
Tuesday 13 February 2018

Baking Soda For Your Health

Baking Soda For Your Health

Many of us have used baking soda to clean things around the house. You might not realize, though, just how versatile it can be. For example, here are some of the many medical benefits of using this magical substance.

To begin with, it can be great for relieving upset stomachs or heartburn. The exact amount to use is up for debate. Some people use a teaspoon a couple times a day. Others use a half of a teaspoon. However, it’s not toxic, so a little extra won’t hurt.

Baking soda in bath water is also great. It can reduce skin bacteria and neutralize odors, for one thing. Also, though, it can soften the skin and relieve some of the symptoms of some skin conditions, like eczema. It can also reduce the itchy feeling that comes along with chicken pox.
A baking soda and warm water bath can also reduce the pain of bee stings, but only if you aren’t allergic to the bee stings. People with severe allergies should take their medications or get to the hospital right away.
Additionally, if you use a lot of hair spray, you know that it can be a real pain to get out. The same can be said of trying to get rid of make up.
Baking soda mixed with water is a great makeup remover and, when mixed in your shampoo, can also remove old gel and hair spray quickly and easily. So, a box of the substance is one of the best investments that you could ever make.
Some Quick Baking Soda Tips
Teeth Whitening
– This type tooth whitening is extremely effective. It delivers impressive whitening results when compared to other kits on the market.
– It doesn’t cost a small (or large) fortune to use. All you really need is baking soda, salt, and water to make a very effective tooth whitening paste.
Apply it after brushing your teeth one every two weeks and you’ll be wowed by the results.
 Freshen your breath
Mix 1 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water. Swish, spit, and rinse. Easy mouth wash that neutralizes odors.
– Make your own deodorant
Some people will just sprinkle on baking soda as a natural deodorant. For my sensitive skin this is too much, but it is a key ingredient in my deodorant recipe that I love.
– Gently exfoliate
Here’s a simple way to gently get rid of dead skin: Mix 3 parts of baking soda to 1 part water. Rub gently in a circular motion and then rinse clean.
– Relieve Skin Irritation
Add a cup of baking soda to bathwater to soften your skin and relieve skin irritations.
– Relieve heartburn
Baking soda is a safe antacid.

11 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING (From Joint Pain to Cancer)

11 Plants Native Americans Used To Cure EVERYTHING (From Joint Pain to Cancer)

The Cherokee Nation is a Native American tribe that hails from Oklahoma and surrounding American states.
Cherokees believe that they were given herbs and plants by their Creator, gifts which allowed them to treat and cure illnesses and ailments. These plants were plants for healing various illnesses and so the Cherokees had great respect for plants.
  1. Buckbrush
Buckbrush root was used by traditional Cherokee healers as a medicinal substance with diuretic properties. It was traditionally used to stimulate proper kidney function. Members of the same plant family also have been used to treat mouth and throat ailments, inflammation, and cysts and tumors, along with specific health issues such as inflamed tonsils, childbirth aftercare, hemorrhoids, swollen spleens, and swollen lymph nodes.
  1. Mint
The Cherokee drank mint tea to stimulate the digestive system and lower blood pressure. They crushed mint leaves to create salves and ointment and used mint in baths to relieve rashes and itching.
  1. Yarrow
Yarrow has blood-clotting properties, which can help a minor wound to form a scab and heal. When ingested with water, it can help to reduce tissue inflammation, especially in the intestines and digestive tract.
  1. Wild Ginger
Wild Ginger has been used by a wide variety of Native American tribes for medicinal purposes. The Cherokee Nation drank a mild infusion of wild ginger in order to stimulate digestion.
  1. Smilax Bona-Nox
Among Native American tribes, this plant was used as a blood purifier and mild diuretic
  1. Blackberries
Cherokee healers ground up the roots of blackberry plant, sweetening them with honey. This concoction was used to soothe sore throats, coughs, bleeding gums, and mouth sores.
  1. Curly Dock
Among Native American tribes, it was used as a rich source of iron. It was also believed to have laxative properties.
  1. Mullein
The Cherokee avowed that this traditional herb could help with lung and respiratory problems.
  1. Cattail
According to the Cherokee tradition, it can also prove helpful in the recovery process. The entire plant may be eaten, save for the leaves and the heads of the seeds.
  1. Sumac
The leaves of the sumac plant may be steeped to make a tea used to treat fever. In addition, fresh leaves can be mixed with berries to create paste that soothes poison ivy.
  1. Rose Hip
Rose hip contains a significant amount of vitamin C The Cherokee used this herb in a tea form to stimulate the kidneys and bladder. A tea made of the petals was traditionally be used to soothe a sore throat while the roots were used to cure diarrhea.

