
Friday 9 February 2018

A Simple Home Remedy For Healthy Kidneys

A Simple Home Remedy For Healthy Kidneys

The kidney is an essential organ of our body. Should its normal functioning get disrupted in the least bit, all the other organs get badly hit. The moment you hear someone say kidney failure, it means all hope is lost. But, would you believe if we told you there’s a simple home remedy for this? There’s a magic ingredient lying right on your kitchen shelf that can not only reverse kidney damage but also prevent the need for dialysis. Curious much? Read on…
Before we tell you about the miracle cure, let us tell you what makes the kidneys the most important organs of our body.
Located along the back muscles of the upper abdominal cavity, the two bean-shaped organs sit on either side of the spine.

Why Are The Kidneys Important?

These are the three core functions these organs perform:
  1. We have all heard of hormones that move around in the blood and control blood pressure, calcium count, and RBC production in the body. These hormones are produced by your kidneys.
  2. Next, why is your water intake connected to urine? Well, it’s one of the primary functions of the kidneys to ensure there is enough water in your body and the excess is flushed out in the form of urine.
  3. Kidneys play a major role in the removal of waste products from your body while ensuring that the minerals in your body are balanced.
  4. Some foods we consume can increase the acid in our body. It is here the kidneys come into the picture. These important organs can strike a balance and ensure the acids are neutralized.

What Causes Kidney Damage?

As we already told you, the kidneys perform innumerable functions in the body. While doing so, they encounter toxins too, which make the organs susceptible to damage. The kidneys could suffer due to Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), lack of blood circulation due to low BP and many other causes. So, it’s your job to ensure your kidneys are in good shape.
So, how do you know if you have a problem with your kidneys? Check if you have these symptoms.
  • Do you make frequent trips to the toilet, especially at night?
  • Does your body feel cold most of the times?
  • Do you experience general weakness or dizziness?
  • Does your urine stink and is it dark than the usual pale yellow color?
  • By the way, kidney disease runs in the family. If any of your family members is diabetic, you need to monitor your blood pressure and sugar levels constantly. Kidney disease is an offshoot of diabetes.
Umm… sweet cravings. It’s hard not to get tempted by sweets, particularly if it’s something as appealing as a cake. But what if we told you that one of the key ingredients used in making a cake could actually prevent kidney damage?
Wondering what that magic ingredient is? Let’s waste no more time and dive straight into the topic. Research scientists at The Royal London Hospital found that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can delay the need for dialysis. A nephrologist at Florida has also backed this claim with a case study of his own patient saying that baking soda can even reverse kidney damage. The research findings were published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Having sodium bicarbonate orally can prevent renal failure and do away with the need for dialysis.
Did you know the kidneys produce about 250 gms of bicarbonate in a day to neutralize acids in the body? When the ability of the kidneys to produce this substance on their own fails, then dialysis is the option. This procedure adds sodium bicarbonate to your body.

How To Use Baking Soda For Kidney Disease

Day 1 – To begin with, put half a teaspoon of baking soda under your tongue and let it dissolve.
Day 2 – To 1.5 liters of water, add a mixture of half teaspoon of salt and an equal measure of baking soda. Drink this for three days.
Eventually, reduce the daily dose.

A Few Words Of Caution

It’s always good to consult your family physician before going ahead with any line of treatment. Your doctor knows your case well, and he can be the best to prescribe the right dosage.
It’s also important to check your pH level through a basic blood test before starting off on this. There are chances you might put yourself into metabolic alkalosis, a condition where the pH of the tissue is elevated beyond the normal range (7.35-7.45). This happens because of increased bicarbonate concentrations.
Nothing works like a proper diet. Prevention is better than cure – sounds cliched, but still holds true for every situation. When you know you are likely to develop a kidney problem because of family history, it helps to be on guard and stick to a healthy and nutritious diet.
Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots and lots of water. The 6-8 glasses water a day is just a recommendation to keep your skin glowing and weight under check. Having enough water will help flush out toxins from your body.
Many people eat more than the required quantity of protein, which could harm the kidneys. To prevent renal failure, it helps to keep a check on protein and phosphorous in your diet. Foods rich in sodium, potassium, and calcium too must be eaten in moderation. Foods to avoid for kidney health include butter, frozen food, soda, and processed meat.

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