
Wednesday 15 March 2017

11 Benefits of Almond Milk You Didn’t Know About

11 Benefits of Almond Milk You Didn’t Know About

Those looking for a dairy-free milk substitute have probably stumbled across almond milk and wondered, “Is almond milk good for you?” Whether you’re a vegan, sensitive to milk or just don’t like the taste, almond milk is a fabulous alternative.
While almond milk is becoming more and more popular, it’s important to note that it doesn’t provide as much protein or calcium to be a completesubstitute, so make sure you receive adequate amounts from

When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach......

When You Drink Water On An Empty Stomach After Waking Up, These 8 Amazing Things Will Happen
Japanese women are well known for their slim, healthy, and toned figures. While genetics almost certainly plays a role, many claim that their morning ritual may also be helping them stay healthier. Put simply, most Japanese women drink water immediately upon waking.
This ritual, now deeply rooted within Japanese culture, is actually a form of water treatment that’s scientifically proven to help remedy a number of body disorders. Unlike the U.S. and other western countries, Japan’s population does not suffer heavily from disorders such as obesity and diabetes. It stands to reason that we could learn a thing or two from their healthier lifestyles!

Why is Drinking Water So Important?

For a start, 70% of your body is made up of water, so it’s essential to keep it fresh and topped up to keep the body working properly. When the body’s water requirement is not met, it has a variety of negative short-term and long-term health consequences.
Long-term dehydration can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, angina, colitis, dyspepsia, hypertension, obesity, haemorrhoids, breast cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney stones, sinusitis, and uterine cancers!
Help your body to better avoid these conditions by drinking water after waking up and keeping your body hydrated throughout the day.

How Can I Perform Water Treatment?

This is a proven method for treating body disorders, menstrual diso

Monday 13 March 2017

9 Amazing Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

How to Reduce Waist Size in Men

How to Reduce Waist Size in Men

It's not a secret that men are prone to storing fat in their bellies. Men with a waist circumference of greater than 40 inches are at an increased risk of health conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. To reduce belly fat, you must lose total body fat, because spot reducing fat solely from your belly is a myth. A healthy, reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise is the only way to get to a slimmer waist.

It's All About the Calories

How to Reduce Waist Size in Men
A combination of diet and exercise can create a calorie defecit. Photo Credit Elena Elisseeva/iStock/Getty Images
By burning more calories than you take in on a daily basis you can lose weight. You can't choose where fat stores in your body, though, and you also can't select a specific area that you want to lose it from. A daily deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories can result in the safe, expert-recommended rate of 1 to 2 pounds lost per week. This deficit can come from dietary changes, exercise or both. With weight loss, your overall amount of body fat will shrink, including that excess fat around your middle. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, men generally lose weight when consuming 1,200 to 1,600 calories per day.

Exercise to Burn Calories

How to Reduce Waist Size in Men
Engage in cardio, such as swimming. Photo Credit YanLev/iStock/Getty Images
Increasing your physical activity can help you burn calories and lose weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests doing 30 to 60 minutes of moderate cardio on five days of the week, and incorporating strength training on at least two days. Cardio can be anything from a brisk walk or jog to bicycling, swimming and jumping rope. Strength training requires you to work all major muscle groups including your chest, abs, back, shoulders, hips, arms and legs. During cardio, you should exercise at an intensity that allows you to talk, but not sing. During strength training you should use enough weight so you can't do another repetition at the end of each set.
How to Reduce Waist Size in Men
Full body strength training works best to reduce your waist. Photo Credit kzenon/iStock/Getty Images
Abdominal-strengthening exercises won't touch belly fat, they only strengthen the muscles underneath that layer of fat. A full-body, strength-training routine works best to reduce your waist. The muscle tissue you build stimulates your metabolism and uses up more calories than fat. If you solely do abdominal exercises and build your stomach muscles without reducing fat, the muscles can actually push your fat forward, making your belly appear bigger.