Boil Lemons in the Evening and Drink the Liquid as Soon as You Wake Up …

Boil Lemons in the Evening and Drink the Liquid as Soon as You Wake Up … You will Be Shocked by the Effects!

If you start your day with a glass of lemon water, you’ll help every system in your body work properly.
Although lemon water has become quite popular recently, a lot of people don’t prepare it in the right way to get the benefits from this morning ritual.
Drinking warm lemon water the first thing in the morning does provide your body with certain important nutrients, but if you use the lemon together with its peel you’ll get even more nutrients and benefits.
Another thing you might do wrong when preparing your morning lemon water, is squeezing the lemons instead of boiling them. This method of preparation will help you obtain all important benefits from lemons.

Here’s the right way to prepare warm lemon water:

  • 20 oz. of water
  • 6 lemons
  • Organic honey
  1. Slice the lemons and add them in the water. Boil for three minutes and remove from heat. After the mixture cools a bit, remove the lemon slices from the water.
  2. You can even let the lemon stay in the water overnight then strain it the next morning to have it as a cold beverage.
  3. Add some honey to taste in the liquid, and mix well. Drink one glass, and keep the rest of the liquid in a glass bottle.

Benefits of this Drink:

  • Boosts your immune system.
  • Protects you from colds.
  • Gives you an incredible boost of energy.
  • Helps your digestion and regulates your metabolism.
  • Cleanses you from various toxins.
  • Balances the pH Levels of your organism.
  • Clears your skin to look beautiful.
  • Freshens your breath.
  • Helps you in the process of weight loss.
  • Boosts your mood and happiness, prevents depression.
  • Hydrates your lymph system.
  • Promotes healing.
This is just a few of the health benefits you will get by drinking this simple, yet powerful drink as a first thing in the morning. Do not forget to keep the peel when slicing the lemons, as these will help you get this benefits.
Start practicing this morning ritual and expect to feel much better soon!

How To Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes With Apple Cider Vinegar

How To Kill Sinus Infection Within Minutes With Apple Cider Vinegar

Sinus infection is an inflammation of the membrane and the tissue and it often causes fevers, headaches and pain in the face. Chronic sinusitis can last for about 12 weeks, or if it is not treated, even longer. On the other hand, an acute sinusitis lasts for about four weeks. Viruses and bacteria can cause an infection of the sinuses. This actually is the air space between the bones in the cheeks, in the area between the eyes, and the forehead. Antibiotics can cause a lot of side effects, so they are not the best treatment for sinusitis. Also, you should be aware that antibiotics don’t help if the sinusitis is a result of a virus infection.
How Does ACV Treatment Work?
Apple cider vinegar has many usages, so it is one of the best natural treatments for many health problems. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and malic acids that help in killing bacteria. With its help the body is able to remove the bacteria more effectively. This treatment can help you for fighting fungal, viral, as well as Candidacies.
To get all the benefits ACV has to offer, you should use it unfiltered, raw, unpasteurized, and organic. Natural apple cider vinegar is not clear, and on the bottom of the container usually can be found sediment parts. If you take

Salt, Pepper And Lemon Can Solve These 9 Problems Better Than Any Medicine

Winter season is well known for snow, natural beauty, holidays as well as viral infections. Many people fall ill in winter due to infections and flues. Antibiotics are generally the solution on viral infection which is so not true.

