
Friday 8 December 2017

3 Simple Tests You Can Do At Home To Predict How Long You’ll Live

3 Simple Tests You Can Do At Home To Predict How Long You’ll Live

Scientists and health professionals suggest that everyday activities may indicate your long-term health in a more affordable and convenient way than an MRI scan or a blood test.
These activities seem easy and unimportant, but become more difficult to accomplish as you age.
Completing the following tests will help you assess your current health and predict future health problems.
See how long you can stand on one leg without closing your eyes.
All you need to do is stand up, raise one leg behind you (bent at your knee) and maintain your balance for as long as possible.
Do it twice, timing yourself on each occasion, and calculate your average. 60 seconds or more is an indication of good health. 20 seconds or less may indicate future brain problems.
In fact, one study (1) found “that imbalance strongly correlates with the presence of tiny lesions, or microbleeds, in the brain, which can be there even when you’re otherwise feeling healthy. Over time these microbleeds can lead to serious issues such as stroke and dementia.” via Forbes
If you score 20 or bellow, it’s a good idea to  consult your doctor and nutritionist to see how you can improve your brain health.

2. Sit Down And Get Up Without Assistance

Sitting down and getting up may seem easy, but many people have difficulty accomplishing this simple task, especially without the use of their hands or knees.
Just try it yourself and see how you do. If you can’t get up or sit down on your own, you may be at a higher risk of premature death.
In a Brazilian study (2), 2002 men and women ages 51 to 80 were followed for an average of 6.3 years, and those who needed to use both hands and knees to get up and down (whether they were middle-aged or elderly) were almost seven times more likely to die within six years than those who could spring up and down without support.
“It is well known that aerobic fitness is strongly related to survival,” study author Claudio Gil Soares de Araújo, a professor at Gama Filho University in Rio de Janeiro, has said, “but our study also shows that maintaining high levels of body flexibility, muscle strength, and coordination also has a favorable influence on life expectancy.” via Prevention

3. Can You Touch Your Toes While Seated?

Touching your toes isn’t as easy at it looks.
By the time you’re 40 years old, it may even seem like a daunting task, but research is showing that flexibility may have a bigger role in health than we expect.
A provocative study published in the journal Heart and Circulatory Physiology (3) suggests that a less flexible body indicates arterial stiffening.
Supple arterial walls allow the blood to move freely through the body.
Stiff arteries require the heart to work much harder to force blood through the unyielding vessels.
Over time this could contribute to a greater risk for heart attack and stroke, warns Kenta Yamamoto, a researcher at North Texas and lead author of the study.
The result of this study was a clear correlation between inflexible bodies and inflexible arteries in subjects older than 40. via NewYorkTimes

How to Increase Your Lifespan

The common denominators of these three tests is flexibility, muscle strength and balance.
Although the first test assesses brain health, practicing balance-based low-intensity fitness like yoga would prove beneficial in strengthening the mind-body link and well as promoting overall health and fitness.
The second test assesses musculoskeletal fitness, which can be improved through bodyweight exercises and weight training.
Finally, regular stretching and pilates can help improve flexibility of your muscles and arteries, helping you reach those toes!
Just remember that longevity is the prize of living a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet, regular exercise and a good night’s sleep.

How to Heal Your Kidneys Naturally Using 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

How to Heal Your Kidneys Naturally Using 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda

There’s a lot of items in your kitchen that could easily replace those kept in your medicine cabinet.
Although you may already know about baking soda’s incredible uses, you’ve probably never heard of this one before: Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) can actually help your kidneys heal and function properly.

Kidneys And Baking Soda

Your endocrine system produces hormones and enzymes to help breakdown food into nutrients your body can absorb. It also signals your pancreas and kidneys to produce sodium bicarbonate, which plays a role in neutralizing acidity.
The pancreas is primarily responsible for the production of enzymes and bicarbonate necessary to neutralize acids produced during the normal digestion of food. This

Drink This 2-Ingredient Remedy Before Breakfast To Detox Your Fatty Liver

Drink This 2-Ingredient Remedy Before Breakfast To Detox Your Fatty Liver

Your liver filters your blood and eliminates any toxins it may contain. It also plays a role in metabolism and improving digestion.
A diet rich in fatty foods, refined sugars, food additives and excessive amounts of alcohol can put a strain on the liver, as it works overtime to protect the body from their harmful effects.
Prescription medication also goes through this organ and can lead to toxic build-up.
Thankfully, you can detox your liver with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice.

