
Tuesday 22 May 2018

Food Is Medicine: 20 Natural Painkillers Inside Your Kitchen

Food Is Medicine: 20 Natural Painkillers Inside Your Kitchen

Believe it or not, you could have an entire kitchen full of natural painkillers. Excluding junk food and most processed products, food IS medicine.
Read below to learn how you can live without NSAIDs, reflux medication, and treat/prevent common infections without expensive medications or side effects
Here are 20 natural pain killers “hiding” in your kitchen.

1. Coffee for Migraines

Most migraine medication contains a small amount of anhydrous (powdered) caffeine.
But there are benefits to the regular liquid version: the National Headache foundation recommends chasing your OTC migraine medication with 12 ounces of very strong coffee. Why? Caffeine boosts absorption of medication in the stomach lining, increasing the effectiveness of your medication by 40% or more.

2. Honey for canker and cold sores

Honey has amazing antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
According to research performed at the Dubai Specialized Medical Center in the United Arab Emirates, unpasteurized honey heals cold sores and canker sores 43% faster than
prescription creams. Apply a dab of honey four times daily at the onset of the sore.

3. Water for any injury

There’s a reason you’re put on a continuous IV during surgeries and hospital stays: water heals.
No matter what type of injury, inflammation, or illness you’re fighting, simply keeping yourself hydrated will make a big difference. Experts recommend eight 8-oz (or five 12-oz) glasses of water daily to kick-start the healing process.
Water helps keep the cartilage, discs, and lubricating fluids between your bones well-hydrated, ensuring your bones can move smoothly without pain.
Water also helps dilute and flush out inflammatory compounds – such as histamines – that injury produces, lowering swelling and pain caused by inflammation.

4. Horseradish for sinus problems

Horseradish is shown to increase blood flow to your sinus cavities, which will encourage drainage and open up your sinuses. It’s also more effective than decongestant sprays: German research scientists found that one teaspoon of horseradish twice daily (either alone or in food) heals sinus infections faster than decongestants.

5. Peppermint for muscle pain

Naturopathic Doctor Mark Stengler recommends soaking in warm water three times weekly with 10 drops of peppermint essential oil.
The combination of warm water and peppermint is shown to ease muscle cramps 25% more effectively than OTC pain killers and – best of all – reduce the frequency of pain flair ups.

6. Pineapple for intestinal gas

Pineapple is jam-packed with proteolytic enzymes, which aid in breaking down certain gas-producing proteins in the stomach and small intestines.
Researchers at Stanford University found that one cup of pineapple daily helped relieve symptoms of painful gas and bloating within 72 hours.

7. Oats for endometrial pain

Endometriosis is extremely painful, but you could help get symptoms under control with a daily bowl of oatmeal.
Researchers found that women who incorporated oats into their diet for six months were able to reduce endometrial pain by as much as 60%. Oats are naturally gluten-free, so they lack the protein that triggers inflammation and pain in women with endometriosis.

8. Salt for ingrown toenails

Over six million Americans struggle with ingrown toenails every year. Warm foot baths with pure salt provide relief and kill the infections that accompany them.
Scientists at Stanford university found that soaking infected toenails in a salt/warm water mixture cures ingrown toenail infections in just 4 days.
You’ll need: one cup of water and one teaspoon of salt. Heat the mixture to the warmest temperature you can comfortably tolerate, and soak ingrown toes for 20 minutes, twice a day.

9. Ginger for muscle pain

Ginger contains a compound called gingerol, which are known to prevent the production of pain triggering hormones.
Danish researchers found that those who incorporated at least one teaspoon of dried ginger (or two teaspoons of chopped ginger) daily experienced up to 63% reduction in joint pain, muscle pain, swelling, and stiffness in just two months.

10. Clove for toothaches

Clove contains a compound called eugenol, which is a powerful natural anesthetic.
If you find you have a toothache and are unable to make it to the dentist, chew (gently) on a whole clove to relieve tooth pain and reduce gum inflammation for around two hours straight.

11. Apple Cider Vinegar for heartburn

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is amazing and its uses are quite literally countless, but did you know ACV can replace your heartburn medication?
Add one tablespoon of ACV to eight ounces of water and sip the mixture down before every meal, and your heartburn could be gone in as little as 24 hours.

12. Cherries for joint pain and headaches

Researchers at Michigan State University found that women who ate at twenty cherries daily were able to reduce and/or eliminated their joint pain, gout pain, and/or chronic headaches without non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs).
Cherries contain high amounts of anthocyanin, which are 10 times stronger than the leading NSAID OTC medications for reducing inflammation.

13. Fish for stomach problems

Fish are naturally high in EPA and DHA fatty acids, which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
In addition to reducing abdominal cramping, intestinal inflammation, and stomach pain, consuming 18 oz of fish weekly can improve the function of your entire GI tract.
Not all fish are created equal, so try to stick to salmon, trout, herring, mackerel, tuna, and sardines.

14. Turmeric for chronic pain

This popular East Asian Spice is proven to be three times more effective than the leading OTC and prescription NSAIDs (including naproxen).
Researchers at Cornell University also found that individuals with severe arthritis and fibromyalgia were able to reduce their pain levels by 50% by ingesting as little as 1/4 teaspoon daily.
This is because turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which prevents the production of pain-producing hormones.

15. Yogurt for PMS

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) affects up to 80% of women due to the hormonal fluctuations women experience during their menstrual cycle.
Scientists at Columbia University found that women who consumed two cups of yogurt daily experienced up to a 48% reduction in symptoms.
Yogurt is naturally high in calcium, which helps calm the nervous system and reduce the symptoms associated with hormone fluctuations.

16. Grapes for backache

A recent study at Ohio State University found that backache subjects who ate a heaping cupful of grapes every day experienced symptom relief and faster healing of back injuries.
Grapes help relax tight blood vessels, improving blood flow to damaged back tissue within hours of ingestion.

17. Garlic for earaches

To cure ear infections and relieve the pain associated with them, rub two drops of warm garlic oil into the affected ear twice daily for up to five days.
Researchers at the University of Mexico School of Medicine found that this treatment clears up ear infections faster than prescription medication.

18. Blueberries for bladder infections

Prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs)?
Researchers at Rutgers University found that you can reduce your risk of UTIs by 60% by eating one cup of blueberries every day. Blueberries are rich in tannins, a compound that prevents bacteria in the bladder from running amuck.

19. Flaxseed for breast pain

Flax is high in phytoestrogens, which help prevent the estrogen spikes known to trigger breast pain and soreness.
In a 12-week study, consuming 3 tablespoons of flaxseed (ground or whole) daily reduced breast soreness in 33% of women.

20. Tomato juice for leg cramps

Leg cramps affect more than 20% of the population, largely due to potassium deficiencies.
Researchers at UCLA found that sipping 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily helped reduce leg cramps in as little as 10 days.
Bonus: tomato juice speeds up recovery from physical activity as well.

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