Treating infection using antibiotics is actually harmful to your immune system. It is necessary to prevent the viral infection and treat it using natural treatment. It is essential to provide

How to Detox Every Organ in Your Body and Never Be Sick or Tired

How to Detox Every Organ in Your Body and Never Be Sick or Tired

Many people these days suffer from some serious illnesses. The main causes of illnesses such as cancer and autoimmune diseases are stress, consumption of processed foods, hormone imbalance, parasites, viruses, heavy metals, etc.

How Does the Immunity Become Weak?

The immune system can remove the toxins from the body through feces, vomit, and fever. However, the body will begin to attack itself when the immune system becomes off-centered. You can weaken your immunity by eating sugars, wheat, and products containing GMO. You can experience these diseases:
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Autism
  • Leukemia
  • Eczema
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Vitiligo

How to Detox the Body and Strengthen the Immune System

Healthy diet
You have to avoid GMOs, sugar, processed foods, and refined and pasteurized ingredients, so you can cleanse your body. Avoid consuming coffee and alcohol and incorporate more fats like avocado, coconut, and olive oil, seeds, nuts, probiotics, and fish.
Cleanse the liver
You can cleanse the liver by consuming dandelion root, beets, castor oil, garlic, and turmeric. Eat apples for seven days and drink carrot juice to keep the stones from dislodging if you have gallstones. You will also benefit from drinking a mixture made of olive oil and lemon juice.
Cleanse the kidneys
If you consume vitamin B6, ginger, and horsetail, you will expel the poisons from the kidneys. ACV, warm lemon water, and cranberry juice are also great ingredients to cleanse the kidneys.

Monday 12 February 2018

20 Unknown Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice

20 Unknown Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice

Beetroot has been widely popular because of its health benefits since the ages. It is well known for a few benefits such as reducing blood pressure, heart problems, kidney problems, etc. This list is what we intend to see here in good detail and maybe think of incorporating beetroot juice in our lives.
Beetroot juice, having most benefits of beetroot eating, is good because if we drink it, it can give us an instant boost. It is the undisputed champion of all the juices that we can drink to improve our health.
Before discussing how it can benefit us, let us have a look at the properties of beetroot.
DV- Daily Value
Beetroot also contains nitrates, which in many other cases may be harmful, but in this case, it is highly beneficial. These inorganic nitrates are converted

Friday 9 February 2018

7 Most Powerful Juices to Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally

7 Most Powerful Juices to Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally

Although kidneys can debug itself alone it never hurts to offer extra help, especially if we feel more tired, retain fluids of our general health. The effect of malfunction of kidneys is never known until or unless any side effects were seen. However kidney failures are most probably observed in restlessly working peoples. Try these natural juices to cleanse the kidneys naturally and eliminate all toxins.

Why do we need to detoxify the kidneys?

The body is unfiltered from excess of sodium and water would lead to struggling kidney pains or failures. It produces hormones and cleans the blood and also does everything possible to stay healthy.

Stay Alert!

If you are experiencing the following symptoms then it is good to start caring for your kidneys.

General Symptoms:

  • You are tired or fatigued all day and sleep many hours.
  • You feel pain in the lower back after eating certain foods.
  • Your continuously in a bad mood and Experience hormonal imbalances
  • Skin problems such as, rashes, acne or eczema.
  • Gaining additional weight for no reason or your belly is too bloated.
  • Suffering from kidney stones in the past.
  • Urinary incontinence, you usually suffer urinary tract infections or problems bladder.

The Best Kidney Cleanse Juice Recipes:

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of detoxifying the kidneys, but especially those who have felt with identical symptoms of kidney. Perhaps you are in good general health but still lacking from radiant skin or swollen legs.
We recommend the following juices or smoothies to help you make a comprehensive renewal cleaning.