Why Take Olive Oil And Lemon Juice?

Olive Oil:
A poor diet can result in free fatty acid delivery to the liver and increased hepatic triglyceride (TG) accumulation and may result in fatty liver disease. Fatty Liver disease affects about 90 million Americans and is a major risk factor for diabetes, heart attacks, and even cancer.
Research published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology concluded that an  olive oil-rich diet protects against this disease by decreasing the accumulation of TGs in the liver and TG levels after meal.
Another study confirmed the benefits of extra-virgin olive oil against chronic liver injury. This is thanks to its antioxidant effects and its ability to regulate the function of liver cells and boost metabolism.
Lemon Juice:
Not only does lemon juice help detox the liver, it also helps protect the organ from damage. A study published by Indian researchers showed that hesperidin (a citrus bioflavonoid found in lemons) demonstrated the ability to protect the liver from toxic damage.

How To Take Lemon And Olive Oil

First thing in the morning, mix one tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of lemon juice in a small bowl and drink immediately.
This mixture should be consumed on an empty stomach before breakfast.
Detoxing your liver isn’t enough on it’s own, you also need to make a few lifestyle changes.
Liver health is maintained by abstaining from alcohol, eating fresh whole food and avoiding over-the-counter medication whenever possible.

4 Common Household Chores With Unexpected Health Benefits

4 Common Household Chores With Unexpected Health Benefits

There’s a reason why people with regular routines lead more productive lives. As they say: A tidy home makes a happy mind!
Although the following chores may seem annoying at times, they’re just one more way for you to improve your health.
You’ll be surprised at how big of an impact these little things can have!

1. Wash Your Dishes To Relieve Anxiety

People who cleaned their plates mindfully upped their feelings of inspiration by 25% and lowered their nervousness levels by 27%, according to study made by Florida State University’s psychology department.
The key here is to immerse yourself in the task. Don’t think about anything else other than washing the dishes. People who didn’t take a thoughtful approach to their dish washing did not experience the calming benefit. via TimeMagazine

2. Make Your Bed Every Morning To Boost Productivity

Your parents were right: Starting your day by making the bed can keep you productive and disciplined. Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, calls this “keystone habit”, one that has the power to inspire good behavior.
In his book, Duhigg notes that making your bed every morning is linked to better productivity, a greater sense of well-being, and stronger skills at sticking to a budget. via Today
Keeping your bedroom clean will also help your get a better night’s sleep, as reported by a National Sleep Foundation poll.
And since research shows that sleep is a core component of productivity, making your bed is certainly a habit worth adopting!

3. Tend A Garden To Treat Depression

In a Norwegian study, people diagnosed with depression and other mood-influencing illnesses spent six hours a week gardening; after a few months, half of the participants experienced a notable improvement in their depression symptoms. On top of that, their mood continued to improve in the 3 months following the study.
Doing a new activity and being outside in nature can certainly help, but there may be another factor strengthening these effects.
Christopher Lowry, PhD, a professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder, has injected mice with a common, harmless bacteria found in the soil to see how dirt can influence our mood.
He found that the mice experienced an increase in the “release and metabolism of serotonin in parts of the brain that control cognitive function and mood.” This dirt bacteria may very well hold the key to stronger immune systems and better mental health. via CNN

4. Share Chores To Have A Better Sex Life

When men perceived their contribution to household chores as fair, couples have more frequent and satisfying sex, according to a 2015 study from the University of Alberta.
“If a partner isn’t pulling their weight in housework, either one will have to pick up the slack, or the chores will remain undone. This will develop tension and bitterness in the relationship, which will transfer into the bedroom.” – Via via MedicalDaily
Sharing chores also helps reinforce partnership in the relationship. Couples may begin to feel more united in other goals and more trusting towards one another. After all, it’s the small things that set the foundation of a healthy relationship!