Watch What You Eat

How to Reduce Waist Size in Men
Reduce your caloric intake with lean protein, low-fat dairy, and lots of vegetables. Photo Credit Raul Taborda/Hemera/Getty Images
Although exercise burns calories, adjusting your diet can also contribute to your daily caloric deficit. Calories from sugar, which are present in foods and beverages such as cookies, doughnuts, soda, candy and muffins, greatly contribute to belly fat. Reducing your intake of these can help slim your waist. Eating smaller portions and replacing high-calorie, diet-sabotaging foods with low-calorie, nutritious foods can also help. Nutrients should mainly come from whole grains, low-fat or non-fat dairy, lean protein, fruits and veggies. Read food labels and keep a food journal so you can track your caloric intake and detect pitfalls early on.

Female Thigh and Waist Weight Loss

Female Thigh and Waist Weight Loss

Spot reduction is impossible, and if you are solely focusing on slimming fat from your thighs and belly, you’re most likely not successful. There’s no way around it: to reduce fat in your problem areas, you must lose fat from your entire body. When your body slims down, your thighs and waist will also reduce. Healthy eating habits, regular exercise and a good dose of determination can give you the upper hand.

Female Fat Storage

Aging, genetics, and hormones are some of the factors responsible for weight gain in women. Women already have more body fat than men, and are predisposed to sto

How to Lose Weight in My Legs, Stomach, Waist & Thighs

How to Lose Weight in My Legs, Stomach, Waist & Thighs

It's not possible to burn fat on just one area of your body, but lowering your overall body fat levels will slim down your stomach, waist, legs and thighs -- in addition to your back, arms and face. To get the slim, toned appearance you seek, you'll need to pair a balanced diet with a workout program that promotes muscle growth. You shouldn't expect a major change in your physique overnight, but stick to your diet program for gradual weight loss that delivers long-lasting results.

Cut Calories to Lose Weight

The key to losing weight is cutting your calorie intake. Each pound of fat corresponds to 3,500 calories, so you'll need to burn 500 to 1,000 more calories than you eat every day, on average, to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.

Use an online calorie burner calculator tool, or consult a nutrition professional to estimate the number of calories you need to maintain your weight -- it varies widely based on your size, body composition, gender and age, so it's best to get a personalized estimate. Once you know roughly how many calories you need, create your 500- to 1,000-calorie deficit by cutting your calorie intake or upping your calorie burn. For example, burning 500 calories a day through exercise and eating 500 fewer calories per day makes a 1,000-calorie deficit to lose 2 pounds weekly; eating 300 fewer calories and burning 200 extra calories makes a 500-calorie deficit to lose 1 pound per week.

While it's tempting to cut as many calories as possible for the fastest weight loss, you shouldn't eat fewer than 1,200 calories daily, according to West Virginia University. Any less than that, and you likely won't get all the nutrients you need, and your body might go into "starvation mode" and hold on to body fat. If your 500- to 1,000-calorie deficit takes you under 1,200 calories, follow a 1,200-calorie diet and burn the rest through exercise.

Choose Filling Weight Loss Foods

The foods you eat can affect how you feel when you're following a weight loss diet. A single fast food meal, for example, won't fill you up for very long, but it will take up a significant chunk of your daily calorie intake; a plate of veggies has almost no calories but is full of fiber that will help fill your stomach.

Choose foods high in fiber and protein to keep you feeling full. Both of these nutrients help slow down digestion to keep your stomach full for longer after you eat, and they help control your blood sugar to avoid crashes, which could otherwise leave you hungry. Whole grains, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and fruit all up your fiber intake. Nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs, white-meat poultry and low-fat dairy offer protein, which also helps you feel full.

Try starting your day with a two-egg omelet filled with spinach, tomatoes and green peppers; snacking on an apple or a handful of raspberries. For lunch, enjoy a kale salad with a half-cup of chickpeas and a few chunks of tuna, and eat an ounce of almonds as an afternoon snack. For dinner, eat grilled salmon with steamed mixed vegetables, a glass of nonfat milk and a piece of fruit.