1. Watermelon and Lemon Juice:

It is worth remembering that watermelon has 92% water in its composition and that is very good for detoxifying the kidneys. It also provides potassium which dissolves kidney stones and lemon is also known to clean the body more efficiently.
  • 2 cups cubed watermelon (300 g)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Cut watermelon into cubes and remove the shell.
  • Squeeze lemon juice.
  • Place the two ingredients in the blender and mix well.
  • Drink immediately (if you wish, you can add a few ice cubes).

2. Carrot and Celery Juice:

These are refreshing agents of health and useful for natural kidney care option. The celery, for example, melts and removes the stones.
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 stalks celery
  • ¼ cup water (62 ml)
  • Peel off the carrots and wash the celery stalks well.
  • Cut carrots and celery into small pieces.
  • Put the slices of vegetables in a blender and add water to facilitate blending.
  • Process until blended.
  • Drink immediately.

3. Carrot and Cucumber Juice:

Diuretics cucumber has great powers due to its high water content. Carrot helps kidneys to maintain healthy skin and prevents wrinkles or acne. A mega dose of nutrients!
  • 2 carrots
  • ½ cucumber
  • Peel carrots and cucumber.
  • Cut into slices and bring them to the blender.
  • Mix well and always drinks in the morning, fasting.

4. Juice of Radish, Cabbage and Celery:

  • Radish is one of the best ways to detoxify the liver, gallbladder and kidneys allowing elimination of waste.
  • They also protect against infection and have anti – inflammatory and antifungal properties.
  • If you often suffer from kidney stones, drink radish juice or include them as an ingredient in various foods.
  • In turn you can combine them without ignoring cleansing recipe.
  • Radishes 1 cup (116 g)
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 1 cup purple cabbage (100 g)
  • Wash all ingredients well.
  • Chop quartered radishes, celery and cabbage sliced into strips.
  • Put some water in a blender to facilitate blending and mix to obtain a juice to drink immediately.
  • If you have juice extractor, chop directly without raising and stir with a spoon before enjoying (better if fasting).

5. Cucumber and Parsley Juice:

The diuretic properties of cucumber in addition to the parsley, its ability to remove kidney stones and prevent fluid retention, result in a liquid form is much beneficial. Do not hesitate to try it!
  • 5 tablespoons of parsley (leaves and stems) (50 g)
  • ¼ cucumber
  • Thoroughly wash the parsley and cucumber.
  • Stings a little peeling first and second before cutting into slices.
  • Put in a blender and mix well.
  • Drink as soon as possible, along with little water or ice cubes.

6. Pineapple and Strawberry Juice:

Strawberries eliminate kidney stones and pineapple is rich in potassium which improves the functioning of these organs.
  • 1 cup strawberries (200 g)
  • 2 or 3 pineapple slices
  • Wash the strawberries and scrape out the cape. Cut them in half or quarters, depending on size.
  • Cut two or three slices of pineapple, later peel and chop it.
  • Put everything in the blender, mix and drink.

7. Celery and Apple Juice:

In the end consume this as a cleaning option of kidneys. But this is no longer effective. Both combination of ingredients care for and protect these organs, purify and detoxify. Last but not least, have diuretic properties.
  • 2 Apples (red or green)
  • 3 stalks celery
  • Wash apples and celery stalks.
  • Cut the apples into quarters and remove the heart. If they are from organic farming also can include the covering layer.
  • Chop celery stalks.
  • Put both ingredients in the blender jar.
  • Mix well and drink as soon as possible.
There is a vast change in our lifestyle which has gifted us with ways of comfort but decreased the quality of life. All of us gained many facilities at the cost of environment. One of the most adverse impacts of pollution is increase toxins level in the food that we consume.

Kidneys play the role of body detoxification and water regulation. Hence it is very crucial to keep the kidneys cleaned regularly in order to ensure that the detoxification process goes on effectively.

How to Prevent and Get Rid of Kidney Stones Naturally

How to Prevent and Get Rid of Kidney Stones Naturally

You are about to learn what are the kidneys, how do they function, what causes kidney problems, what are kidney stones and how to prevent and get rid of kidney stones.

