
Thursday 9 March 2017



 Many folks wish to increase their height or in this case grow taller during or past their puberty years but they don’t know where to start or how to go about it.
As already discussed on different posts, our final adult height is determined by both genetic and environmental factors. That’s why you find that in some cases, all family members may be classified as tall or short on average yet in other cases, some are tall, yet others are short.
You also need to know that some  illnesses or disorders may determine our final heights and no matter what you do, the only solution is surgery. There is a page that covers some of those illnesses on this blog.
Otherwise if you can’t afford surgery, you aren’t diseased, genes are on your side, and you are in a good environment,


 1. Sleep
I can ‘t emphasize enough how important it is to have enough sleep on daily basis. By enough i mean the recommended 7 – 8 hours for adults and 9 – 10 hours for adolescents and in this case, it’s the quality of sleep that counts not just staying in your bed all night half awake while counting the hours. It should be deep REM sleep. otherwise your body will be fatigued during the day and you will miss out on the growth hormones released during REM sleep. More on sleep here>>>>>
 2. If you are fat, loose weight
There’s a link between your amount of body fat and HGH production .
Those with higher body fat levels or more belly fat will likely have impaired HGH production and an increased risk of disease.
 3. Improve your nutrition
Our bodies are simply built and made up of minerals, proteins and essential vitamins so how do you expect you body to grow without nutrients?
According to the American Council on Exercise, 25 to 31 percent of our bodies is fat if you’re female, or 18 to 24 percent if you’re male. The rest is simply organs, bones, and muscles. Muscles require a lot of proteins and water to grow in size and bones require lots of minerals particularly calcium to grow in length. More on the required nutrients on the role of nutrition page on this blog. Hope you know where to find that page..in the side bar.
 4. Exercise
If you are still in puberty, you need to keep your body active during your puberty years. Sports like basket ball, swimming and other sports that require a bit of running will be a starting point. But keep away from sports that require a lot of weight lifting if you are still in puberty.
If you are past puberty, there are particular stretches that can help you increase height. Discussed on stretching exercises page. You will also need plenty of walking, jogging, and a bit of sprinting.
 5. Meditation
This is a necessity if you are past puberty. You need to practice visualization. Imagine yourself a couple of inches taller. since growing after puberty is an up hill task, visualization will help you stay focused on your goal and it will help you have self belief.
 6.  Avoid sex intercourse if you still in puberty.  
Now i know 90% of the teens are going to ask “what about jerking off ?”. Yeah, i know. This is one of the most frequently asked question by teenage boys. Well good news is you safe for now. But give your little brother some peace uh!..
Well, back to the point. According to research carried out by John Morris a doctoral student in psychology and his team on 40 day old hamsters which they say are equal to early teenagers in human terms, early sex can affect the immune system and delay the onset of puberty and growth – as well as having “lasting effects on the body and mood” which continue into adulthood.
This is because the teen body interprets sex as a “stressor”, sending the immune system into overdrive and causing inflammations that are behind conditions such as IBS. That can delay the onset of puberty and affect growth because sufferers miss out on key nutrients.
 7.Growth hormones, the engine of growth.
Of course if you are still in puberty, nothing much to worry about. Your pituitary gland is doing you a good favor at least  for now.
And if enough hormones are not released yet you still in puberty, your endocrinologist may still come to your rescue.
At least that’s what the Argentine endocrinologist Diego Schwarzstein did for the now famous footballer  Lionel Messi in 1998 when diagnosed with a partial growth hormone deficiency.
If you are past puberty, well these G.H treatments are not recommended. But don’t despair, the page about how to increase growth hormones on this blog will do you some good.
 8. Watch your posture
May be you are aware, may be not, but your sitting,  sleeping, standing and walking posture is making you one or two inches shorter.
Are you the type who spends hours sitting on your computer every day? well your back bone is no piece of mental. It’s made up of a network of cartilage and bones and these cartilages are softer and flexible because they have to cushion those bones in your back bone.
This also makes the same ‘cushions’ susceptible to external forces like gravity and poor posture. Well i won’t explain everything here. There’s an article about posture on this blog.
 9. Some medications can as well affect body growth and development if you didn’t know.
Research, conducted by the Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil and University of Montreal in Canada, showed that children who used steroids for asthma had slower growth rates compared to those not using the medications.
Anti-inflammatory medications like Corticosteroid therapy can also affect height through their effects on bone development.
 10. Finally and most importantly, drink Plenty of Water
Many people underestimate the importance of water to the body. This is why i put this point last  yet most important.
The human brain is composed of 95% water; blood is 82% water; the lungs are nearly 90% water. Water is also the single most critical nutrient for health, growth, and development. This simply makes it the most important nutrient.
Water makes bone stronger. The additional fluoride added to the water supply provides extra strength and  density to bones.
Your body needs to stay hydrated in order to reach its full growth potential.
You need at least 2 liters of water a day for optimum health. Besides water itself, fruits like cucumber and water melons can help keep you hydrated.

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