Cut Weight Gain Triggers

You'll also slim down your midsection and lower body by cutting common weight gain triggers. That includes the obvious high-calorie fatty fare, like burgers, greasy pizza and fries, but also a few "healthy" foods. For example, potatoes, including baked potatoes, which have some nutritional value like iron and potassium, are one of the worst foods for weight gain, reports a 2011 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Red and processed meat is also one of the top foods associated with weight gain, so it's best to limit your red meat intake and stick to lean cuts, like 97 percent lean ground beef.

Watch out for "healthy" baked goods like store-bought fruit and bran muffins. While some muffins may have some nutritional benefits, they're usually made with fat and added sugar, and they're loaded with calories. Limit your juice intake as well. Juice has more nutrients than soda, but it's still high in calories and sugar, which makes it less-than-ideal for weight loss.

Tone Your Legs, Stomach, Waist & Thighs

Complement the results from your diet with strength training to build muscle in your midsection and legs. Muscle tissue has weight loss benefits -- pound for pound, it burns more calories than fat -- and also helps give you a lean, toned appearance.

Do two to three strength training sessions per week that include moves to strengthen your lower body and core. Weighted squats, deadlifts and lunges target the muscles in your legs, and they also strengthen your midsection because your core works hard to stabilize your body while you do them. To work your stomach and waist, include planks -- and side planks -- into your routine, or catch a Pilates class for an hour of core training.

Make your toning workouts efficient by combining moves that work your lower body with ones that work your waistline. Try using a dumbbell or the cable machine at your gym to perform a squat with a wood chop, or perform lunges with a twist to tone your sides. Because these moves work so many muscles, you'll also burn more calories through your workout -- and burn more fat -- than through traditional crunches and sit-ups. While sit-ups and crunches work your abs, they don't burn many calories, so you'll still have a layer of fat over your newly toned abdominal muscles; they won't be visible.

How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach and Hips in Two Weeks

How to Lose Weight in Your Stomach and Hips in Two Weeks

You've got just two weeks to shrink your belly and hips before swimsuit season or that high school reunion. You can certainly jumpstart a weight-loss plan and see some results in two weeks, but how much depends on your starting weight and commitment. You can't target just your belly and hips for weight loss, but a low-calorie plan that focuses on whole foods along with dedicated exercise will help you look -- and feel -- better for your big event.

Understand Your Hip and Stomach Fat

You may want to lose weight primarily in your hips and tummy, but know that you can't control which fat your body burns first. Fat is stored in fat cells throughout your body. Some people have more fat cells in certain "trouble" spots, which means these areas are more prone to plump up. When you reduce your calorie intake below what you burn,

Friday 10 March 2017

Cancer Prevention - What You Can Do

Cancer Prevention - What You Can Do

Cancer prevention: Do you know up to half of all cancers are preventable? Making wise choices can slash your risk of getting many types of cancer.
It’s Cancer Prevention Month, the perfect time to learn more about how your choices affect your cancer risk. Here are some savvy ways to significantly cut your risk of cancer.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over 8 million deaths each year are due to cancer. And up to HALF of all these cases are preventable.
According to WHO the major factors that increase cancer risk are:
  • tobacco use including cigarettes and smokeless tobacco
  • being overweight or obese
  • unhealthy diet with low fruit and vegetable intake
  • lack of physical activity
  • alcohol use
  • sexually transmitted HPV-infection
  • infection by hepatitis or other carcinogenic infections
  • ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
  • urban air pollution
  • indoor smoke from household use of solid fuels.
The big takeaway from research on cancer prevention? Canc

For Smokers And Ex-Smokers Too – A Drink For Cleaning The Lungs

For Smokers And Ex-Smokers Too – A Drink For Cleaning The Lungs

The American Lung Association stated that there are over 600 items that the cigarettes contain which harm the smokers and the people around them as well. When the cigarette burns it releases 7000 toxins!

