Studies that evaluated the biochemical effect of stretching exercises showed that muscle length does increase during stretch application due to the viscoelastic properties of muscle.
Three muscle stretching techniques are frequently described in the literature: Static, Dynamic, and Pre-Contraction stretches.
The traditional and most common type is static stretching, where a specific positi
on is held with the muscle on tension to a point of a stretching sensation for a specified time and then repeated.
on is held with the muscle on tension to a point of a stretching sensation for a specified time and then repeated.
But no increase in muscle elongation occurs after 2 to 4 repetitions.
so, when it comes to spine stretching exercises to grow taller after 20, we will focus our attention on the static stretches.
Static stretching generally focuses on increasing the length of a musculotendinous unit, in essence increasing the distance between a muscle’s origin and insertion.
Muscle length gains are greatest immediately after stretching.
However, this length increase is transient, its magnitude and duration being dependent upon the duration and type of stretching applied and decline within 15 minutes thus you need to tone the muscles immediately after stretching.
Because muscle comprises deformable material, its length measurement at a given moment in time is always dependent upon the amount of tensile force (force that pulls the specimen in the direction of elongation) applied.
Also to note is the fact that when you stretch your back bone out to increase height, the bigger or more the muscle groups involved while performing a particular exercise the more effective the stretching exercises for back is.
This is the reason there are many spine stretching exercises for height that can help you grow taller after puberty but choosing those you can hold on to for 10 to 20 seconds will make such exercises very efficient.
Also to note is when stretching is applied to a muscle and the muscle is held in the stretched position for a period of time, as is the case with normal static stretching techniques,the muscle’s resistance to stretch gradually declines.
1. Hanging
Of course you will need a Stand Alone Pull up Bar >>
to perform this exercise.
Hanging from a bar allows the gravitational force to stretch your spine or back bone towards the earth as well as stretching your back muscles as
you hang freely. This effect generally decompresses the spinal column and helps undo the effects of poor posture like poor sitting posture for long hours thus improving your over all well being.

The reason it is effective is almost all the muscle groups for upper body right from the back of the shoulders are involved.
Hang to the count of twenty or 15 to 20 seconds.
In the beginning, you may struggle to make 20 seconds but with time it will be much easier and you will be able to hang on to even 30 seconds or even longer which will lengthen your back bone.
Repeat the exercise 1-3 times. do ie t at least once every day if possible.
2. Dry Swimming
Just a Yoga mat >> or any other mat may be enough to perform this exercise especially if you are on a slippery surface.
This is one of the most effective upper body stretching exercises since it directly targets all the muscles of the upper body, the hip muscles inclusive.
With other exercises you will stop experiencing strain sooner but with this one you will continue feeling sore because of the way it
directly targets all the muscles. It’s also very effective when it comes to stretching lower back to relieve back pain.

Lie facing the ground with legs straight and arms straight on ground and be in a straight line.
Raise your left hand diagonally from the body then your right leg and hold position for 5 to 10 seconds. Relax for a couple of second and switch to the left leg and right hand. Do 1-3 repetitions then stand up and relax the back bone by performing the cat stretch.
3. Cat Stretch
This exercise if effective in many ways but the reason i like it is the way it targets the cartilage in the back bone, flexing it every time you perform it.
I particularly use it to relax my back bone immediately after performing the cobra as well as dry swimming exercise thus helping
me to stretch the back bone even further. Also very effective when stretching lower back muscles.

Get on your hands and knees with your arms locked out.
Inhale as you flex your spine down and bring your head up. Exhale as you bring your spine up into an arched position while bringing your head down.
4. Cobra Stretch
This yoga exercise targets mainly the muscles in the middle of the back. It is very effective because it goes beyond targeting the muscles in the back, targeting the cartilage in the spinal cord as well as the abdominal muscles.

With this exercise you will feel a lot of pain and resistance initially but you get used, you will keep feeling lesser resistance with this exercise before any other exercise.
Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat or floor with your hands positioned directly under your shoulders and fingers facing forward.
Legs should be straight and toes pointed.
Upward Phase: Gently exhale. Engage your abdominal/core muscles to support the spine. Press your hips into the mat or floor Lengthen the torso and curl your chest away from the ground while keeping your hips stable. Keep the shoulders rolling down and back.
Hold this position for 15 – 30 seconds.
Downward Phase: Gently lower your upper body back to the mat or floor, lengthening the spine as you descend. If you experience any pain in the low back with this movement, stop the exercise immediately and consult with your doctor.
As the length of arms differ, individuals may often lift their hips off the mat or floor as they fully extend their arms. In this case, limit the extension in your arms to keep the hips on the mat.
As the length of arms differ, individuals may often lift their hips off the mat or floor as they fully extend their arms. In this case, limit the extension in your arms to keep the hips on the mat.
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