
Tuesday 25 July 2017

9 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Baking Soda That You Should Definitely Know

9 Surprising Beauty Benefits of Baking Soda That You Should Definitely Know

Obtaining soft, smooth and healthy skin has been not only tough but challenging to achieve. Chemical content in a number of skin care products causes a number of skin problems. Natural products are now being used to improve hair and skin health naturally without causing any side-effects. Baking soda has recently been highlighted as an important natural product for skin.
Baking soda nourishes your skin and for this reason it has been used over decades. Baking soda effectively acts in skin care and it helps to exfoliate and brighten your skin helping improve your skin complexion. Baking soda

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

This is What Happens When You Put Cut Up Onions in Your Socks While You Sleep

The bottom of your feet are powerful and direct access points to internal organs in your body through what is known as meridians in Chinese medicine.  These meridians are pathways to each organ with your body. Some people say that meridians do not exist within the body or at the bottom of the feet. For those that understand Chinese medicine you may know that the meridian system is very closely correlated with the nervous system.
If you believe you have nerves and a nervous system, you believe you have meridians too, it’s basically the same thing when you interpret it and look at where the meridians are within the body.
The bottom of the feet have many different nerve endings, approximately 7,000 (basically meridians) that directly link to different organs within the body. They are very powerful electrical circuits within the body and are often dormant because we wear shoes and don’t get accupuncture done to help the

New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat

New 7-Day Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat

Lemon Health Benefits

Nutritionally, lemons are essentially 10 percent carbohydrates (sugars and fiber), 88-89 percent water and 1-2 percent protein and fat (mostly good polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 and 6 fats). They are also full of numerous vitamins and minerals, the most abundant being vitamin C. 1 lemon contains about 59 percent of your recommended daily intake of the vitamin (5). Vitamin C is an essential vitamin and potent antioxidant that is important for healthy immune function and skin health among other things (6,7).
The following health benefits of lemons result from its many vitamins and fiber this fruit offers, as well as a number of powerful plant compounds (8).

1. Improves Cardiovascular Health

The heart health benefits of lemons include lower risk of stroke and lower blood cholesterol levels (910). The essential oil of lemons also protects LDL (bad)

Mix One Ingredient With Orange Juice To Flush Toxic Buildup From The Lungs

Mix One Ingredient With Orange Juice To Flush Toxic Buildup From The Lungs

Mention tartar and some people might think you are talking about the ugly plaque dentists are always warning you about. But what is cream of tartar actually? It is a cooking ingredient found in most American kitchens and has many beneficial properties. And what does cream of tartar do? A lot more than you would imagine! Below are some interesting healthy benefits of cream of tartar.
Cream of tartar is an acidic natural by-product of winemaking. Also called potassium hydrogen tartrate, this white powder is most commonly used to stabilize egg whites when making meringue, to stiffen the peaks of whipped cream, to prevent the formation of sugar crystals, and to even reduce the

3-Ingredient Celery Juice To Quickly Detox Your Kidneys, Heart And Joints

3-Ingredient Celery Juice To Quickly Detox Your Kidneys, Heart And Joints

Detoxifying your body doesn’t stop at your liver, you also have to focus on tissues that accumulate heavy metals and acid build-up.
And since your kidneys filter the blood, it’s no wonder that they can really take a hit when you’re living a less than ideal lifestyle.
Other organs worth clearing up include the heart, joints and lungs.
To clear up your body and get a fresh start, try this 3-ingredient 3 minute smoothie for a healthy kidney detox.

Tropical Celery Kidney Kicker

Kick your detox into high gear with this delicious drink. Its high fiber content also

Monday 17 July 2017

This 2-Minute Detox Drink Helps You Burn Fat And Fight Diabetes

This 2-Minute Detox Drink Helps You Burn Fat And Fight Diabetes

Illnesses. Sometimes they’re easy to cure, other times not so much. That being said, having to deal with several health problems at the same time can be quite a challenge. But it’s doable.
The following detox drink can cleanse and rid the body of toxins. It naturally helps you heal by speeding up your metabolism, burning extra fat, lowering blood pressure and most importantly, fighting diabetes. If you think that it is too good to be true, then try it out yourself and experience the positive results.

Recipe for an Incredible Detox Drink:

  • Cinnamon- 1 teaspoon
  • Apple Cider Vinegar- 2 tablespoons
  • Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice- 2 tablespoons
  • Raw Honey- 1 tablespoon
  • 12 to 16 oz or one glass of water
Preparation and Consumption Method:
Simply add all the ingredients together in a blender and mix them well. Drink the mixture first thing in the morning before having breakfast. Since it takes approximately only 2 minutes to prepare, do not store the drink. Instead, make one each day after waking up for best results. Drink this for at least 3 months or longer.
Cinnamon is an excellent spice which is well-known for maintaining glucose level and improving insulin sensitivity in type II diabetic patients as stated in a study published in the ‘Proceedings of the Nutrition Society’ journal. It was found that after taking the Cr supplementation (a compound present in cinnamon); glucose, insulin, cholesterol and HbA1c levels were all improved in subjects with type II diabetes.
Apple Cider Vinegar can lower blood pressure when consumed daily as it contains acetic acid – a compound known to decrease blood pressure or hypertension. The antihypertensive effects of acetic acid and vinegar were proven in a study published in ‘Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry’ journal in which the spontaneously hypertensive rats showed significant decrease in blood pressure and rennin activity when given acetic acid or vinegar.
Lemon Juice is a good source of flavonoids which are known for their antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is the most abundant antioxidant in lemon. Since it contains antioxidants, lemon juice helps fight free radicals in the body, thus strengthening our immune system. The antioxidant properties of lemons are supported in this study which showed that the lemon flavonoids suppressed oxidative stress in diabetic rats.
Honey offers numerous benefits to our body due to the presence of a variety of nutrients from enzymes, minerals and vitamins to polyphenols. This was supported by an article published in the ‘Journal of the American College of Nutrition’. In short, honey contains many health components that favor good health.

What Happens When you Drink Apple Cider Vinegar And........

What Happens When you Drink Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey Water On An Empty Stomach In The Morning…

Drinking apple cider vinegar and honey water is strongly recommended for people who experience inflammation, problems with digestion, and pain in the muscles, joints or throat. All you have to do is to drink it every morning on an empty stomach.
Chronic illness can change your life. It robs you of your energy and health, and may even cause other health problems down the line. If you lead a stressful and fast-paced lifestyle while consuming large amounts of unhealthy foods and drinks, then keep on reading.
Unhealthy habits can cause your body to become acidic. A low pH level in your

Do Not Use Apple Cider Vinegar If You’re On Any Of These Medications

Do Not Use Apple Cider Vinegar If You’re On Any Of These Medications

Nothing exists in a vacuum. Our bodies are complex organisms that are constantly moving, with chemicals acting and interacting.
Sometimes substances work synergistically, bringing out the best in each other. Other times, they work antagonistically, making something that’s generally beneficial harmful instead.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) can be used to promote optimal health, from skin and hair to proper digestionand weight loss. It can even fight deadly inflammation, heal bruises, and even kill cancer.
When mixed with some pharmaceuticals, however, serious adverse reactions

People Go Crazy For This Recipe! It Heals Knee, Bone and Joint Pain

People Go Crazy For This Recipe! It Heals Knee, Bone and Joint Pain

Like any machine, over time our bodies wear down. Joints are especially susceptible to wear and tear because of the movement and pressure that are necessarily applied to them.
Joints are where two bones meet. They are connected with ligaments, tendons, and cartilage to each other and the surrounding muscles.
The knee joint is the largest in the human body. It handles a tremendous amount of stress as it allows lower body mobility while supporting the upper body. Over

Top 5 Warning Signs Of Kidney Damage You’re Ignoring

Top 5 Warning Signs Of Kidney Damage You’re Ignoring

The sooner you diagnose kidney damage, the more effective your treatment.
These little guys generally try to warn you of kidney damage before bigger health problems show up.
After all, kidneys are vital organs that are responsible for waste elimination. So when kidney functions aren’t working properly, toxins will accumulate within the body.
Here’s what you should look out for:

1. Lower Back Pain

Pain and discomfort in the lower back is one of the most common symptoms of poor kidney health.
The pain may begin on one or both sides; however, if left untreated, it will generally affect both sides within a short period of time.
This discomfort will ease, in some cases, whenever you urinate.

2. Urination Patterns

Another common warning signal is changes in urinary function such as an odd or unfamiliar odor, paler or darker appearance, and reduced or increased frequency.
Urine may suddenly become foamy or it may become painful to urinate.
If you experience any of these symptoms or discover blood in your pee, it is important to consult a professional immediately.
Generally speaking changes in urinary patterns are signals of acute kidney problems.

3. Swelling

When kidneys are not functioning properly and not eliminating waste from the body efficiently it can cause edema or swelling.
These fluids may accumulate in hands; feet; legs; ankles; and face. In extremely serious cases edema can develop in the lungs and heart

4. Skin Problems

Poorly functioning kidneys can allow toxins to build up and cause dryness, rashes, and serious itching.
There are a number of topical treatments, prescription, OTC, and natural ingredients that can help; however, these will not address the underlying condition.

5. Oxygen Failure

One of the vital functions of the kidneys is to produce erythropoietin which is important for the production oxygen carrying red blood cells.
The shortage of red blood cells in the body can result in anemia or iron deficiency.
Low iron levels can make individuals feel cold even in a warm environment as well as chronic weakness and fatigue.
Oxygen plays many major roles in the human body and when it is not properly transported through the various systems they all suffer.

How To Improve Kidney Health

  • Avoid Cadmium
  • Do Not Smoke
  • Drink Plenty of Healthy Fluids
  • Engage in Daily Physical Activity
  • Drink Cranberry Juice
  • Consume Herbal Teas – Juniper Berries; Horsetail; Goldenrod Blossoms;  Burdock Root;