Some studies have showed that up to 69 of these toxins create poisons and cancer in the human body. Unfortunately, numerous regular products that are being sold the markets contain certain chemicals that are very harmful for our health, but they at least have warning labels. The cigarettes still are in the shadow, but in this article today you can read about all the chemicals that are contained in cigarettes.
This is list of only several chemicals and smoke toxins contained in CIGARETTES:
  • Acetic acid of hair dye
  • Acetone of polish remover
  • Arsenic in rat poison
  • Ammonia of house cleaners
  • Benzene in rubber cement
  • Butane in fluid in lighters
  • Formaldehyde in embalming fluids for medicine and autopsy
  • Carbon monoxide in car exhaust fumes
  • Cadmium in battery acid
  • Lead in battery
  • Hexamine in barbeque fluid for lighting
  • Methanol in rocket fuels
  • Nicotine in insecticides and such products
  • Naphthalene in mothballs
  • Methanol in rocket fuels
  • Tar in paving road materials
  • Toluene in paints
Note that these are just few of the many poisons that you get when you smoke a cigarette.
The lungs of both smokers and ex-smokers are full of all of the toxins we mentioned above. Luckily, with the help of some natural remedies you can cleanse a big part of them.
Below we will show you recipe for remedy that is consisted of only 3 ingredients: onion, ginger and turmeric.
Ginger is well-known thanks to its remarkable properties and it’s used as natural healing many years ago. Ginger is going to remove the mucus buildup of the lungs.
Onion has anti-cancer properties and it will fight against the malignant issues and stop the respiratory complications
Turmeric is rich with vitamins and minerals, and also contains omega-3 fatty acids. This spice has the ability to fight bacteria, virusesand cancer cells.
Ingredients needed:
  • 1 liter water
  • 400 g raw sugar
  • 400 g onion
  • Ginger root, organic
  • 2 tablespoons powder turmeric
The Preparation:
In some pot add the water and the sugar and put on heat. Let it boil and during this time, you can chop the ginger and the onion and then add them in the pan.
When it starts to boil, add the turmeric and lower the heat. Leave it to cook until it’s reduced to half in size.
Strain it and store it in glass jar or bottle. When it is cooled, put it in the refrigderator.
Drink this potion every day. Take 2 spoons in morning, 2 tablespoons before going to bed and 2 hours after eating.



Rosmaris, also known as summeri rose, has been commonly used by the ancient Greeks who dedicated the plant to the goddess Aphrodite. Nowadays, this plant is called rosemary and it’s still very popular.

According to alatest research, rosemary prevents aging and it also works as potent antioxidant agent. It‘s abundant in flavonoids, the compounds that improve the blood flow to all tissues, strengthen the blood vessels, and promote circulation. For that reason, it can be used to treat headaches, to stimulate the hair growth and improve memory.
It positively affects the digestive system and the people often use it for treating constipation, indigestion, stomach cramps, and improper absorption of nutrients in the intestine. It’s scientifically shown that rosemary extract is able to stimulate the secretion of bile, the crucial element in the digestion of fats.
In 1995 it was conducted a study which discovered that rosemary also works as natural diuretic, and that in turn makes it effective at cleansing the liver from the toxic substances. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties cannot be ignored as they are very powerful and they have the ability to treat infections of the throat, ear, nose, and bronchitis.
Moreover, rosemary also cures fatigue and provides relief of rheumatism, muscle pain, and sciatica. For external use, you can dilute the rosemary oil with some neutral oil like sunflower oil and apply onto the affected area. Adding rosemary tea into your bath is one more good way to relieve rheumatism.
Rosemary extract also promotes better blood flow to the scalp, preventing formation of dandruff and baldness.
Be careful with rosemary oil, as children shouldn’t use it. Pregnant women and nursing mother should use very small amounts of it for culinary purposes.

What She Did With Coffee Was Totally Amazing

What She Did With Coffee Was Totally Amazing, In Just Few Minutes She Was Looking So Beautiful

The recipe that we are going to show you today is a 100% natural facial mask and scrub that will help to remove the dead skin layers from your face and make it much softer and smoother than ever before!

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of ground coffee
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • ¼ of a cup of milk
 Here’s how to prepare it:
Preparation and usage
First you need to clean your face with hot water to open your pores, then apply the mask on your entire face and leave it to work for about 20 minutes. Afterwards, massage the face with the scrub and rinse with warm water. You need to repeat the process every day for best results.
NP: Be very careful while using it.....