Put THIS Mixture Under Your Tongue Before Bed And NEVER Wake Up Tired Again!

Put THIS Mixture Under Your Tongue Before Bed And NEVER Wake Up Tired Again!

Sleep may be an everyday activity, but very few people give it much thought. Even those who suffer from sleep loss may think that’s it’s quite normal.
The truth is that sleep plays a big role in overall health, and getting too much or too little can have a huge impact on your well-being.  So is there a good sleep remedy to get you the right amount of sleep?

How Sleep Affects Your Health

Lack of sleep can have horrible repercussions on your health.
In 2011, the European Heart Journal’s (1) reviewed 15 medical studies involving almost 475,000 people and discovered that individuals with a shortened sleep cycles had a 48% increased risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease. They also found that these people were also at a 15% greater risk of developing or dying from stroke.
This is because sleep is your body’s recovery period.
In fact, better sleep can lead to (2):
  • Better sex life
  • Less pain
  • Lower risk of injury
  • Better mood
  • Improved weight control
  • Clearer thinking
  • Better memory
  • Stronger immunity

How To Get Proper Sleep

Sleep quality is directly linked to lifestyle habits and health. Distractions like cell phones, computers and televisions before bed has been proven to diminish sleep quality (3).
The key to a good night’s sleep is winding down and relaxing 30 minutes to an hour before bed. This can be done through yoga, a good book or a nice warm bath. There are many great ways to lull yourself into a restful night’s sleep.

Natural Sleep Remedy

This simple, two-ingredient recipe is your key to getting a great night’s sleep. It will help your body relax and regroup from the day, and prepare itself for the next morning.
  • 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt
  1. Mix these two ingredients together in a  small bowl.
  2. Store it in a glass jar, keeping it in a cool, dark place.
  3. To use, put a little bit of this mixture under your tongue before bed and let it dissolve naturally.

Why It Works

By the time you go to bed after your last meal, your body will have consumed half of your liver’s supply of glycogen. And because sleep is energy-driven, the more empty your glycogen stores the harder it will be to sleep.
Honey triggers a small spike in insulin levels, and insulin stimulates the release of tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin, which is then converted to melatonin (sleep hormone).
The combination of honey and salt increases serotonin, a key hormone in happiness and relaxation. Himalayan sea salt contains more than 80 minerals and elements that your body needs for different processes, aiding your body in recovering from the day.

High Doses of Vitamin C Selectively Kills Mutant Colorectal Cancer.....

High Doses of Vitamin C Selectively Kills Mutant Colorectal Cancer Cells And Impairs Tumor Growth

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States (1). It’s also one of the most aggressive and deadly, being the third cause of cancer deaths in the country (2).
Because of these numbers, researchers are being pressured to find new ways to cure patients suffering from the disease. This lead to the following discovery…

Vitamin C Kills Colorectal Cancer Cells

A preliminary study published last year showed that, “intravenous vitamin C (IVC) may improve quality of life, physical function, and toxicities associated with chemotherapy, including fatigue, nausea, insomnia, constipation, and depression. Case reports document several instances of tumor regression and long-term disease-free survival associated with use of IVC.”
And while the study did say that “more rigorous evidence is needed to conclusively demonstrate these effects.” It also, said that the “existing evidence is suggestive of a good safety profile and potentially important antitumor activity.”
And thanks to a new study published this year, researchers now have a better understanding of why this works (3).