What are the kidneys?
The kidneys are two organs in the body that shaped like a bean and are located just below the rib cage, one being on each side of the rib and they are about the size of a fist.

How do the kidneys function?
Both the kidneys filter up to about 120 - 150 quarts of blood each day to produce 1 to 2 quarts of urine, mainly composes of waste and extra fluid. The urine in the kidneys flows to the bladder through two thin tubes called the ureters that are located on each side of the bladder.

The bladder collects and stores urine while the muscles of the bladder remain relax as it is being filled up with urine. When the bladder is filled with urine, a signal is sent to the brain, telling the person to go to the restroom and as the person begins to urinate, the muscles of the bladder contract, causing the urine to flow through a tube located at the bottom of the bladder called the urethra. The urethra in men is long and the urethra in the woman is short.

What may cause problems in the kidneys?
There are several things that may cause problems in the kidneys, but the two most common issues are infection and kidney stones. An infection in the kidneys is mainly caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI) that spreads towards the kidneys. NOTE: An infected kidney can be deadly if left untreated, so be sure to consult a doctor if you suspect an infection in your kidneys.

What are kidney stones?
These are stones formed inside the kidneys when minerals in the urine harden and crystallize. There are two types of kidney stones: Uric acid and Calcium Oxalate stones. The type of stone discovered in your kidneys may help in the prevention and treatment process.

Kidney stones may cause discomfort base on where the stone is located; if the stone is in the ureter it may cause pain while passing urine and you may experience difficulties urinating. Symptoms often include increased frequency and urgency with urination, pain in the abdomen and lower back. In some cases, blood may be in the urine. NOTE: If you see blood in urine, see a doctor right away.

Other things that may cause kidney problems are chemotherapy, exposure to toxins, and venom from snakes, insects, and disorders like diabetes, heart failure, and lupus.

How to get rid of kidney stones and flush the kidney of toxins?
The kidneys clean themselves, but with this simple kidney detox recipe, you will do your kidneys a good favour.

4 Tablespoon Organic Lemon juice
4 Tablespoon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Organic Lemon
2 8oz Glasses Purified Water

1. Mix 4 Tablespoon Organic Lemon juice with 4 Tablespoon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and drink it right away.
2. Drink 1 8oz glass of purified water right after you have consumed the mixture and wait 30 minutes
3. After the 30 minutes, squeeze 1/2 lemon in the next 8oz glass of purified water and drink.
4. Repeat this process until symptoms improve or stones are eliminated.

Other remedies you can take are Dandelion Root, Pomegranate Juice and you can even cook with kidney beans, Organic Celery and Basil because studies have shown that they all have an amazing cleansing effect on the kidneys.

How to prevent problems?
Stay away from soda and energy drinks as these things often cause the formation of stones in the kidneys and give the kidneys a lot of work.
Drink plenty of clean, purified water, because top water is known as hard water and is filled with extra minerals that may cause the workload on the kidneys to be heavy and difficult.

I wish you the best success with your kidneys and please share this recipe and article using the sharing buttons below.

A Simple Home Remedy For Healthy Kidneys

A Simple Home Remedy For Healthy Kidneys

The kidney is an essential organ of our body. Should its normal functioning get disrupted in the least bit, all the other organs get badly hit. The moment you hear someone say kidney failure, it means all hope is lost. But, would you believe if we told you there’s a simple home remedy for this? There’s a magic ingredient lying right on your kitchen shelf that can not only reverse kidney damage but also prevent the need for dialysis. Curious much? Read on…
Before we tell you about the miracle cure, let us tell you what makes the kidneys the most important organs of our body.
Located along the back muscles of the upper abdominal cavity, the two bean-shaped organs sit on either side of the spine.

Why Are The Kidneys Important?

These are the three core functions these organs perform:
  1. We have all heard of hormones that move around in the blood and control



This dare challenge is for all those who think that they cannot lose weight by drinking cleansing water having all natural ingredients. The dare is very simple and straight forward. You drink this for 3 days 3 times a day and then get on the scale and let me know what happened to the scale. This drink will help you lose weight and detoxify your body.  Are you up for this dare?
The 3 day 3 times a day dare challenge recipe is following.