There are many people who are suffering from problems like poor eyesight or hair loss and they aren’t sure how to treat. Both problems are a result of the aging process and they can be treated naturally. Eating a mixture of certain ingredients is going to significantly improve your vision and make your hair grow like it has never before.

The remedy that we will present you today can significantly improve your health and treat the above-mentioned problems.
Here’s what you will need to prepare it:
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 kg. honey
  • 4 lemons
  • 200 gr. flax seed oil
The method of preparation:
You need to peel the garlic cloves and mix them in blender with the lemons. After that, add the flax seeds and the honey and mix everything until you get a homogenous mixture. You need to pour the mixture in a jar afterwards, close it and keep it in the refrigerator. Consume one tablespoon of it 30 minutes before the meals three times a day. The mixture works like a charm and are going to make your hair grow like a crazy while it will also help you improve your vision. Try it yourself and you will definitely be amazed by the results!

Consume This Elixir Made Of 3 Ingredients.....

Consume This Elixir Made Of 3 Ingredients, And Your Abdomen Will Be Firm Again! Try This Very Fast Method!

Many women around the world are dealing with excess belly fat which is a very unpleasant aesthetic and health problem. If you’ve tried to reduce it, you know that this is a difficult process which takes a lot of time and dedication, but luckily for you, we have a simple mixture that will clean toxins from your body and reduce your excess belly fat.

However, the drink won’t work on its own – you need to consume it along a healthy diet and 
exercise to see the results. Stick to it and you may lose up to 1 cm. every day!

Here’s the plan:
You will need the following ingredients
1 teaspoon of honey
2 teaspoons of ACV
50 ml. of soda water
150 ml. of grapefruit juice
Add the honey in the grapefruit juice and stir well to dissolve it, then add the soda water and ACV and drink the beverage twice a day 15 minutes before your lunch and dinner. Grapefruit juice is a powerful weight loss remedy which contains flavonoids that will get rid of excess liquids in your body and defeat cellulite.
Note: the drink is not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. We suggest consulting a doctor before starting with the process.



 Craig BW, Brown R, Ever hart J. from US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health observed that weight lifting or strength training can induce growth hormone and testosterone release, regardless of age, but that the elderly response does not equal that of the young.
Chaos training exercising   is performing intermittent weight training repetitions to the point that muscles are exhausted enough that   they can’t be moved though this happens fleetingly.
This form of training is closely linked to increased production of growth hormones  as well as testosterone in the body.
When five normal male volunteers performed two intermittent weight lifting exercises of equal total external work output and duration (20 min)  the results suggested that intermittent weight lifting exercises  are determinant factors in the regulation of plasma GH levels. More about Growth hormone responses during intermittent weight lifting exercise in men
The major aspects of Chaotic training are that exercises should be brief, sporadic, and intense performed with a high degree of determination. 
The best time to do these exercises is late evenings moments before bed.
Why is This Timing Perfect ?
 ~  After performing these exercises, you will feel so exhausted – a recipe for REM sleep.
sleep researchers have predicted that sleep duration, total sleep time, and  slow wave sleep would be higher in physically fit individuals than those who are unfit and higher on nights following exercise.
 ~   If you are the type who goes to bed and struggle to get sleep, on the days you perform these exercises, sleep will not be a problem.
 ~   In fact, usually when you exercise, you  fall asleep faster, have deeper sleep, wake up less often, and feel less tired during the day.
 ~   This prediction is based on the “compensatory” position, which suggests that “draining  daytime activity (like  exercise) would most likely result in a compensatory increase in the need for  nighttime sleep, thereby facilitating recuperative, restorative and/or energy conservation processes .
 ~   Your body recovers more efficiently when sleeping than when you are awake.
 ~   Combine the need to recover your muscles and REM sleep. Both factors will force your body to release enough growth hormones.
 Such exercises may include a combination of 3- 5 exercises performed intermittently.
Exercises that involve many muscles such as sprints and the shoulder fly weight exercise will be efficient.
There is an inverse relationship between how intensely and how long one can exercise.
As a result, high intensity workouts are generally kept brief.
After a High Intensity workout, as with any workout, the body requires time to recover and produce the responses stimulated during the workout, so there is more emphasis on rest and recovery. So if you don’t space these exercises accordingly, less and less G.h will be released . This i found out after doing chaos training everyday and ending up in failure.
You may read more about Chaotic exercising including a set of exercises that is efficient, the appropriate spacing between these exercises and how they increase growth hormones production in the book