How Vitamin C Kills Cancer And Impairs Tumor Growth

Around half of all colorectal cancer cases harbor mutations in the KRAS and BRAF genes, which means that the disease is more aggressive and doesn’t respond well to current therapies or chemotherapy.
The study from Harvard Medical School and The Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center found that high doses of vitamin C — roughly equivalent to the levels found in 300 oranges — impaired the growth of KRAS mutant and BRAF mutant colorectal tumors in cultured cells and mice.
In the oxygen-rich environment of human arteries, a fraction of vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, becomes oxidized and is transformed into a new compound called dehydroascorbic acid (DHA).
The study reveals that DHA acts as a Trojan horse. Once inside in a cancerous cell, natural antioxidants in the cell attempts to convert the DHA back to ascorbic acid; in the process, these vital antioxidants are depleted, and the cell dies from oxidative stress. via MedicalNewsToday
According to Tech Times, researchers noted the potentials of vitamin C in treating cancer, since regular therapies for cancer are not capable of targeting mutated cells.
The oxidative stress observed in the study and induced by large dose of vitamin C affected only cancerous cells, leaving healthy cells untouched.
“Our hope is that our study will inspire the scientific community to take a fresh look at this safe and inexpensive natural molecule and stimulate both basic and clinical research regarding vitamin C as a cancer therapy,” study co-author Jihye Yun said in a press release.

Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing......

Cooking With Canola Releases More Toxic Cancer-Causing Chemicals Than Any Other Type of Oil

Experts recommend frying foods in coconut or extra virgin olive oil as opposed to vegetable oils.
They even go so far as to say that using lard or butter poses fewer health risks than frying foods in safflower or corn oils.
This is because heating vegetable oils, especially at intense temperatures, releases toxic compounds known as aldehydes, which have been linked to illnesses including cancer, heart disease and dementia. via Telegraph

Cooking And Aldehydes

Aldehydes are created and emitted during deep frying at extreme temperatures.
A study conducted by the Environmental Engineering Department of the University of Dayton demonstrated that aldehydes are released when canola, olive, and extra virgin olive oil are heated at temperatures higher than 350°F.
In fact, Martin Grootveld, a professor of bioanalytical chemistry and chemical pathology, said that his research showed “a typical meal of fish and chips”, fried in vegetable oil, contained as much as 100 to 200 times more toxic aldehydes than the safe daily limit set by the World Health Organisation. via FoodMatters
The average recipe for deep frying calls for temperatures between 320°F and 375°F…

The Best Oils To Use

The experiment showed that coconut oil produced the lowest levels of aldehydes, while corn oil and safflower oil produced three times more aldehydes than butter (1).

What You Should Do Instead…

In the past individuals were told to opt for vegetable oils instead of animal fats due to their cholesterol clogging effects.
Through a great deal of in-depth study and analysis, it has been determined that this is only true of vegetable oils in their natural states, prior to heating.
The act of heating vegetable oils forces them to undergo chemical changes, which can lead to carcinoma, cardiac disorders, and negatively affect your cognitive abilities when ingested (2).
The best practices are using oils derived from animal fat, such as butter or ghee if high temperatures are required.
And use coconut or olive oil for recipes that don’t require extreme heat. But most importantly, eliminate most, if not all, fried foods from your diet.

3 Benefits of Almond Fresh – Vanilla Flavor

3 Benefits of Almond Fresh – Vanilla Flavor

Almond milk act as a good option for vegans and those who cannot drink dairy milk. And by now most people are opting for this healthy plant-based protein to keep their health in check and also as a replacement for the dairy product. Almond milk is considered as a superfood because of its rich source of nutritional benefits. It contains low fats as compared to regular dairy milk, and is loaded with high energy which makes it suitable for everyday consumption. Also, it provides the same amount of calcium as dairy milk which can help in building stronger bones and muscles.
LHF Almond Fresh brand offers one of the best vanilla almond milk, and here are three benefits you can gain by replacing your dairy milk with almond milk.
  • Taste with the goodness of health: Our vanilla almond milk is loaded with a hint of vanilla to give you the delicious flavor and the goodness of health at once. You can use the flavored milk in your cereals, smoothies, food recipes or drink it the way it is. It is filled with the power of protein, energy, calcium, potassium and all the essential nutrients your body needs every day.
  • Low in calories- As compared to regular milk, almond milk has fewer calories contain. If you wish to add a hint of vanilla in your breakfast cereals, then you should get your hands on our vanilla flavored Almond fresh.
  • Source of calcium- When you replace your regular dairy milk with Almond fresh, you can expect to get the same source of calcium from our flavored vanilla almond milk.

