
Tuesday 13 February 2018

11 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING (From Joint Pain to Cancer)

11 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING (From Joint Pain to Cancer)

The Cherokee Nation is a Native American tribe that hails from Oklahoma and surrounding American states.
Cherokees believe that they were given herbs and plants by their Creator, gifts which allowed them to treat and cure illnesses and ailments. These plants were plants for healing various illnesses and so the Cherokees had great respect for plants.
  1. Buckbrush
Buckbrush root was used by traditional Cherokee healers as a medicinal substance with diuretic properties. It was traditionally used to stimulate proper kidney function. Members of the same plant family also have been used to treat mouth and throat ailments, inflammation, and cysts and tumors, along with specific health issues such as inflamed tonsils, childbirth aftercare, hemorrhoids, swollen spleens, and swollen lymph nodes.
  1. Mint
The Cherokee drank mint tea to stimulate the digestive system and lower blood pressure. They crushed mint leaves to create salves and ointment and used mint in baths to relieve rashes and itching.
  1. Yarrow
Yarrow has blood-clotting properties, which can help a minor wound to form a scab and heal. When ingested with water, it can help to reduce tissue inflammation, especially in the intestines and digestive tract.
  1. Wild Ginger
Wild Ginger has been used by a wide variety of Native American tribes for medicinal purposes. The Cherokee Nation drank a mild infusion of wild ginger in order to stimulate digestion.
  1. Smilax Bona-Nox
Among Native American tribes, this plant was used as a blood purifier and mild diuretic
  1. Blackberries
Cherokee healers ground up the roots of blackberry plant, sweetening them with honey. This concoction was used to soothe sore throats, coughs, bleeding gums, and mouth sores.
  1. Curly Dock
Among Native American tribes, it was used as a rich source of iron. It was also believed to have laxative properties.
  1. Mullein
The Cherokee avowed that this traditional herb could help with lung and respiratory problems.
  1. Cattail
According to the Cherokee tradition, it can also prove helpful in the recovery process. The entire plant may be eaten, save for the leaves and the heads of the seeds.
  1. Sumac
The leaves of the sumac plant may be steeped to make a tea used to treat fever. In addition, fresh leaves can be mixed with berries to create paste that soothes poison ivy.
  1. Rose Hip
Rose hip contains a significant amount of vitamin C The Cherokee used this herb in a tea form to stimulate the kidneys and bladder. A tea made of the petals was traditionally be used to soothe a sore throat while the roots were used to cure diarrhea.

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