Organisms continuously face challenges as they grow and develop, and are equipped with an adaptive plasticity as the traits develop in response to the imposed conditions.leg lengthening with cycling, how to make legs longer with a stationary bike
In the same way, when you raise a bicycle seat and your legs stretch out to reach for the pedals the body will receive a communication that the legs reaching the pedals is a matter of survival. This will enable the legs to adapt to the environmental alteration over time. And that’s one of the ways cycling does increase height.
Since adaptation is a process, your body will take some time to adapt and the in



 Studies that evaluated the biochemical effect of stretching exercises showed that muscle length does increase during stretch application due to the viscoelastic properties of muscle.
Three muscle stretching techniques are frequently described in the literature: Static, Dynamic, and Pre-Contraction stretches.
The traditional and most common type is static stretching, where a specific positi



 Among humans, developmental modifications result from both natural and environmental factors or pressures like cultural practices. An example of the latter was the now illegal practice in China of tightly wrapping or binding the feet of young girls with cloth with the aim of hindering normal growth.
how to get longer legs
While this caused permanent, crippling malformation of the foot bones, it also resulted in extremely tiny feet which were considered attractive. Parents crippled their daughters with good intentions.
Small feet made them more attractive potential marriage partners for rich important men and save them from a life of drudgery.
What makes such developmental adjustments to parts of our bodies possible is the fact that humans have a high degree of physiological plasticity .
That is to say, we can be physically molded by our environment during the growing process thus we can make legs grow longer with the aid of environmental pressures.
This article will show you how to get longer  legs naturally during and after puberty by performing leg lengthening and stretching exercises . (how to make your legs longer)