Three Advantages to Drinking Soy Milk

Three Advantages to Drinking Soy Milk

Soy milk is a pure plant-based protein made from soaking and grinding soy beans with water, and it is considered as a nutritious beverage because it contains essential protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Many people who are intolerant to dairy milk have started opting for soy milk drink. Apart from its nutritional benefits, Soy milk can also help in lowering cholesterol and maintaining weight gain. The rich source of protein and other essential minerals in soymilk act as a healthy supplement for those who cannot drink dairy milk. LHF soy milk brand offers one of the best soy milk, where we use advanced technology to extract soy milk from the best beans.
Here we highlight three advantages of drinking soy milk:
Heart Health: Since soy milk contains amino acid which is known for lowering cholesterol, it reduces the risk of heart health and other cardiovascular disease. Replace your regular milk with soy milk to improve your heart condition.
Obesity Control: Another advantage of drinking soy milk is its ability to control obesity and weight issue. The rich source of isoflavones in soy can help in lowering the risk of obesity and aid in reducing waist circumference. Since it has fewer calories as compared to regular dairy milk, it results in maintaining your weight.
Stronger Bones: For vegan and lactose intolerant people, the rich source of calcium and Vitamin D fortified in soy milk can help in strengthening the bones which can eventually reduce bone degradation. If you cannot drink regular cow’s milk for your calcium supplement, you can opt for soy milk and get the essential nutrients needed for stronger bones.
We are one of the best soy milk brands in India, and we offer five different flavors which you can choose from OriginalNaturalChocolateKesar Pista, and Malt. You can consume soy milk as a substitute for dairy milk, you can also use it in your coffee or tea, in breakfast cereals and for any food recipe which requires milk.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

The Toxic Food Additive In Bread You Didn’t Know You Were Eating…And How To Avoid It

The Toxic Food Additive In Bread You Didn’t Know You Were Eating…And How To Avoid It

The use of Potassium Bromate in the bread making process is wide spread within the United States; however, it has been banned in several other countries.
It is used to allow dough to rise further than normally possible while strengthening it. The IARC, or International Agency for Research on Cancer, has classified potassium bromate as being a possible carcinogenic risk to humans and placed it in the 2B carcinogen category.
Brazil; China; Canada; the United Kingdom; and European Union have all prohibited the use of this chemical compound. via TakePart

Potassium Bromate Uses

The practice of using potassium bromate was patented because it was found to dramatically speed up the mixing process as well as produce stronger dough and make bread whiter.

Here’s Why It Got Banned…

The Division of Toxicology at the National Institute of Hygienic Sciences in Tokyo, Japan revealed that potassium bromate does produce carcinogenic effects.
This study was the precursor for the banning of the chemical compound in countries spanning the globe. The United States is an exception and has issued only regulations for the commercial use of “bromated flour.”
California is the only state that regulates potassium bromate, requiring a Prop. 65-mandated warning label on food containing it. via LaTimes

The USDA Still Allows The Use Of Potassium Bromate

The USDA mandate says that enriched flour cannot contain more than 25 potassium bromate parts per billion in the finished product.
This may only be achieved by baking it above certain temperatures and for a specific amount of time.
If these are not strictly controlled, the product result may exceed this mandate and contain harmful quantities of this ingredient.
Today, many small and commercial bakeries voluntarily avoid using bromated flour. However, it’s still found in many fast food buns, pizza crusts and some flours, among other products.

Scientific Substantiation

Experiments were performed by the Environmental Carcinogenesis Division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in North Carolina to determine the carcinogenic effects of potassium bromate when used to disinfect drinking water through ozonation.
The results demonstrated risks for both kidney and thyroid cancer as well as the mesothelium and renal region within male subjects. The same study resulted in the following incidences:
  • Renal cell polyps developed around the 52nd week mark of administration within those fed increased doses.
  • Mesotheliomas were found at the same time mark of treatment on the serous membrane of the testes.
  • After the 78th week mark mesotheliomas developed in other areas and it is believed those in the testicular region metastasized to the new sites.
  • Thyroid follicular polyps developed in one subject as soon as the 26th week.

