with paper towels.
  1. Chopped onions can be combined with tomatoes, avocados and jalapeños to prepare a guacamole salsa dip. Even plain rice can be topped with green onions and sesame seeds to make it more interesting.
  1. Sautéed onions can enhance the flavor of any vegetarian dish. Sautéing enhances the texture and flavor of the onions. This method involves browning the onions which creates a rich flavor. These can be added to sautéed veggies, soups and pasta dishes.
  1. Sweating involves gently cooking the onion to make it soft, sweet and reduce the sulphur content, imparting it with a milder taste. These onions are added to dishes such as risottos, rice pilafs and braised meats to impart a natural sweetness.

How To Select And Store your Onions?

How To Select And Store Your Onions?

Selection: Both dry and green onions are available all the year round. While buying onions, choose the ones that are clean, well-shaped, with no opening at the neck. Their necks should be tightly closed and should not have a thick woody center. They should be firm with crisp, dry, bright and shiny outer skin with a crackly feel. The base should be whitish in color, measuring about 2 to 3 inches. Avoid the ones with soft spots, damp and moldy patches as this is an indication of inferior quality. Sprouting onions should be avoided as this indicates age and poor storage. However, if sweet onions have sprouted in your pantry, you can use the green sprouts as a substitute for scallions. There should not be dark powdery patches under the skin as this is an indication of mould that may spoil the flesh. They should have a mild smell.
Storage: Dry onions can be stored for several months. Whole onions should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place where they will last for about 4 weeks. Avoid refrigerating them as this will turn them soft. As they absorb moisture, they should not be stored below the sink. Often, partial onions remain after the preparation of meals. These onions can be stored for reuse. They should be wrapped in plastic or placed in a tightly sealed container and refrigerated for use within 2 to 3 days. Besides proper storage, onions should be inspected regularly. Slimy or discolored onions should be discarded. Sprouting onions can be eaten after chopping away the green portion. Spring onions can be refrigerated for up to a week.

Surprising benefit of Onions - Health Benefits

For Skin Benefits

This humble vegetable can provide you with a healthy and glowing skin, thanks to the presence of rich amounts of the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Both the consumption and the topical application of onions can provide numerous benefits to your skin.

1. Anti-Aging Benefits

Onions possess enormous anti-aging benefits. The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E fight against the damage caused by the harmful UV rays as well as prevent free radical damage that is responsible for causing premature aging of our skin. Onion is one of the richest sources of quercetin, the most powerful antioxidant that can keep your skin wrinkle-free. Vitamins and sulphur, on the other hand, protect your skin, and keep it soft and

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Metabolism Booster Juice


Try it.

Cranberry Cleanser

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9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds

9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are an incredibly popular tree nut.
Despite being high in fat, they are highly nutritious and extremely healthy.
Here are 9 evidence-based health benefits of almonds.
1. Almonds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients
The almond is the edible seed that grows on the tree Prunus dulcis, more commonly called the almond tree.
Almonds are native to the Middle East, but

7 Effective Juice Recipes To Give You Strong, Healthy And Full Hair

7 Effective Juice Recipes To Give You Strong, Healthy And Full Hair

7 Effective Juice Recipes To Give You Strong, Healthy And Full Hair

Among the many factors that have an effect on your hair growth and your hair texture is your diet. Through a healthy diet, you can make improvements to the condition of your hair. Juicing is one of the easiest ways to add more nutrients to your daily diet.
The following foods need to be first on focus:
Cucumber. This veggie is loaded with minerals such as potassium, silica, sulfur, manganese, that can help hair growth and even can improve

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Kaffir Limes

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Kaffir Limes

Kaffir limes are the common names of Citrus hystrix, a tropical fruit that’s native to numerous places of Asia, together with Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Other than its many culinary uses, because of its uniquely tart and pleasant taste, kaffir lime can also be hugely revered in herbal medicine, as a consequence of its excessive content material of suitable natural compounds that may positively have an effect on the physique’s methods. The oil, leaves, and fruits of kaffir limes are all utilized for various functions. You’ll usually discover kaffir limes being utilized in soups and sauces, similar to Tom Yum soup, significantly the leaves, which are steadily used in Thai cooking.
The leaves and rind are so highly efficient, nevertheless, that they’ll usually overwhelm the flavor of the dish. This strong taste is because of the excessive concentration of alkaloids, citronellol, limonene, nerol, and different organic compounds in kaffir limes. Not solely do these present the distinctive aroma and taste but also the vast selection of well-being advantages. The extracted oil from the leaves, in addition to the leaves themselves, are used for medicinal functions. The oil is usually blended into shampoos, soaps, salves, fragrances, and different beauty merchandise, whereas the leaves are often utilized topically or orally to induce a particular wholesome consequence. Now, let’s take a barely nearer take a look at the various well-being advantages of kaffir limes.
1.  Kaffir limes aid in Digestion
There are a variety of elements discovered inside kaffir limes which can be additionally present in lemongrass and associated herbs. These natural constituents are anti-inflammatory in nature. However, they’re additionally stimulating the digestive system.
In case you are affected by constipation or indigestion, some kaffir lime decoction can clear your signs up and get your

Happy New Year to everyone

Let’s welcome the New Year 2017! It is very special this time as the 1st of January 2017 begins on a Sunday. Therefore, This year is about to be history giving rise for the New Year 2017, the future.  May this New Year bring countless new things into our life. It will herald new hopes for everyone by God's grace.

Image result for new year greetings 2017

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