Walking Jogging, and Running/ Sprinting
Sprinting lengthens bones naturally in two ways first, it increases micro fractures in the legs which may lead to bone growth in the process of healing if stretching is done with ankle weights or cycling.
Secondly, the entire body weight rests on our leg bones. If sprinting is done regularly it leads to an increase in bone mass since the bones will have to grow thicker to accommodate the stress applied on the legs when sprinting.
Its one exercise you can’t miss out if you wonder how to make your legs longer naturally or how to grow bones thicker after puberty.
Doing many kicks regularly is believed to increase the length in the legs. Side kick in air not so high and so low about shoulder height and repeat as many times every day.
The only challenge with this technique is it takes much longer to see results unless you are a kick boxer and it is part of your daily workout routine.
The very best stroke which will help you to make legs longer will be the breast stroke. The kicking action stretches your legs out while at the same time, you stretch out your torso as you float on water.
This is one exercise that i have used to grow over 3″ in my shin bones. For more about it, read Leg Lengthening With Cycling.
If you don’t have a  stationary bike , owning one will be an obvious thing to do for the best and quick results. First, it will save you the recurring gym costs and second it will ease your work out program since having a stationary bike at home allows you to conveniently cycle any time and day you feel like without worrying about trips to the gym.
If you wonder how to get long legs, its one exercise i highly recommend. Elevate your seat a few Centimeters than the level you cycle comfortably and when you get comfortable or used to the new height, you keep raising the seat and there will be no reason your legs don’t adapt to the rise in the bicycle seat.
Jumping and Skipping Rope.
Attempt doing this exercise by jumping with both legs at the same and land on the bottom of your feet parallel to the ground. The idea is to stamp the feet on the ground so that your leg bones grow stronger and thicker.
The more often you perform this exercise and the more the number of times you skip the more likely you will succeed when it comes to making your legs longer.
Inversion Table/Hanging
To perform this exercise, you must have an  Inversion Therapy Tablehow to get long legs. If you don’t have an inversion table you can substitute it by fastening your ankle on a hanging strap and then hang upside down.
An effective inversion table and ankle weights routine can be found in the ebook belowhow to get long legs
The concept here it to stretch your lower body bones, i.e, your knee cap/ cartilage and thigh joints in order to make the cartilages between the bones grow in length thus it is a perfect way to lengthen the cartilage in the knees.
This workout also has a great added advantage. Besides increasing your height for  the lower body, this exercise also elongates the spine as you are hang upside down with gravity force.
The longer you hang, the greater will be the results.
In fact, Inversion is considered as the ultimate Stretching exercise for increasing height naturally.
Perform the Workout at least 3 times a week to make legs longer. Other wise, even every day is fine. Once completed, kicking your legs will enable your knee cartilage to grow. 3 times a week with as may hours as you can afford will do but the longer the better.
Using Ankle Weights
Adjustable Ankle Weights  will lengthen the legs through stretching and lengthening the cartilage between your knees. It may  also lengthen the shin bones if used immediately after sprinting or jogging  since sprinting/jogging creates micro-fractures and ankle weights can elongate the fractures which leads to bone lengthening as the micro fractures heal.
so, it’s another great method if you wonder how to grow your shin. The downside of this exercise is the numbness in the feet which may prevent you from sticking them on for long thus constantly massaging the feet every couple of minutes is required to keep blood flowing into the feet.
That’s the reason why it’s not easy to do this exercise while sleeping at night. Thus it’s recommended to do it during day. Sit on a high chair or lay on a bed high enough to allow the feet hang freely and use an Ankle weight fastener to add weights to your ankle.
Start with small weights and gradually increase as you progress, stretching your legs down freely with the weights. Someone sent me this message after registering some success with ankle weights……
“After 3 weeks of ankle weights routine, i gained 2mm in knee caps. 1hr in morning and 1hr before sleep is what i did.”
If you haven’t come across any success stories with ankle weights, check this out …… http://tinyurl.com/nqt8va9

Thursday 9 March 2017



Release of human growth hormone (HGH) has been shown to occur during normal undisturbed sleep. Before going any further, we need to better understand sleep and that it takes place in  stages.
 Stage One
We first get a period of day dreaming like as we are preparing to drift off,no wonder we taken off by surprise as we reflect or think about some thing during the first minutes of sleep.
If you meditate, this is the stage of sleep you find your self in a seemingly rest full state. Research has shown that the average sleeper takes about 7 minutes to fall asleep though you may fall asleep sooner, or take longer.
Stage Two
This stage may last about 20 minutes . The brain produces short periods of rapid, rhythmic brain wave activity and Body temperature begins dropping and heart rate starts slowing down.
Stage Three
Deep, slow brain waves known as Delta Waves begin to emerge during this stage. It is a transitional period between light sleep and a very deep sleep.
Stage Four
deep sleep that lasts about 30 minutes. bed-wetting typically happens at the end of this Stage of sleep.
Most dreaming occurs during REM sleep increased respiration rate and increased brain activity. Dreaming occurs because of increased brain activity, but voluntary muscles like in your arms and legs become paralyzed (hope you have experienced night mares where you shout but your voice can not come out or you can’t escape).
The muscles of heart and gut are involuntary thus they move on their own and they continue moving during this stage of sleep. We typically enter REM approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep. The first cycle of REM often lasts only a short amount of time, but each cycle becomes longer.
This is why we need long periods of sleep each night. If we get short periods of sleep, we can’t really get through all the stages we need in order to heal and stay healthy.
A study with blood sampling at 30-s intervals has shown that maximal Growth Hormone release occurs within minutes of the onset of Slow Wave sleep (often referred to as deep sleep, consisting of stage 3 and 4 of non-rapid eye movement sleep, according to the Rechtschaffen & Kales).
It’s however imperative to note that commercially available hypnotics tend to inhibit, rather than increase, SW sleep and do not stimulate GH release.
Growth hormone instructs your skeletal bones to grow larger and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats into energy.