Avoid Potassium Bromate

The best method for eliminating this toxic ingredient from your diet is to read your food labels. Be on the lookout for the words “bromated flour” and “potassium bromate.”
In addition, here’s a list of 86 products containing potassium bromate that you should try to avoid:
Amello’s Italian Style Raspberry Drop Cookies
Amon’s Kosher Deep Dish Pizza
Busken, Tea Cookies
Canadian Home Style Pizza Cheesy Veggie
Canadian Home Style Pizza Fluffy & Cripsy
Caribbean Food Delights Mild Beef Patties
Chopsie’s Pizza Rolls
Dockside Classic Crab & Cheese Bites
Dockside Classics Crab Cakes
Dockside Classics Lobster Cakes
Fresh Daily Easter Bun
Fresh Daily Inc. Spice Fruit Bun
Fresh Daily Nutmeg Bread
Fresh Daily Round Spice Bun
Fried Garlic Sticks
Fried Sticks Palitos Lemon
Galletas Paloma Castilla Crackers
Giovanni’s Kaiser Italian Rolls
Golden Krust Fresh Traditional Style Whole
Golden Krust Hard Dough Bread
Golden Krust Jamaican Style Chicken Patties
Golden Krust Spice Bun
Goya Dough For Turnover Pastries
Harrington’s Amish Style Handmade Egg Noodles (2)
Home Like Hard Rolls
Hormel Bacon Egg & Cheese in Deli Bagel
Hormel Black Label Breakfast Sandwiches
Imperial Garden Pork Egg Rolls
J.T.M Chicken Philly Cheese Steak Kit 4 Complete Sandiwiches
J.T.M Meatball Sub Kit
J2 Broadway’s Gourmet Pizza
La Bayamesa Corn Muffins
La Bayamesa Pineapple Filled Pastry
La Fe Chicken Croquettes
La Fe Tropical Crackers
La Gustosa Tortelli With Cheese
La Rosa’s Hoagy Rolls
Larosa’s Meatballs
Lemon Spicy Sticks
Longo’s Pizza Crusts
Longo’s Sicilian Pizza Crust
Lucca’s Italian Rolls
Mary’s Bakery Guava Bread
Mary’s Bakery Sweet Bread
Minardi Round Bread
Minardi’s French Mini Bread
Murry’s French Toast Bites Cinnamon Blast
New York Flatbread Everything
New York Flatbread Sesame (2)
New York Flatbreads Garlic (2)
Palagonia 6 Mini Hero’s
Palagonia French Bread
Palagonia Italian Bread (2)
Palagonia Panino Italiano
Palagonia Rolls
Palagonia Sliced Heros
Palagonia Sliced Italian Bread
Pao Ge Milho Apple Cake
Pierino Jumbo Shells With Cheese
Pierino Manicotti With Cheese
Racine Bakery Pumpernickel
Racine Bakery Sunflower Rye Bread
Rico Original Discos, Dough For Turnover Pastries
Rico Original Grandes
Royal Caribbean Bakery Hard Dough Bread (2)
Scotto’s Gourmet Cookies
Sibstar Bread Farmers
Sibstar Bread White Wheat
Stern’s 100% Whole Wheat Bread
Super Cakes Milk Bread
Super Craft Milk Bread
Tastee Choice Chicken Parmigiana and Penne Pasta
Tastee Choice, Orange Chicken
Terranova Bakery Pane Di Casa
Terranova Bakery Plain Friselle
Terranova Bakery Wheat Bread
The Bakery Bacon Mini Pastries Kolacky Cream Cheese
Tony Luke’s Chicken Cheesesteak
Tony Luke’s Roast Pork Sandwiches
Triana Almond Cake
Triana Pineapple Cake
Tudor Bakery Biscotti Almond
We Are The Finest! Odessa White Bread
Weis Enriched Rolls Kaiser (2)
Weis French Toast Bites Cinnamon
Wheat Bran Bread

How To Treat Sugar Induced Fatty Liver Disease Using Green Tea And Turmeric

How To Treat Sugar Induced Fatty Liver Disease Using Green Tea And Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the healthiest spices in the world. It’s most active compound, curcumin, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antifungal, antibacterial and anticancer properties (1).

What Is Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease?