  • 1000 ml of water
  • 1-2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1-2 drops of lemon oil (therapeutic grade)
  • 1-2 tbs maple syrup (This is optional but I suggest you use it)


Preparation is simple as you have to mix all the ingredients and that is it. If you use lukewarm/hot water, it is even better but you can use water at room temperature as well.
You should consume one glass of this drink before meal three times a day. Continue drinking it for thee days.
If you do not have lemon essential oil, then you can substitute it with the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Use lemon juice of half of a lemon. However, lemon essential oil is less acidic and is gentle on your teeth.
Another alternate can be grapefruit essential oil.  Some people cannot handle the apple cider vinegar. In that case try using less quantity first day and then increase it over the period of 3 days.


Apple cider vinegar will suppress your appetite as it contains a compound called pectin which serves as an appetite suppressant. You will fell satisfied and full for longer time. You will consume less food which will also digest quickly.
Lemon essential oil or lemon juice as well as cayenne will also help your body to flush the toxins and suppress your appetite..
Before accepting this dare, you should note your weight as well as consult your physician. It is not for everyone!



The liver is one of the most important organs in your body, which responsibility is to transforms toxins into waste. This waste is later removed from the body through urine and feces.

However, as the time passes by, the liver function weakens, becoming sluggish and overwhelmed and the ability to eliminate toxins properly is reduced. In this case, it stores them in fat cells, mostly in the belly area.
As the result of the reduced function of the liver, the people are prone to some health problems, and we will present you some of them in the article below.
The liver is a naturally fatty organ, which means that there should be some fat in it at all times. When the fat is higher than normal (5% to 10% of the total weight of the liver), the people are facing so called the fatty liver disease.
There are known two types of fatty liver diseases:
–           Alcoholic liver disease and
–           Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Alcoholic liver disease occurs as a result of overindulgence in alcoholic beverages while the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the result of high cholesterol levels or genetics.
Here are listed symptoms that may be caused by excess fat in the liver, and show you to initiate the detoxification:
When your liver doesn’t work 100%, it doesn’t function properly, on removing toxins from the body and reducing calories fat will circulate from the gut through the bile and back to the organs.
Due to the created antibodies in a healthy liver, it can respectfully attack allergens. In a case of decreasing of the liver functioning, the body stores those allergens and the excessive buildup of them lead to allergy symptoms like fogginess, itchiness, and headaches.
As the toxins prevent the metabolism of muscle tissues it can result in physical fatigue and ache. For a longer period of time, the tiredness can turn into irritability, depression, and angry eruptions.
When the liver is forced to work hard and gets overworked, its functioning is drastically reduced and then liver becomes hot. As it has the ability to transfers the heat to the rest of the body, in trying to cool itself, it indicates excessive sweating.
The hormonal imbalances is another symptom that toxins in the liver can cause. Because of that are caused many skin issues like acne, as there is no external cleansing that will treat it and it can last until the liver’s functioning is improved.
Some people are suffering from a bad breath even their oral health and hygiene are on a very high level. This problem can be caused if they have a problem with their liver, but the best way to be sure about this is to consult the physician.
–           The easiest way of releasing fat from the liver is with practicing a proper diet. You should be focused on consuming foods like dandelion root, sweet potatoes, bananas, liver, and ginger root, as they are the foods proven in easing and reducing the effects of a fatty liver disease.
–           The breakfast smoothies are a good solution to use super power ingredients in your diet. So you can make your own smoothie with bananas, ginger and dandelion root, which is enormously effective in combating this disease.
How to prepare smoothie:
1)         Blend chopped banana with one cup of Greek yogurt, two tablespoons peanut butter, crushed ginger root, and one teaspoon of dandelion root.
2)         Serve it immediately.
3)         Incorporate into your diet one-to-two times a day.