There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic fatty liver and nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFLD).
The first is caused by the over consumption of alcohol, whereas the second is likely caused by the over consumption of refined carbohydrates. NAFLD is associated with metabolic

10 Nutrients To Prevent Liver Damage Caused By Over-The-Counter Drugs

10 Nutrients To Prevent Liver Damage Caused By Over-The-Counter Drugs

The liver is a very important organ. One of its main tasks is to filter or break down anything you take into your body. It’s basically your body’s chemical processing plant.
That’s why, it shouldn’t come to you as a surprise that the number one cause of acute liver failure in America is caused by over-the-counter pills.
OTC meds such as Tylenol, Excedrin, NyQuil, Theraflu, and prescription painkillers like Vicoden and Percocet all contain acetaminophen.
This single ingredient is responsible for 80,000 emergency room visits, 26,000 hospitalizations, and around 500 deaths annually (1).

Acetaminophen Is a Liver Toxin

Acetaminophen consumption in the long-run is dangerous even in low doses. Those with liver conditions, such as hepatitis or fatty liver should avoid acetaminophen products completely. via WebMD
To make matters worse taking more than one pharmaceutical containing acetaminophen at the same time can lead to overdose.
One study has even determined that taking acetaminophen products even as directed can cause liver damage. With all the toxins we’re exposed to daily, your liver and kidneys don’t need the extra work.

How To Protect Your Liver

Acetaminophen depletes glutathione. If the amount of glutathione in your liver drops too rapidly, it can cause acute liver failure. Here’s a list of nutrients you should focus on to promote glutathione production:
  • milk thistle
  • sulfur-rich foods (cruciferous vegetables)
  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC supplements)
  • α-Lipoic Acid
  • methylation nutrients (vitamins B6, B9, B12, and biotin)
  • selenium (brazil nuts)
  • vitamin C & E
One last thing you can do to boost your body’s production of glutathione is to exercise regularly. As long as you don’t exercise to complete exhaustion, exercise acts as a minor stress on your body, boosts your immune system and improves your detoxification abilities. It is often said that “sitting is inflammatory” because inactivity raises your body’s production of inflammation generating compounds. Exercise helps to counteract that. via LiverDoctor

Toxic Buildup Leads To Weight Gain And Belly Fat. Try This Simple Detox Drink

Toxic Buildup Leads To Weight Gain And Belly Fat. Try This Simple Detox Drink

Do you easily put on weight despite eating healthy? Do you experience headaches, acne, depression, insomnia and fatigue on a regular basis?
If so, your body’s ability to take out the trash might be compromised.

Toxins Cause Weight Gain

Our bodies are constantly bombarded by environmental toxins. These dangerous chemicals can make their way into our bodies and disrupt our ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol (1).
Scientists at the CDC found that nearly every person they examined had a host of toxic chemicals stored in fatty tissue, including flame retardants and Bisphenol-A, a hormone-like substance found in plastics (2).
Many studies have shown that fat cells accumulate toxic chemicals faster than any other part in the body (3). One of the possible reasons why the body does this is to protect your internal organs.
In an interview with TheEcologist, Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton explains that one of the few things that can actually get rid of lower levels of chemicals in the body is vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
Detoxification is a healthy and natural way to help your body get rid of harmful toxins. Here’s a simple detox drink worth trying.

Detox Drink Recipe

  • 12 oz. Water
  • 1 tbsp. Honey
  • 2 tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 1/3 tsp. Turmeric (how turmeric helps the liver)
  • a dash of black pepper
Just mix everything together and drink daily!

The Worst 5 Phones To Carry On You If You Want To Avoid Cancer

The Worst 5 Phones To Carry On You If You Want To Avoid Cancer

Cell phones do a great job at connecting people. The problem is, they may be slowly poisoning us with every call (1).
As you probably already know, cell phones emit dangerous radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation (2). Our bodies absorb this radiation on a cellular level. This is turning out to be the cause of major health problems.
15-minutes of talking on a mobile phone a day is enough to influence the division of brain cells (3). Cell phone manufacturers have to respect strict SAR (specific absorption rate) guidelines. The current upper limit is 1.6 watts per kg. Some phones are dangerously close to this limit.
Here are the 5 phones with the highest radiation according to CNET:
  1. Huawei Vitria (SAR 1.49)
  2. Alcatel One touch Evolve (SAR 1.49)
  3. Motorola Moto E (SAR 1.5)
  4. Motorola Droid Ultra (SAR 1.54)
  5. Motorola Droid Maxx (SAR 1.54)
Children are at a higher risk for brain tumours from cell phone use. Their skull allows for a deeper penetration of radiation (4). Because they are introduced to technology so young, they have a much greater risk of cancer from cell phone use than adults (5). They also happen to be spending most of their time on the phone.
cell phone radiation
Texting is somewhat low-risk, but talking on the phone or simply keeping it in your pocket can greatly affect your health. In fact, cell phones have been known to cause pelvic tumour and infertility problems from prolonged pocket storage (2)

Tuesday 5 December 2017

How To Grow An Endless Supply of Ginger Indoors Using Nothing But a Container!

How To Grow An Endless Supply of Ginger Indoors Using Nothing But a Container!

Whether you have an upset stomach or a cold, drinking ginger tea can make all the difference. In fact, ginger has so many health benefits that it’s hard to list them all.
This small but powerful rhizome has been well researched for its medicinal properties against colds, sinus problems, fevers, morning sickness and nausea. It’s no wonder why people who drink ginger tea or use it in their meals often need to restock!
Fortunately, growing ginger in a container at home is easy.

Growing Ginger At Home Isn’t That Hard…

Step 1: Soak Your Ginger
Many ginger roots sold commercially are coated with a growth inhibitor, which prevent them from sprouting in the grocery store (even organic ones).
So, your first step after buying your ginger is to let it soak in water for 24 hours before slicing it up to plant.
Step 2: Look For Growth Buds
Look for pieces with well developed “eyes” or growth buds. (The buds look like little horns at the end of a piece or “finger”).
ginger bud
The indentations on the surface of the root is where the sprout will grow.
If the ginger you have doesn’t have any, you can even encourage them to do so by leaving them near a windowsill before you plant. (This just takes a few days)
Step 3: Choose a Wide Container
Because ginger’s roots grow horizontally, the width of your container will be more important than the depth. Once you’ve decided on what kind of container you’ll use, proceed to filling it with a rich potting soil that will drain well.
Step 4: Plant Your Ginger
Select pieces of the ginger knob that have “eyes” on them. Place the piece of ginger with the eyes facing up into the soil, and cover with about and inch and a half of soil.

How To Care For Your Ginger Plant

Place your ginger plant in indirect sunlight, somewhat warm. No wind or direct sun. This is why ginger makes such a great indoor grower. Soil should be damp at all times but not soggy, so water regularly. You can probably get a couple roots to grow nicely in a single twelve-inch container; they can grow to around 2 feet tall indoors. via OrganicHealthAlliance
After about eight months, your ginger plant will be mature. At that point, you can separate the rhizomes by pulling off a section of the plant including a piece of the rhizome. Transplanting is as easy as setting that rhizome into a new container of soil. Ginger is an easy root to share with a friend.

How To Harvest Ginger

Although the ginger plant may take many months to mature, you can harvest ginger when the plant is three or four months old.
When you push away the soil from around the rhizome, you’ll notice that ginger rhizomes look knobby. You will also see roots reaching outward and downward from the rhizome. The rhizome is the edible portion of ginger. The roots can be cleaned off as you clean the rhizome to eat.
To enjoy a bit of ginger, simply uncover a piece of rhizome, and trim off one of the finger-like extensions. You can harvest ginger in this manner anytime you wish.
However, you may find that you love it so much that you’ll need more than one rhizome planted at a time. You can alternate snipping from your plants if you grow more than one.
Before you eat ginger, you should rinse it and peel the skin off with a potato peeler. Then, enjoy your ginger freshly sliced or grated.
Or, dry your ginger by slicing it paper thin and setting it on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in an oven or outside in a dry, sunny location.
Ginger may take several hours or several days to dry. When it’s completely dried, it can safely be stored in plastic bags.
You can also grate your dried ginger with a coffee grinder. Grated ginger is a delicious result of an easy gardening project! via GardeningChannel